- 英
- 関
- 援助、支援、支持、担体、補助、補強、サポート、裏づけ、裏付け
- support and strengthen; "bolster morale" (同)bolster up
- prop up with a pillow or bolster
- a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows (同)long pillow
- support materially or financially; "he does not support his natural children"; "The scholarship supported me when I was in college"
- financial resources provided to make some project possible; "the foundation provided support for the experiment" (同)financial support, funding, backing, financial backing
- the financial means whereby one lives; "each child was expected to pay for their keep"; "he applied to the state for support"; "he could no longer earn his own livelihood" (同)keep, livelihood, living, bread and butter, sustenance
- a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission; "they called for artillery support" (同)reinforcement, reenforcement
- the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening; "he leaned against the wall for support" (同)supporting
- aiding the cause or policy or interests of; "the president no longer has the support of his own party"; "they developed a scheme of mutual support"
- any device that bears the weight of another thing; "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf"
- supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation; "the statue stood on a marble support"
- the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities; "his support kept the family together"; "they gave him emotional support during difficult times"
- something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest; "the policy found little public support"; "his faith was all the support he needed"; "the team enjoyed the support of their fans"
- give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to; "She supported him during the illness"; "Her children always backed her up" (同)back_up
- play a subordinate role to (another performer); "Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act"
- support from beneath
- (円筒形の)長まくら / (一般に)まくら / …'を'支える
- …‘を'『支える』 / 〈家族など〉‘を'『養う』,扶養する / 〈人・主義など〉‘を'『支持する』,擁護する / (精神的に)〈人〉‘を'力づける;(金銭的に)〈人〉‘を'援助する / 〈見解など〉‘を'立証する,裏書きする / …‘に'耐える,がまんする / 〈U〉(…を)『支えること』,(…の)支持,援助《+of+名》 / 〈U〉(重さを支える)支柱,突っ張り / 〈C〉『扶養する人』;〈U〉生活費 / 〈U〉(精神的)支え,(経済的)援助
- (支柱・けたなどで)…‘を'下から支える,‘に'基礎(根拠)を与える《+名+with(by)+名》
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Japanese Journal
- 今野 晃(1970-)
- 東京女子大学社会学年報 3, 1-16, 20150302-00-00
- … しているのは,学生達の叛乱は個人個人の自然発生的な意識から引き起こされ,そしてその運動もそれを原理として展開された.しかし,この個人の意識に根拠を置いた運動は,そうであるが故に,それを支える社会基盤の問題を看過してしまった.そしてこの「社会的基盤の問題の看過」こそが,日本の学生達の運動と,それを分析する日本の社会学にも当てはまるのである.フランスでの六八年研究はこれまでの …
- NAID 120005601981
- 花田紀凱の血風取材日記(33)人知れず日本を支える人々
- CIO/データサイエンティスト・オブ・ザ・イヤー2015 大林組三輪氏、リクルート原田氏に : 戦略事業をITと分析で支える
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- 関
- adjunct、aid、assist、assistance、auxiliary、backup、bolster、carrier、endorse、endorsement、favor、favour、help、patronage、subsidiary、sustentacular、underpin
- 英
- support、endorsement、support、favor、favour、underpin、endorse、bolster、sustentacular
- 関
- 援助、好む、支援、親切、担体、保証、補助、推奨、好意、補強、サポート、裏づけ、裏付け、裏書き、支える、支持的精神療法
- 英
- assistance、adjunct、assist、support、auxiliary、adjunct、subsidiary
- 関
- 援助、支援、支持、担体、補助剤、補助的、付属物、従属的、サポート、裏づけ、裏付け、支える
- 英
- help、aid、assistance、help、support、assist
- 関
- 支援、支持、助け、担体、手だて、ヘルプ、補助、役立つ、助ける、サポート、助成、裏づけ、裏付け、支える
- 英
- support、backup、patronage、support
- 関
- 援助、支持、奨励、担体、補助、サポート、バックアップ、裏づけ、裏付け、支える