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- 1. 帝王切開の再施行repeat cesarean delivery [show details]
…between undergoing a repeat cesarean or a trial of labor. Issues specific to repeat cesarean delivery will be discussed here. Primary cesarean delivery, issues common to both primary and repeat cesareans, and …
- 2. 遺伝的変異の概要overview of genetic variation [show details]
…silent. An extensive discussion of CNVs is presented elsewhere. Short tandem repeats (STRs) are sequences of two to six base pairs that repeat in tandem and are flanked by non-repetitive sequence. Genetic …
- 3. 成人の多発性硬化症の評価と診断evaluation and diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in adults [show details]
… include longitudinally extensive spinal cord lesions (three or more contiguous vertebral segments), conus medullaris lesions, and longitudinally extensive optic nerve lesions (eg,… swelling; Unequivocal hyperintensity on T2-weighted sequences that is visible in two planes (eg,… concomitant analysis of the serum – is the most important CSF study when determining a diagnosis of MS. Repeating the lumbar puncture and CSF analysis is suggested if clinical suspicion for MS is high but initial …
- 4. 房状血管腫、カポジ肉腫様血管腫、およびKasabach‐Merritt現象tufted angioma kaposiform hemangioendothelioma and the kasabach merritt phenomenon [show details]
… T1 weighted sequences typically show a poorly circumscribed soft tissue mass with soft tissue and dermal thickening and diffuse enhancement with gadolinium. T2 weighted sequences show a diffuse… discrete lobules of tightly packed capillaries (tufts) scattered in the dermis and sometimes in the subcutis in a so-called "cannonball" pattern .… resonance imaging, are helpful in distinguishing venous malformations from vascular tumors . In extensive venous malformations (multifocal or diffuse), localized intravascular clotting results in consumption …
- 5. 腫脹性エリテマトーデスtumid lupus erythematosus [show details]
… scattered neutrophils; no epidermal involvement or alteration of the dermoepidermal junction.… with individual injections into involved skin placed approximately 1 cm apart. Injections may be repeated every four weeks. Clinical improvement is expected within one to two treatments. If significant … The treatment regimens and precautions for antimalarial therapy for limited TLE and extensive TLE are similar.…
Related Links
- 長鎖散在反復配列 ( long interspersed nuclear element : LINE) を有するものと 短鎖散在反復配列 ( short interspersed nuclear element : SINE) を有するものとの、 2 種類に分けられます。 植物 では、これらも、多くのコピー数
- 反復配列多型解析法による腸管出血性大腸菌の遺伝子型別 掲載日:2020年03月23日 腸管出血性大腸菌の遺伝子型別とは 腸管出血性大腸菌(EHEC)感染症は、ベロ毒素を産生する、またはベロ毒素遺伝子を保有するEHECを原因とする ...
- CTVT細胞についてはすでに、MYC癌遺伝子の近くに挿入された広範囲散在反復配列(LINE-1)を隠しもっていることがわかっており、Murgiaらは、これがCTVT細胞の特徴であって、イヌそのものの遺伝的素因でないことを確認した。イヌ主要
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- 日
- 長い散在反復配列、長散在型反復配列、長い散在性反復配列、ライン、広範囲散在反復配列
- 英
- long interspersed nuclear element, long interspersed nucleotide element, long interspersed element, long interspersed repetitive elements, LINEs, long interspersed repeat sequences
- 関
- レトロトランスポゾン
- quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_interspersed_nucleotide_elements#LINEs
- Long interspersed nuclear elements[8] are a group of genetic elements that are found in large numbers in eukaryotic genomes. They are transcribed (or are the evolutionary remains of what was once transcribed) to an RNA using an RNA polymerase II promoter that resides inside the LINE. LINEs code for the enzyme reverse transcriptase, and many LINEs also code for an endonuclease (e.g. RNase H). The reverse transcriptase has a higher specificity for the LINE RNA than other RNA, and makes a DNA copy of the RNA that can be integrated into the genome at a new site.
- The 5' UTR contains the promoter sequence, while the 3' UTR contains a polyadenylation signal (AATAAA) and a poly-A tail.[10] Because LINEs move by copying themselves (instead of moving, like transposons do), they enlarge the genome. The human genome, for example, contains about 20,000-40,000 LINEs, which is roughly 21% of the genome.
- 英
- sequence、arrangement、array、constellation、arrange、sequential
- 関
- 協定、経時的、系列、結果、シークエンス、シーケンス、順序、準備、筋道、整列、取り計らう、配置、配列決定、連続、連続的、逐次、結果としての、時系列、並べる、アレイ、順次、整理
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++ ) {
$a['w'][$i] = $i+100;
$a['m'][$i] = 1;
for ( $i = 5 ; $i < 15 ; $i++ ) {
$a['w'][$i] = $i+100;
$a['m'][$i] = 2;
for ( $i = 15 ; $i < 20 ; $i++ ) {
$a['w'][$i] = $i+100;
$a['m'][$i] = 3;
$b = array_unique($a['w']); #配列 重複キー 消去
array(2) {
["w"]=> array(20)
[0]=> int(100) [1]=> int(101) [2]=> int(102) [3]=> int(103) [4]=> int(104) [5]=> int(100) [6]=> int(106) [7]=> int(107) [8]=> int(108) [9]=> int(109) [10]=> int(110) [11]=> int(111) [12]=> int(112) [13]=> int(113) [14]=> int(114) [15]=> int(100) [16]=> int(116) [17]=> int(117) [18]=> int(118) [19]=> int(119) }
["m"]=> array(20)
[0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(1) [2]=> int(1) [3]=> int(1) [4]=> int(1) [5]=> int(2) [6]=> int(2) [7]=> int(2) [8]=> int(2) [9]=> int(2) [10]=> int(2) [11]=> int(2) [12]=> int(2) [13]=> int(2) [14]=> int(2) [15]=> int(3) [16]=> int(3) [17]=> int(3) [18]=> int(3) [19]=> int(3) } }
array(18) {
[0]=> int(100) [1]=> int(101) [2]=> int(102) [3]=> int(103) [4]=> int(104) [6]=> int(106) [7]=> int(107) [8]=> int(108) [9]=> int(109) [10]=> int(110) [11]=> int(111) [12]=> int(112) [13]=> int(113) [14]=> int(114) [16]=> int(116) [17]=> int(117) [18]=> int(118) [19]=> int(119) }
- 配列のインデックスから、末尾にあるインデックス1つを取り除く。指定した変数の配列が空だった場合には、null が帰される。
- 1. +演算子。同じキーを上書きする。
- 2. array_push(array, array)とすると、出力が array([0]->array, [1]->array)になる。
- 3. array_match(out_array, add_array)これでokだが、add_array = array();だとエラーが起こるので、適当なトラップが必要。 ← array_mergeの間違えでしょ?
$str = implode('/',$array);
- 英
- range、extent、area、reach、spectrum、spectra、scope、realm
- 関
- 及ぶ、機会、区域、限度、視野、スペクトラム、スペクトル、達する、地域、程度、到達、飛程、分野、領域、わたる、周波数域、レンジ、広がり、部域、面積
- 英
- wide、extensive、broad、widespread、ubiquitous、widely、extensively、ubiquitously
- 関
- 広汎性、詳細、示量性、大規模、広い、ブロード、遍在性、広く、広範に分布する、一様、ユビキタス、広汎
- 英
- dissemination、disseminate、intersperse、dispersed、interspersed
- 関
- 散らばった、転移、播種、汎発、分散、分散型、内転移
- 英
- massive、wide range、wide-ranging
- 関
- 塊状、強力、大量、大きい