- permanent; "a standing army"
- social or financial or professional status or reputation; "of equal standing"; "a member in good standing"
- the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position
- an ordered listing of scores or results showing the relative positions of competitors (individuals or teams) in a sporting event
- (of fluids) not moving or flowing; "mosquitoes breed in standing water"
- (of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs; "standing room only"
- executed in or initiated from a standing position; "race from a standing start"; "a standing jump"; "a standing ovation"
- having a supporting base; "a standing lamp"
- not created for a particular occasion; "a standing committee"
- 〈U〉〈C〉『身分』,地位;名声,評伴;立場 / 〈U〉継続,存続(duration) / 『立っている』,立ったままで行う / 動かない,止まった / 絶え間まなく続く,永続的な;固定した,いつもの;常備の,常設の
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- 1. 高齢者におけるリハビリテーションの概要:リハビリテーションのプログラム構成および環境overview of geriatric rehabilitation program components and settings for rehabilitation [show details]
…magnifiers; Artificial limbs; Orthotics (ie, braces, splints) Reduce task demands: A raised toilet seat or bath bench, which reduce the effort required to rise to a standing position; A ramp or elevator …
- 2. 下肢ランニング障害の概要overview of running injuries of the lower extremity [show details]
… Begin your assessment by asking the injured runner to stand in front of you,… Orthotics appear to reduce the risk of some running-related lower extremity injuries : In a randomized trial of 400 military officer trainees, those provided with customized orthoses sustained…
- 3. 高齢者における高度後弯症の概要overview of hyperkyphosis in older persons [show details]
… performance functional measurements, including walking speed , the timed get up and go test , and the standing from a chair test . Problems with daily functioning such as dressing oneself, cooking, and bathing … muscles . There are limited data showing benefit of other treatment options, including spinal orthosis, postural taping, pharmacologic therapies, and surgery. …
- 4. 脊髄髄膜瘤(二分脊椎)における整形外科的問題orthopedic issues in myelomeningocele spina bifida [show details]
… spinal orthoses, and functional strengthening programs designed to improve sitting balance and functional independence . The goal of using an orthosis is to support the… possibility. Surgery is typically performed around one year of age in order to facilitate brace wear, standing, and ambulation. Virtually all children with myelomeningocele have absent or limited sensation on …
- 5. 膝蓋大腿疼痛patellofemoral pain [show details]
… Patients may describe an audible "popping" or "creaking" often after standing following prolonged sitting,…treatment with orthotics, flat inserts, physical therapy, or orthotics plus physical therapy . Although there was a trend towards greater short-term improvement among patients treated with orthotics (relative…
English Journal
- Compliance with prescriptions for wheelchairs, walking aids, orthotics, and pressure-relieving devices in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury.
- Frasuńska J, Tederko P, Wojdasiewicz P, Mycielski J, Turczyn P, Tarnacka B.
- European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine. 2019 Dec;().
- The use of adaptive equipment (AE) is the basic indication for patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). Inappropriate decisions concerning the use of AE imply treatment results, patient confidence, and patient and state costs. The present study is the first analysis of the causes of non-compliance co
- PMID 31797659
- Orthotic care needs in a cohort of neurological rehabilitation inpatients.
- Young J, Moss C.
- Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology. 2019 Nov;()1-5.
- Array
- PMID 31746242
- Experimental platform to facilitate novel back brace development for the improvement of spine stability.
- Cooper L, Gullane A, Harvey J, Hills A, Zemura M, Martindale J, Rennie A, Cheneler D.
- Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering. 2019 Nov;22(15)1163-1173.
- The spine or 'back' has many functions including supporting our body frame whilst facilitating movement, protecting the spinal cord and nerves and acting as a shock absorber. In certain instances, individuals may develop conditions that not only cause back pain but also may require additional suppor
- PMID 31361152
Japanese Journal
- A semi-rigid thoracolumbar orthosis fitted immediately after spinal surgery : stabilizing effects and patient satisfaction
- Goto Tsuyoshi,Sakai Toshinori,Sugiura Kosuke,Manabe Hiroyuki,Tezuka Fumitake,Yamashita Kazuta,Takata Yoichiro,Katoh Shinsuke,Sairyo Koichi
- The Journal of Medical Investigation 66(3.4), 275-279, 2019
- … Purpose : To evaluate the stabilizing effects of a Fit Cure-Spine® semi-rigid thoracolumbar orthosis and wearer satisfaction after lumbar surgery. … Methods : In study 1, the spinal angle, spinal motion angle, and distribution of load were measured in 8 adult male volunteers when the orthosis was worn (1) with no custom-made stay (CMS), (2) with a CMS in the prone position (P-CMS), and (3) with a CMS in the prone position and decreased lordosis (DP-CMS). …
- NAID 130007732922
- Early effects of a knee-ankle-foot orthosis on static standing balance in people with subacute stroke
- Ota Tomohiro,Hashidate Hiroyuki,Shimizu Natsuki,Yatsunami Mitsunobu
- Journal of Physical Therapy Science 31(2), 127-131, 2019
- … [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to evaluate the early effects of a knee-ankle-foot orthosis on static standing balance in people with subacute stroke. …
- NAID 130007594336
- 短下肢装具装着側への側方体重移動量の変化が移動側足部周囲筋の筋活動に与える影響
- 松田 大哉,野口 翔平,清水 啓介,中道 哲朗,鈴木 俊明
- 関西理学療法 18(0), 64-69, 2018
- … They performed a lateral weight shift in the standing position to the right lower limb while wearing an AFO on the right foot, then repeated the process without one. …
- NAID 130007536137
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- SWASH is the first and only orthosis that ensures variable abduction during both extension and flexion to help children with cerebral palsy control scissor gait and sit independently. Indications ...
- Hybrid FES orthosis for standing up in paraplegia. 575-578. 論文発表場所 Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. Part 2 (of 3), Hamamatsu, Jpn, . Komiyama, Chifuyu Hybrid FES ...
- [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to evaluate the early effects of a knee-ankle-foot orthosis on static standing balance in people with subacute stroke. [Participants and Methods] Timed static standing balance in four standing
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- 英
- standing brace, standing orthosis
- 関
- eternal、immutable、invariable、invariant、stand、unabated、unaltered、unchanged、unchanging