- 関
- as of、at present、current、currently、now、present
- at this time or period; now; "he is presently our ambassador to the United Nations"; "currently they live in Connecticut" (同)currently
- used to preface a command or reproof or request; "now hear this!"; "now pay attention"
- the momentary present; "Now is a good time to do it"; "it worked up to right now"
- at the present moment; "goods now on sale"; "the now-aging dictator"; "they are now abroad"; "he is busy at present writing a new novel"; "it could happen any time now" (同)at_present
- (prefatory or transitional) indicates a change of subject or activity; "Now the next problem is..."
- in the historical present; at this point in the narration of a series of past events; "President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard"; "Washington now decides to cross the Delaware"; "the ship is now listing to port"
- in the immediate past; "told me just now"
- occurring in or belonging to the present time; "current events"; "the current topic"; "current negotiations"; "current psychoanalytic theories"; "the ships current position"
- a flow of electricity through a conductor; "the current was measured in amperes" (同)electric_current
- a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes); "the raft floated downstream on the current"; "he felt a stream of air"; "the hose ejected a stream of water" (同)stream
- temporal sense; intermediate between past and future; now existing or happening or in consideration; "the present leader"; "articles for present use"; "the present topic"; "the present system"; "present observations"
- the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech; "that is enough for the present"; "he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow" (同)nowadays
- something presented as a gift; "his tie was a present from his wife"
- a verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking (同)present_tense
- introduce; "This poses an interesting question" (同)pose
- bring forward and present to the mind; "We presented the arguments to him"; "We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason" (同)represent, lay_out
- hand over formally (同)submit
- being or existing in a specified place; "the murderer is present in this room"; "present at the wedding"; "present at the creation"
- formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.
- 『やがて,まもなく』 / 《おもに米》現在,目下(at present)
- 『今』,現在は / 《しばしばrightを伴って》『ただちに』,すぐに / (物語の中などで)そのとき / 現状では,今はもう / 《しばしばthatを伴って》『今や』…『なのだから』 / 『現在』,今 / 《話題の転換・慰め,非難・命令・懇願などの調子を込めて》『さて』,ところで,さあ
- 『通用している』,流通している,一般に行われている / 『今の』,『現在の』 / 〈C〉(水・空気などの)『流れ』,流動 / 〈C〉〈U〉電流 / 〈C〉(…の)『流れ』,『風潮』,動向《+『of』+『名』》
- 現在は;広く,一般に
- 《通例補語として,また名詞の後に用いて》(…に)『出席している,居合わせている』《+『at(in)』+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》)ある場所や物の中などに)『ある』,含まれている《+『in』+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(心・記憶に)ある,浮かんでいる《+『in』+『名』》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》現在の,今の;当面の差し当たっての / 《the~》『現在』,今 / 〈U〉〈C〉(文法で)現在時制;現在形
- 〈C〉『贈り物』,『プレゼント』(gift) / 〈U〉《the+》ささげ銃(つつ)の姿勢 / 〈贈り物・賞など〉‘を'『象る』,柄呈する;〈人〉‘に'贈る / (…に)〈勘定書・小切手・書類など〉‘を'『提出する』,渡す《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)…‘を'出して見せる,示す《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)〈人〉‘を'『紹介する』,引き合わせる(introduce)《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈作品〉‘を'公開する;〈劇・映画など〉‘を'上演(映)する;〈人〉‘を'出演させる / 〈事が〉(…に)…‘を'示す,…‘を'原因となる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈銃〉‘を'ささげ銃(つつ)にする
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English Journal
- Dopamine is a safe antiangiogenic drug which can also prevent 5-fluorouracil induced neutropenia.
- Sarkar C1, Chakroborty D1, Dasgupta PS2, Basu S1,3.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2015 Aug 1;137(3):744-9. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29414. Epub 2015 Jan 7.
- The role of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) in tumor angiogenesis is well established and accordingly, molecules targeting VEGFA or its receptors are being presently used in the clinics for treatment of several types of cancer. However, these antiangiogenic agents are expensive and have
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- A miRNA Signature in Human Cord Blood Stem and Progenitor Cells as Potential Biomarker of Specific Acute Myeloid Leukemia Subtypes.
- Cattaneo M1, Pelosi E, Castelli G, Cerio AM, D Angiò A, Porretti L, Rebulla P, Pavesi L, Russo G, Giordano A, Turri J, Cicconi L, Lo-Coco F, Testa U, Biunno I.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2015 Aug;230(8):1770-80. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24876.
- MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of several cellular processes. During hematopoiesis, specific expression signatures have been reported in different blood cell lineages and stages of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation. Here we explored the expression of miRNAs in umbilical cord
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- Long-term effects of early adolescent stress: dysregulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and central corticotropin releasing factor receptor 1 expression in adult male rats.
- Li C1, Liu Y1, Yin S1, Lu C1, Liu D1, Jiang H1, Pan F2.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2015 Jul 15;288:39-49. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2015.04.007. Epub 2015 Apr 13.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a stress-related mental disorder caused by traumatic experiences. Studies have found that exposure to early stressful events is a risk factor for developing PTSD. However, a limited number of studies have explored the effects of traumatic stress in early adol
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- The effect of electronic cigarette advertising on intended use among college students.
- Trumbo CW1, Kim SJ2.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2015 Jul;46:77-81. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.03.005. Epub 2015 Mar 16.
- INTRODUCTION: . Aside from prohibiting health claims, there are presently no restrictions on electronic cigarette advertising in the U.S. Studies have shown college students have a positive view of e-cigarettes and use on campuses is increasing. The purpose of this study was to test if the appeal of
- PMID 25827334
Japanese Journal
- Kawasaki Goro,Ichikawa Yoko,Yoshitomi Izumi,Umeda Masahiro
- Fukuoka Acta Medica 106(5), 144-148, 2015-05-25
- … Presently, some Yusho patients complain of mouth dryness. …
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- 第80回東京女子医科大学学会総会シンポジウム「東京女子医大 小児医療の最前線!-"なおらない"から"なおる"へ-」Part 1 (2)こどもの心臓病のカテーテル治療
- 杉山 央
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 85(2), 44-49, 2015-04-25
- 心臓カテーテル治療の歴史は1966年Rashikindによる完全大血管転位の乳児に心房中隔裂開術を開発したことから始まるそれ以降、動脈管開存に対するカテーテル治療を始め多くのカテーテル治療法が開発されて臨床に用いられるようになってきている。こどものカテーテル治療の特徴として、(1)カテーテル治療のみで根治性がある手技、(2)手術との組み合わせで治療をする補助的な役割を担う手技、(3)心臓術後の遺残 …
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- 大学院拡充政策のゆくえ : 今どこに立ち,次にどこに向かうのか? <論考>
- 藤村 正司
- 大学論集 (47), 57-72, 2015-03
- … The purpose of this paper is to examine the issues of phenomenal enrollment expansion in postgraduate education and to clarify where we presently are. …
- NAID 120005606187
- Energy Security and Sustainability in Japan
- Barai Munim Kumar,Saha Bidyut Baran
- Evergreen : joint journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy 2(1), 49-56, 2015-03
- … Presently it consumes nearly 461 Mtoe of primary energy per year and is projected to consume so annually till 2040. …
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Related Links
- presently - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words, real example sentences, English grammar, usage notes and more in Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com - a free online ...
- Both senses 1b and 2 are flourishing in current English, but many commentators have objected to sense 2. Since this sense has been in continuous use since the 15th century, it is not clear why it is objectionable. Perhaps a note in the Oxford ...
- In a short time; soon: She will arrive presently. 2. Usage Problem At this time or period; now: He is presently staying with us. 3. Archaic At once; immediately. Usage Note: An original meaning of presently was "at the present time; currently.
Related Pictures

- 今(では)、現在(では)、目下(のところ)
- これまで(のところ)、現在まで
- (now that)いまや…だから、…である以上、(過去時制で)…したそのときに
- 関
- as of、at present、current、currently、immediately、present、presently、readily、soon
- 英
- present、current、at present、currently、presently、now、(idiom)as of
- 関
- 出席している、ある、現代、示す、贈呈、提出、提示、呈する、電流、流れ、発表、すぐに、今、時点、現時点
- 関
- as of、at present、contemporary、currently、flow、modern、now、present、present-day、presently、stream
- 関
- as of、current、currently、now、present、presently
- 関
- at present、current、currently、now、present、presently
- 聖職禄者推薦をする
- 武器を向ける
- (医)(胎児の一部が)子宮口に現れる、先進する。(症状が)現れる。(患者が)(病気で)診察を受けに来る(with)
- SLE may present with predominantly neurological or psychiatric features.
- (良い・悪いなどの)印象を与える、~のように見える、~な感じがする
- 関
- announce, announcement, as of, at present, certain, current, currently, demonstrate, depict, display, exhibit, exist, give, indicate, indicative, now, point out, pose, presentation, presently, publish, reflect, representation, representational, show, signify, some, submission, submit, suggest