- 関
- chiefly、largely、main、mainly、major、predominant、predominantly、primarily、principally
- of the field of academic study in which one concentrates or specializes; "his major field was mathematics"
- a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain
- a university student who is studying a particular field as the principal subject; "she is a linguistics major"
- the principal field of study of a student at a university; "her major is linguistics"
- greater in number or size or amount; "a major portion (a majority) of the population"; "Ursa Major"; "a major portion of the winnings"
- greater in scope or effect; "a major contribution"; "a major improvement"; "a major break with tradition"; "a major misunderstanding"
- have as ones principal field of study; "She is majoring in linguistics"
- of a scale or mode; "major scales"; "the key of D major"
- of full legal age
- of greater importance or stature or rank; "a major artist"; "a major role"; "major highways"
- of greater seriousness or danger; "a major earthquake"; "a major hurricane"; "a major illness"
- of the elder of two boys with the same family name; "Jones major"
- of force; of the greatest possible intensity; "by main strength"
- a principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage
- any very large body of (salt) water (同)briny
- of primary import; "this is primarily a question of economics"; "it was in the first place a local matter" (同)in_the_first_place
- much greater in number or influence; "the patients are predominantly indigenous" (同)preponderantly
- on a large scale; "the sketch was so largely drawn that you could see it from the back row"
- in large part; mainly or chiefly; "These accounts are largely inactive" (同)mostly, for the most part
- very; "a most welcome relief"
- used to form the superlative; "the king cobra is the most dangerous snake" (同)to the highest degree
- (superlative of `many used with count nouns and often preceded by `the'
- the superlative of `much that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the; a quantifier meaning the greatest in amount or extent or degree; "made the most money he could"; "what attracts the most attention?"; "made the most of a bad deal"
- 『たいてい』,ほとんど;主として
- 『大きい』(『多い』)『ほうの』,いっそう重要な / (音階が)長調の,長音階の / 《英》《昔の学校で同姓または兄弟生徒を区別するために姓の後につけて》年長の,兄の / 《しばしばM-》陸軍(空軍)少佐 / 《米》専攻科目;専攻学生 / 《the majors》《米》=major leagues / (科目を)専攻する《+『in』+『名』》
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『おもな,主要な』 / 〈C〉《通例複数形で》(水道・ガスなどの)本管;主電線;(鉄道の)本線,幹線 / 〈U〉《the~》《詩》大海,大海原(おおうなばら)
- 『第一に』,主として,おもに(chiefly) / 最初に(originally)
- たいていは,主として
- 『主として』,大部分 / 多量に,豊富に,気前よく
- 《the ~》(数・量・程度などが)『最も多い』,最高の,最大の / 《theをつけないで》『たいていの』,大概の / 《the ~》《単数扱い》『最大数』(量),最高額,最大限度 / 《theをつけないで》(…の)『大部分』,大多数《+『of』+『名』》 / 『最も多く』,いちばん / 《形容詞・副詞の最上級を作って》『最も』 / 《theをつけないで》はなはだ,非常に / 《米話》ほとんど(almost, nearly)
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Japanese Journal
- Alexithymia and reduced white matter integrity in schizophrenia: A diffusion tensor imaging study on impaired emotional self-awareness.
- Kubota Manabu,Miyata Jun,Sasamoto Akihiko,Kawada Ryosaku,Fujimoto Shinsuke,Tanaka Yusuke,Sawamoto Nobukatsu,Fukuyama Hidenao,Takahashi Hidehiko,Murai Toshiya
- Schizophrenia research 141(2-3), 137-143, 2012-11
- … In the patient group only, FA was negatively correlated with the TAS-20 total score in the corpus callosum, mostly the left part of the superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi, the inferior occipito-frontal fasciculus, the anterior and posterior thalamic radiation, and the precuneus white matter. …
- NAID 120004874003
- 村上 弘
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング] 2012-HPC-136(16), 1-9, 2012-09-26
- 固有値問題をフィルタ対角化法で解く際に,フィルタの極に近接や一致する固有値がある場合には,フィルタからの出力ベクトルのほとんどをそのような (共鳴する) 固有値の固有ベクトルが占める.その反面,それ以外の (共鳴しない) 固有ベクトルは,出力ベクトルに含まれる割合が相対的に微小になるので,数値丸めの影響を受けて含まれている情報の有効精度が低下してしまう.その結果,フィルタの出力ベクトルから得られる …
- NAID 110009453382
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- 関
- cardinal、chief、chiefly、foremost、in itself、main、mainly、major、master、mostly、original、originally、predominant、predominantly、primary、principal、principally、proper
- 優勢な、有力な、支配的な。すぐれた、卓越した。広く行われる。
- 関
- chiefly、dominance、dominant、dominantly、main、mainly、major、mostly、predominance、predominantly、predominately、preponderance、prevailing、primarily、principally
- 関
- cardinal、chief、chiefly、foremost、main、mainly、master、mostly、predominant、predominantly、primarily、primary、principal、principally
- 関
- chiefly、dominance、dominant、dominantly、main、mainly、major、mostly、predominance、predominant、predominately、preponderance、prevailing、primarily、principally
- 英
- main、major、predominant、mainly、primarily、predominantly、principally、mostly、chiefly
- 関
- 一次的、主要、専攻、第一、本来、優勢、優性、大部分は、支配的、メジャー
- 関
- best