- 関
- bolster、endorse、endorsement、favor、favour、support、underpin
- serving to sustain or support; "sustentacular cells"
- support materially or financially; "he does not support his natural children"; "The scholarship supported me when I was in college"
- financial resources provided to make some project possible; "the foundation provided support for the experiment" (同)financial support, funding, backing, financial backing
- the financial means whereby one lives; "each child was expected to pay for their keep"; "he applied to the state for support"; "he could no longer earn his own livelihood" (同)keep, livelihood, living, bread and butter, sustenance
- a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission; "they called for artillery support" (同)reinforcement, reenforcement
- the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening; "he leaned against the wall for support" (同)supporting
- aiding the cause or policy or interests of; "the president no longer has the support of his own party"; "they developed a scheme of mutual support"
- any device that bears the weight of another thing; "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf"
- supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation; "the statue stood on a marble support"
- the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities; "his support kept the family together"; "they gave him emotional support during difficult times"
- something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest; "the policy found little public support"; "his faith was all the support he needed"; "the team enjoyed the support of their fans"
- give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to; "She supported him during the illness"; "Her children always backed her up" (同)back_up
- play a subordinate role to (another performer); "Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act"
- treat gently or carefully (同)favour
- an act of gracious kindness (同)favour
- an advantage to the benefit of someone or something; "the outcome was in his favor" (同)favour
- a feeling of favorable regard (同)favour
- an inclination to approve; "that style is in favor this season" (同)favour
- consider as the favorite; "The local team was favored" (同)favour
- the act of endorsing; "a star athlete can make a lot of money from endorsements" (同)indorsement
- a signature that validates something; "the cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement" (同)indorsement
- a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of books); "the author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book" (同)indorsement, blurb
- support and strengthen; "bolster morale" (同)bolster up
- prop up with a pillow or bolster
- a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows (同)long pillow
- sign as evidence of legal transfer; "endorse cheques" (同)indorse
- …‘を'『支える』 / 〈家族など〉‘を'『養う』,扶養する / 〈人・主義など〉‘を'『支持する』,擁護する / (精神的に)〈人〉‘を'力づける;(金銭的に)〈人〉‘を'援助する / 〈見解など〉‘を'立証する,裏書きする / …‘に'耐える,がまんする / 〈U〉(…を)『支えること』,(…の)支持,援助《+of+名》 / 〈U〉(重さを支える)支柱,突っ張り / 〈C〉『扶養する人』;〈U〉生活費 / 〈U〉(精神的)支え,(経済的)援助
- 裏書き / 是認,承認,保証
- (円筒形の)長まくら / (一般に)まくら / …'を'支える
- 〈小切手・手形・証書など〉‘に'裏書きをする / 〈意見・提案など〉‘を'支持する,是認する,保証する
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English Journal
- Schuldt M1, Retamero JA, Tourné M, Nogales FF.Author information 11University of Granada, Granada, Spain.AbstractA rare case of ovarian paraganglioma was incidentally found as a 1.2-cm intraovarian mass in a 68-year-old hypertensive female operated for an endometrial carcinoma. Histologically, it was arranged in characteristic Zellballen composed of polygonal clear cells with a granular cytoplasm that expressed diffusely CAM5.2 cytokeratin, chromogranin, neuron-specific enolase, synaptophysin, and CD56, while S-100 protein was only present in sustentacular cells. We analyzed differential diagnoses with other rare ovarian tumors such as Sertoli cell tumor, with which it may share an immunophenotype expressing cytokeratins, S-100, and other neural markers, and extra-axial ependymoma, which invariably expresses diffusely GFAP, that may be positive only in the sustentacular cells of paraganglioma. However, on simple hematoxylin-eosin inspection, ovarian paraganglioma displays characteristic Zellballen clusters and cells with a granular cytoplasm but lacks the distinctive Sertoli cell tubules and the characteristic rosettes and fibrillary cytoplasm of ependymoma. Pathologists should be aware of the unusual locations of paraganglioma.
- International journal of surgical pathology.Int J Surg Pathol.2014 Mar 13. [Epub ahead of print]
- A rare case of ovarian paraganglioma was incidentally found as a 1.2-cm intraovarian mass in a 68-year-old hypertensive female operated for an endometrial carcinoma. Histologically, it was arranged in characteristic Zellballen composed of polygonal clear cells with a granular cytoplasm that expresse
- PMID 24626167
- Cellular properties and chemosensory responses of the human carotid body.
- Ortega-Sáenz P1, Pardal R, Levitsky K, Villadiego J, Muñoz-Manchado AB, Durán R, Bonilla-Henao V, Arias-Mayenco I, Sobrino V, Ordóñez A, Oliver M, Toledo-Aral JJ, López-Barneo J.Author information 1J. López-Barneo: Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS), Campus Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Avenida Manuel Siurot s/n, 41013 Seville, Spain. lbarneo@us.es.AbstractThe carotid body (CB) is the major peripheral arterial chemoreceptor in mammals that mediates the acute hyperventilatory response to hypoxia. The CB grows in response to sustained hypoxia and also participates in acclimatisation to chronic hypoxaemia. Knowledge of CB physiology at the cellular level has increased considerably in recent times thanks to studies performed on lower mammals, and rodents in particular. However, the functional characteristics of human CB cells remain practically unknown. Herein, we use tissue slices or enzymatically dispersed cells to determine the characteristics of human CB cells. The adult human CB parenchyma contains clusters of chemosensitive glomus (type I) and sustentacular (type II) cells as well as nestin-positive progenitor cells. This organ also expresses high levels of the dopaminotrophic glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). We found that GDNF production and the number of progenitor and glomus cells were preserved in the CBs of human subjects of advanced age. Moreover, glomus cells exhibited voltage-dependent Na(+), Ca(2+) and K(+) currents that were qualitatively similar to those reported in lower mammals. These cells responded to hypoxia with an external Ca(2+)-dependent increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) and quantal catecholamine secretion, as reported for other mammalian species. Interestingly, human glomus cells are also responsive to hypoglycaemia and together these two stimuli can potentiate each other's effects. The chemosensory responses of glomus cells are also preserved at an advanced age. These new data on the cellular and molecular physiology of the CB pave the way for future pathophysiological studies involving this organ in humans.
- The Journal of physiology.J Physiol.2013 Dec 15;591(Pt 24):6157-73. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2013.263657. Epub 2013 Oct 28.
- The carotid body (CB) is the major peripheral arterial chemoreceptor in mammals that mediates the acute hyperventilatory response to hypoxia. The CB grows in response to sustained hypoxia and also participates in acclimatisation to chronic hypoxaemia. Knowledge of CB physiology at the cellular level
- PMID 24167224
- Primary paraganglioma of thyroid gland: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of three cases with a review of the literature.
- Yu BH1, Sheng WQ, Wang J.Author information 1Department of Pathology, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032, China, yubh@shca.org.cn.AbstractThyroid paraganglioma is an extremely rare tumor and frequently mistaken for other thyroid neoplasms. Increased awareness of its potential presentation in thyroid and its characteristic features is essential for avoiding diagnostic and therapeutic pitfalls. We describe here three additional cases of primary thyroid paraganglioma and analyze their clinical findings and pathological characteristics. Patients included two women and one man presenting with asymptomatic thyroid nodules. Radiological examinations were nonspecific and none had been diagnosed correctly before surgery. On intraoperative frozen section consultation they were all misdiagnosed as carcinomas, either primary or metastatic. However, the permanent sections showed features consistent with paraganglioma. Of note, two cases displayed extension into adjacent thyroid tissues, one of which exhibited increased mitotic activity, confluent tumor necrosis and vascular invasion. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic chief cells expressed chromogranin, synaptophysin, neuron-specific enolase and CD56, whereas the sustentacular cells were highlighted by S100 protein. All three patients were well with normal hormone secretion, without local recurrence or distant metastasis at last follow-up (range 10-47 months). We further reviewed the literature to summarize the characteristics of this distinctive entity. Albeit being very rare, paraganglioma should be included in the differential diagnosis of hypervascular thyroidal neoplasms. Accurate diagnosis relies on the histopathogical findings and adjunctive immunohistochemcial studies. To date, all the reported cases have pursued a benign course. Although atypical features seem to have no association with clinical behavior, long time postoperative surveillance with biochemical screening of hormone secretion, cervical ultrasonography and whole-body CT scan is recommended.
- Head and neck pathology.Head Neck Pathol.2013 Dec;7(4):373-80. doi: 10.1007/s12105-013-0467-7. Epub 2013 Aug 13.
- Thyroid paraganglioma is an extremely rare tumor and frequently mistaken for other thyroid neoplasms. Increased awareness of its potential presentation in thyroid and its characteristic features is essential for avoiding diagnostic and therapeutic pitfalls. We describe here three additional cases of
- PMID 23943066
Japanese Journal
- 若月 昭子,西角 章,櫟原 新平 [他],李 昊哲,河田 了,栗栖 義賢,辻 求
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 106(3), 247-252, 2013
- … Scattered sustentacular cells were positive for S-100 protein. …
- NAID 130003374032
- Expression and localization of the cell adhesion molecule SgIGSF during regeneration of the olfactory epithelium in mice
- 若山 友彦,塚谷 才明,三輪 髙喜,古川 仭,井関 尚一,Iseki Shoichi
- Acta histochemica et cytochemica = Official Journal of the Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 40(1-6), 43-52, 2007
- … SgIGSF was expressed on the membrane of all olfactory, sustentacular and basal cells, but more abundantly in the apical portions of the olfactory epithelium where the dendrites of olfactory cells are in contact with sustentacular cells. …
- NAID 110006633413
- イヌ大動脈小体腫瘍の悪性診断における免疫組織化学的マーカーS-100とクロモグラニンA抗体の有用性(病理学)
- Aresu Luca,Tursi Massimiliano,Iussich Selina [他],ほか2名,VALENZA Federico
- The journal of veterinary medical science 68(11), 1229-1233, 2006-11-25
- 悪性腫瘍の特徴を明らかにするために,犬の大動脈小体腫瘍17例について病理組織学および免疫組織化学的検索を行った.筆者らは,免疫組織化学的マーカ一の組み合わせとして,ニューロン特異的エノラーゼ(NSE),クロモグラニンA(CrA)そしてS-100を利用して腫瘍を評価した.17例の中で,腫瘍細胞はNSEで100%,S-100で53%,CrAで47%陽性であった.支持細胞の密度と主細胞の染色強度は,共に …
- NAID 110005664049
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- 関
- adjunct、aid、assist、assistance、auxiliary、backup、bolster、carrier、endorse、endorsement、favor、favour、help、patronage、subsidiary、sustentacular、underpin
- 英
- support、endorsement、support、favor、favour、underpin、endorse、bolster、sustentacular
- 関
- 援助、好む、支援、親切、担体、保証、補助、推奨、好意、補強、サポート、裏づけ、裏付け、裏書き、支える、支持的精神療法
- 関
- assurance、assure、bolster、certify、endorsement、ensure、favor、favour、guarantee、insure、recommend、recommendation、security、support、sustentacular、underpin、warrant
- 関
- bolster、care for、courtesy、endorse、endorsement、favour、goodwill、kind、like、prefer、support、sustentacular、underpin
- vt.vi.
- (病人など)長枕で支える(up)。(弱い自信・所説など)支持/後援する、てこ入れをする、強める(up)。枕で打つ
- 関
- endorse, endorsement, favor, favour, support, sustentacular, underpin