- the fruit of a rose plant (同)rose hip, rosehip
- (architecture) the exterior angle formed by the junction of a sloping side and a sloping end of a roof
- the ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum (同)hip_joint, coxa, articulatio_coxae
- either side of the body below the waist and above the thigh
- the part of a trouser leg that provides the cloth covering for the knee
- hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella (同)knee_joint, human knee, articulatio genus, genu
- of or relating to or near the small of the back and the back part of the pelvis between the hips
- 『腰』[の一方の側],ヒップ / = hip joint
- 野バラの実
- (最新流行の思相・スタイルなどに)よく通じた《+『to』+『名』》
- 応援などの音頭をとるかけ声
- 『ひざ』,ひざがしら / (洋服の)ひざの部分;ひざのように曲がった物 / …‘を'ひざでける
- 《話》(あいさつとして)『やあ』,こんにちは / 《英》(注意を促す発声として)おい,ちょっと(hey)
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- 1. 下肢ランニング障害の概要overview of running injuries of the lower extremity [show details]
…Does the unsupported hip sag (ie, a positive Trendelenburg test)? A positive Trendelenburg test suggests weakness of the gluteus medius, a common finding in runners with hip and knee pain. Make note of foot …
- 2. 高齢者におけるリハビリテーションの概要:リハビリテーションのプログラム構成および環境overview of geriatric rehabilitation program components and settings for rehabilitation [show details]
… geriatric population include those for the knee (eg, knee sleeve, unloader knee braces), ankle foot orthoses for foot drop,… particular benefit, improving functional outcomes in multiple patient populations, including patients with hip fracture, acute pneumonia, or critical illness in the intensive care unit . Assistive technology and …
- 3. 膝蓋大腿疼痛patellofemoral pain [show details]
… rotation and flexion of the knee and hip. Limited evidence suggests that foot orthoses may be useful for symptom relief in some patients with PFP . Semirigid full length foot orthotics can help control excessive …
- 4. 脳性麻痺:痙縮、ジストニア、脳性麻痺に伴う筋骨格系疾患の治療cerebral palsy treatment of spasticity dystonia and associated orthopedic issues [show details]
… commonly used devices, but orthotics for the knee, hip, and hands can also be useful. Some braces are intended to be worn with specific activities, such as walking, using a gait trainer, or weight bearing … SDR is a surgical procedure that selectively divides parts of the dorsal lumbosacral roots of the spinal cord .…
- 5. 脊髄髄膜瘤(二分脊椎)における整形外科的問題orthopedic issues in myelomeningocele spina bifida [show details]
… often also require orthoses due to absent hip extensors and abductors, as well as ankle plantar- and dorsi-flexors. Often they require a knee-ankle-foot orthosis or an ankle-foot orthosis in order to maximize …
English Journal
- The influence of a thoracolumbosacral orthosis on gait performance in healthy adults during walking.
- VAN Criekinge T, Truijen S, Hallemans A, Saeys W.
- Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics. 2018 ;20(4)15-21.
- Since the thorax and pelvis are primary determinants of normal and pathological walking, it is important to know how gait performance is influenced when the trunk is constraint. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of a thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) on gait performance in he
- PMID 30892281
- Long-term outcomes of a dynamic ankle-foot orthosis on gait characteristics of a service member with incomplete nerve injury to the lower extremity: a case report.
- Presuto MM, Stickley CD, Perlsweig KA, Kimura IF, Antoine GM.
- Military medicine. 2013 Jul;178(7)e870-5.
- This case study reports a 5-year follow-up of a 32-year-old male service member who suffered polytrauma in 2007 following a Humvee rollover in Afghanistan. The service member's injured left lower extremity was salvaged, but severe damage to the lumbosacral plexus and significant injuries to the pelv
- PMID 23820369
- Characteristic gait kinematics in persons with lumbosacral myelomeningocele.
- Gutierrez EM, Bartonek A, Haglund-Akerlind Y, Saraste H.
- Gait & posture. 2003 Dec;18(3)170-7.
- Thirty self-ambulatory children with mid-lumbar to low-sacral myelomeningocele who walked without aids and 21 control children were evaluated by three-dimensional gait analysis. Characteristic kinematic patterns and parameters in the trunk, pelvis, hip, knee and ankle were analyzed with respect to g
- PMID 14667950
Related Links
- Core Fusion Lumbosacral Orthosis provides anterior,posterior and lateral support to the lumbosacral region of the spine by utilizing two Continuously Responsive Equalizing Support Technology System (C.R.E.S.T.) systems in one
- Core Wraptor Lumbosacral Orthosis provides anterior and posterior support to spine from the sacrococcygeal junction to the T-9 vertebra with the Continuously Responsive Equalizing Support Technology System (C.R.E.S.T
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- 英
- lumbosacral hip knee orthosis
- 関
- 立位支持装具
- 関
- lumbosacral region