左冠動脈主幹部, LMT
- toward or on the left; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the political party has moved left"
- a turn toward the side of the body that is on the north when the person is facing east; "take a left at the corner"
- the hand that is on the left side of the body; "jab with your left" (同)left_hand
- those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare (同)left wing
- location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east; "she stood on the left"
- intended for the left hand; "I rarely lose a left-hand glove" (同)left-hand
- being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north; "my left hand"; "left center field"; "the left bank of a river is bank on your left side when you are facing downstream"
- of or belonging to the political or intellectual left
- of force; of the greatest possible intensity; "by main strength"
- a principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage
- any very large body of (salt) water (同)briny
- the main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber (同)tree trunk, bole
- luggage consisting of a large strong case used when traveling or for storage
- informal terms for a mother (同)mama, mamma, mom, momma, mommy, mammy, mum, mummy
- leaveの過去・過去分詞
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『左の』,左方の / 《しばしばl-》(政治上の)左翼の,左派の,革新派の / 左に,左方に / 《通例 the ~》『左』,左方,左側 / 《しばしばthe L-》左翼の政党(団体),左派 / 〈U〉(野球で)左翼,レフト(left field);〈C〉左翼手(left fielder) / 〈C〉(ボクシングで)左手打ち
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『おもな,主要な』 / 〈C〉《通例複数形で》(水道・ガスなどの)本管;主電線;(鉄道の)本線,幹線 / 〈U〉《the~》《詩》大海,大海原(おおうなばら)
- (枝および根と区別して樹木の)『幹』 / (人・動物の)胴体 / 『トランク』旅行用箱型の大型かばん) / 象の鼻 / 《複数形で》(文泳などスポーツ競技用の)男子用パンツ,チランクス / 《米》(自動車後部の)荷物入れ,トランク(《英》boot) / =trunk line
- 《M-》《話》おかあちゃん(mamma)
- (水道・ガスなどが)本管から送られた,主電線からの
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English Journal
- Apical and Intermediate Anchors Without Fusion Improve Cobb Angle and Thoracic Kyphosis in Early-onset Scoliosis.
- Enercan M1, Kahraman S, Erturer E, Ozturk C, Hamzaoglu A.
- Clinical orthopaedics and related research.Clin Orthop Relat Res.2014 Dec;472(12):3902-8. doi: 10.1007/s11999-014-3815-3.
- BACKGROUND: The main goal of treatment in early-onset scoliosis is to obtain and maintain curve correction while simultaneously preserving spinal, trunk, and lung growth. This study introduces a new surgical strategy, called the modified growing rod technique, which allows spinal growth and lung dev
- PMID 25059852
- The effects of luminance, size, and duration of a visual line on apparent vertical while the head is being inclined in roll.
- Higashiyama A1, Murakami T.
- Attention, perception & psychophysics.Atten Percept Psychophys.2014 Oct 28. [Epub ahead of print]
- We determined orientation of a line that is seen to be vertical (i.e., apparent vertical) while the head is inclined with the trunk upright. In this condition, it has been documented that apparent vertical is independent of head orientation (i.e., orientation constancy) or is in a direction opposite
- PMID 25348583
- Catastrophic myocardial ischemia resulting from a left coronary artery anomaly with an origin in the right sinus of Valsalva.
- Takazawa I1, Kawahito K, Sugaya A, Yokota A, Hoshide S, Kario K, Misawa Y.
- General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2014 Oct 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- A congenital left coronary artery anomaly originating from the right aortic sinus is a rare congenital defect associated with the risk of sudden death in young individuals. In most cases, the proximal portion of the anomalous left coronary artery exists between the ascending aorta and pulmonary trun
- PMID 25281369
Japanese Journal
- Two cases of early occlusion of the internal thoracic artery graft after coronary bypass surgery
- 大塚 信一郎,稲葉 美紀,井上 友樹,新藤 英樹,田村 英俊
- Journal of the Japanese Coronary Association, 2013
- … Triple vessel disease was diagnosed from coronary angiography (CAG) results, and coronary bypass surgery was performed (the left and right internal thoracic arteries were anastomosed with the left anterior descending artery and left circumflex artery, respectively, and the gastroepiploic artery was anastomosed with the right coronary artery). … CAG performed after recurrence of exertional chest pain showed occlusion of both the left and right internal thoracic artery graft. …
- NAID 130002585962
- Sccessful coronary intervention combinig common guiding catheter in long guiding sheath
- 川本 浩禎,栗田 直幸,中村 淳
- Journal of the Japanese Coronary Association, 2013
- … A case was 57-year old man with hemodialysis, distal abdominal aorta obstruction, post right axilla bi-femoral bypasssurgery and left forearm shunts construction. … It was able to beapproached only from the right arm's brachial artery, but the high tortuousness and the high calcification wereobserved from the subclavian artery to the brachiocephalic trunk. …
- NAID 130002585934
Related Links
- 心臓を取り囲むようにして冠状に走っており、主に右冠動脈(Right coronary artery; RCA)、左冠動脈前下行枝(Left anterior ... 回旋枝(Left circumflex coronary artery; LCX)であり、特にLADとLCXに分かれる前の冠動脈を左冠動脈主幹部(Left main trunk; ...
- ページ5 / 9). <<前へ 1┃2┃3┃4┃5┃6┃7┃8┃9 次へ>>. 用 語 ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- coronary artery (M)
- ラ
- arteria coronaria
- 同
- 冠動脈
- 関
- 心臓
- 枝の命名法:http://www.m-junkanki.com/case_study/lecture7/CAGnameRCA.html。http://www.sakai-iin.com/image/CAG.pdf
- 1 proximal
- 2 middle
- 3 distal
- 4
- 4AV AV node artery 房室結節枝
- 4PD PD descending artery 後下行枝
- 5 left main trunk LMT 左主幹部
- 6 proximal 前下行枝の第一中隔枝(first major septal branch)まで
- 7 middle septal branch
- 8 dista
- 9 first diagonal branch D1 第1対角枝
- 10 second diagonal branch D2 第2対角枝
- 11 proximal 回旋枝から鈍縁枝まで
- 12 obtuse maginal branch OM 鈍縁枝
- 13 distal 鈍縁枝以遠で後房室間溝を走行するもの
- 14 posterolateral PL 側壁枝
- 15 posterior descending artery PD
- 洞房結節枝
- 右縁枝
- 後下行枝 = 後室間枝
- 房室結節枝
冠動脈の血流 (SPC.227)
- 冠動脈血からの酸素除去能は高い→酸素需要を上げるためには冠動脈血流量を増やすことによって達成可能
- 冠動脈血流量∝拡張期大動脈圧&拡張期の時間
- 冠動脈血流量∝(冠血管抵抗)-1
Localization of Myocardial Infarction
Anatomic Site
Lead with Abnormal ECG Complexes
Coronary Artery Most Often Responsible
V5-V6, I, aVL
V1-V2(tall R wave, not Q wave)
Blood Supply of the Conduction System
Conduction Pathway
Primary Arterial Supply
SA node
RCA (70%)
AV node
RCA (85%)
Bundle of His
Proximal portion
Distal portion
Left anterior fascicle
Left posterior fascicle
- 英
- left main coronary artery LMCA
- 同
- 左冠状動脈主幹部、left main trunk LMT
[show details]
左冠動脈主幹部 left main trunk
- 関
- cardinal、chief、chiefly、foremost、mainly、major、master、mostly、predominant、predominantly、primarily、primary、principal、principally
- 関
- leave
- 関
- truncal、truncus