- =mama
- =mother
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/05/07 14:13:28」(JST)
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This article is about the comic strip. For other topics with similar names, see Mama (disambiguation).
Mell Lazarus's
Momma (November 22, 2009)
Momma is a popular American comic strip by Mell Lazarus with a long run over four decades since its October 26, 1970 debut. Initially distributed by the Publishers-Hall Syndicate, it is currently handled by Creators Syndicate and published in more than 400 newspapers worldwide.[1]
Although Lazarus based the character on his own mother, when he showed it to her, she thought the character was based on his aunt, exclaiming, “You caught Aunt Helen to a tee!”[1][2]
- 1 Characters and story
- 2 Books
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Characters and story
The central character is Sonya Hobbs, a short, widowed, opinionated senior citizen with a controlling, nagging personality. She has three grown children:
- Thomas, her oldest, is employed and happily married. As far as Momma is concerned, her son's wife Tina will never do anything for Thomas as properly as Momma can. Tina doesn't think too highly of Momma either.
- Francis, her middle child, a chronic and shameless slacker, is the single largest source of her exasperation. He has little interest in working and always looks for loopholes in work contracts. It suits him perfectly to sponge off her and sometimes other people, yet he cannot be bothered to lift a finger to help or to clean his own apartment. He has a single taste in women: airheads built and dressed rather provocatively. His friends with similar work ethics sometimes show up.
- Marylou, her youngest, has frequent relationship problems, particularly with her mother (as evidenced by her comment that she was living the comic strip Momma was talking about in the October 6, 2006 strip). She has a thing for losers and outcasts—the very types of men Momma loathes. She does not, however, favor the types of men Momma is determined she marry: well-educated and/or well-heeled.
While Momma constantly tries to make them feel insignificant without her, they consider her to be an emotional burden. Still, they love her in their own way as she loves them in turn. Momma has a variety of dream sequences, which include a homeless Francis holding a cup for donations. Other dream sequences include her late husband Jerome and herself at Heaven, awaiting entrance.[3]
Book collections include Momma (Dell, 1972) and The Momma Treasury.
- ^ a b Creators Syndicate: About
- ^ "Don Markstein's Toonopedia: Momma". 1970-10-26. Retrieved 2009-10-28.
- ^ GoComics
External links
- Momma at Creators Syndicate
Creators Syndicate Comics
Currently syndicated |
- Agnes
- Andy Capp
- Archie
- Ask Shagg
- Ballard Street
- B.C.
- The Barn
- Boo Crew
- Cafe Con Leche
- Chuckle Bros
- Daddy's Home
- Diamond Lil
- The Dinette Set
- Doodles
- Dog Eat Doug
- The Dogs of C-Kennel
- Flo & Friends
- Flare
- Flight Deck
- For Heaven's Sake
- Free Range
- Girls & Sports
- Heathcliff
- Herb and Jamaal
- Liberty Meadows
- The Meaning of Lila
- Momma
- Nest Heads
- Natural Selection
- On a Claire Day
- One Big Happy
- The Other Coast
- The Quigmans
- Rubes
- Rugrats
- Scary Gary
- Speed Bump
- State of the Union
- Strange Brew
- Thin Lines
- Wee Pals
- Winnie the Pooh
- The Wizard of Id
- Working It Out
- Zack Hill
English Journal
- "Big Momma Had Sugar, Imma Have It Too" Medical Fatalism and the Language of Faith Among African-American Women in Memphis.
- Hotz KG1.
- Journal of religion and health.J Relig Health.2015 Dec;54(6):2212-24. doi: 10.1007/s10943-014-9969-1.
- This essay offers a theological exploration of the relationship between medical fatalism and religious belonging among African-American women in Memphis. Drawing on the work of black and womanist theologians and on conversations with participants in a diabetes intervention program administered by a
- PMID 25338304
- A novel bone marrow stimulation technique augmented by administration of ultrapurified alginate gel enhances osteochondral repair in a rabbit model.
- Baba R1, Onodera T2, Momma D3,4, Matsuoka M5, Hontani K6, Elmorsy S7, Endo K8, Todoh M9, Tadano S10, Iwasaki N11.
- Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods.Tissue Eng Part C Methods.2015 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cartilage injuries are a common health problem resulting in the loss of daily activities. Bone marrow stimulation techniques, one of the surgical techniques for the cartilage injuries, are characterized by technical simplicity and less-invasiveness. However, they have been shown to result in fibrous
- PMID 26414601
- Comparison of genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicity among four radiotherapy modalities for prostate cancer: Conventional radiotherapy, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, and permanent iodine-125 implantation with or without external beam radiotherapy.
- Sutani S1, Ohashi T2, Sakayori M1, Kaneda T1, Yamashita S3, Momma T4, Hanada T1, Shiraishi Y1, Fukada J1, Oya M5, Shigematsu N1.
- Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.Radiother Oncol.2015 Aug 26. pii: S0167-8140(15)00444-2. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2015.08.019. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: To compare late genitourinary (GU) and gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity following different prostate cancer treatment modalities.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 1084 consecutive prostate cancer patients treated with conventional radiotherapy, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)
- PMID 26318662
Japanese Journal
- Purification of Dehydrin Protein from Buckwheat Seed (Fagopyrum esculentum cv. Kitawase)
- 1C43 マイクロピペット吸引法を用いたスフィンゴ糖脂質欠損マウス膝軟骨細胞の力学特性評価(OS2-4:細胞・分子のバイオメカニクス(4))
- P-35 林分収穫モデルに基づく木質バイオマス利用の持続可能評価(システム,Poster Session 2)
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