- an offensive term for a Black nursemaid in the southern U.S.
- 『おかあちゃん』(mother)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/02/12 06:28:52」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
"Mammy" is a nickname for a mother, used in several English dialects, including Hiberno-English used in Ireland.
"Mammy" may refer to:
- Mammy archetype, a stereotype of a black woman, depicted as rotund, homely, and matronly
- Mammy's Boy, unfinished 1923 film with Al Jolson, directed by D. W. Griffith
- Mammy (1930 film), starring Al Jolson
- "My Mammy", a U.S. popular song, a huge hit for Al Jolson
- Mammy (Gone with the Wind), the O’Haras' outspoken housemaid in the film version of Gone with the Wind
- Mammy Two Shoes, a recurring character in MGM's Tom and Jerry cartoons, a heavy-set middle-aged black woman
- Mammy Yokum, a white hillbilly from the comic strip "Little Abner"
See also
- Mama and papa
- Mami (disambiguation)
- Mamie (disambiguation)
- Mummy (disambiguation)
English Journal
- Strong, female and Black: Stereotypes of African Caribbean women's body shape and their effects on clinical encounters.
- Andrews N, Greenfield S1, Drever W2, Redwood S3.
- Health (London, England : 1997).Health (London).2015 Jul 27. pii: 1363459315595847. [Epub ahead of print]
- The aim of this article is to explore how tendencies to stereotype minority ethnic groups intersect with lay discourses about them in ways that can reproduce cultural prejudices and reinforce inequalities in access to services and health outcomes. Drawing upon Black feminist and cultural studies lit
- PMID 26216895
- Childhood sexual abuse among university students in Tanzania.
- McCrann D1, Lalor K, Katabaro JK.
- Child abuse & neglect.Child Abuse Negl.2006 Dec;30(12):1343-51. Epub 2006 Nov 13.
- OBJECTIVES: There are no prevalence data for childhood sexual abuse among Tanzanian university students. This investigation addressed this paucity. The nature of sexual abuse was also investigated.METHOD: Participants (N=487) from a university in Tanzania completed a questionnaire which assessed abu
- PMID 17098285
- Colonizing images and diagnostic labels: oppressive mechanisms for African American women's health.
- Taylor JY1.
- ANS. Advances in nursing science.ANS Adv Nurs Sci.1999 Mar;21(3):32-45.
- The purpose of this article is to present colonizing images of African American women and describe how colonizing images and diagnostic labels function together to serve as oppressive mechanisms for African American women's health. The mammy, the matriarch, the welfare mother, the Jezebel, and the B
- PMID 10416855
Japanese Journal
- 授乳期における補整下着の衣服内気候と着用感に関する研究<数学・自然科学>
- 川端 博子,工藤 彩,生野 晴美
- 埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 61(1), 215-222, 2012-3
- … Then, under the experimental condition of 28℃ and 60% humidity, micro-climate and comfort of bras were compared when female students as test subjects worn nursing bras with mammy pads in a dry state and also in a wet state by infusing it with 4ml water. … We tested three types of mammy pads made of different materials: disposable pad, all cotton fabric pad, and all polyester fabric pad.(1) More than 10g mother’s milk was sometimes adhered to mammy pads in daily life. …
- NAID 120003959529
- 言葉もなく進み出て,私は両腕を差し出した--グラスゴーの黒人乳母への讃辞
- カラー・ラインへの挑戦 : チャールズ W. チェスナットのThe Wife of His Youthの編み方
- 中村 久男
- 言語文化 8(2), 261-284, 2005-12
- … For example, “The Wife of His Youth" is the story of the acceptance of the past, while the next one, “Her Virginia Mammy" is concerned with that of the rejection of the past. … Then, “Her Virginia Mammy" makes sharp contrast with “The Sheriff's Children." The former tells about “Miss Nobody, from Nowhere" who succeeds in passing. …
- NAID 110004323560
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