- 英
- standing brace, standing orthosis
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- 1. 高齢者におけるリハビリテーションの概要:リハビリテーションのプログラム構成および環境overview of geriatric rehabilitation program components and settings for rehabilitation [show details]
… while an orthosis is an external device applied to the body to support or improve the function of that body segment/joint (eg, ankle foot orthosis,… Artificial limbs; Orthotics (ie, braces, splints) Reduce task demands: A raised toilet seat or bath bench, which reduce the effort required to rise to a standing position; A ramp…
- 2. 下肢ランニング障害の概要overview of running injuries of the lower extremity [show details]
… but the literature does not support many of these commonly held beliefs.… Begin your assessment by asking the injured runner to stand in front of you,… Orthotics appear to reduce the risk of some running-related lower extremity injuries : In a randomized trial of 400 military officer trainees, those provided with customized orthoses sustained…
- 3. 高齢者における高度後弯症の概要overview of hyperkyphosis in older persons [show details]
… any process that affects either supporting structure can lead to hyperkyphosis.… performance functional measurements, including walking speed , the timed get up and go test , and the standing from a chair test . Problems with daily functioning such as dressing oneself, cooking, and bathing … muscles . There are limited data showing benefit of other treatment options, including spinal orthosis, postural taping, pharmacologic therapies, and surgery. …
- 4. 脊髄髄膜瘤(二分脊椎):整形外科的問題myelomeningocele spina bifida orthopedic issues [show details]
… of sitting supports, spinal orthoses, and functional strengthening programs designed to improve sitting balance and functional independence . The goal of using an orthosis is to support the trunk… possibility. Surgery is typically performed around one year of age in order to facilitate brace wear, standing, and ambulation. Virtually all children with myelomeningocele have absent or limited sensation on …
- 5. 膝蓋大腿疼痛patellofemoral pain [show details]
… may orthotics, taping, or bracing if not previously done. If the compliant patient has not improved in three to six months of therapy, obtain an MRI or orthopedic consultation. Evidence supporting surgical… Patients may describe an audible "popping" or "creaking" often after standing following prolonged sitting,…
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- 英
- lumbosacral hip kneeankle foot orthosis
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- lumbosacral hip knee orthosis
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- 立位支持装具
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- standing position, erect position
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- orthosis (SOR), prosthesis, brace, prosthetic appliance
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- support、endorsement、support、favor、favour、underpin、endorse、bolster、sustentacular
- 関
- 援助、好む、支援、親切、担体、保証、補助、推奨、好意、補強、サポート、裏づけ、裏付け、裏書き、支える、支持的精神療法