- unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion; "free expansion"; "free oxygen"; "a free electron"
- people who are free; "the home of the free and the brave" (同)free people
- free from obligations or duties (同)discharge
- free or remove obstruction from; "free a path across the cluttered floor" (同)disengage
- grant freedom to; free from confinement (同)liberate, release, unloose, unloosen, loose
- not literal; "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem" (同)loose, liberal
- make (information) available for publication; "release the list with the names of the prisoners" (同)release
- able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint; "free enterprise"; "a free port"; "a free country"; "I have an hour free"; "free will"; "free of racism"; "feel free to stay as long as you wish"; "a free choice"
- not held in servitude; "after the Civil War he was a free man"
- not occupied or in use; "a free locker"; "a free lane"
- be very cold, below the freezing point; "It is freezing in Kalamazoo"
- prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government" (同)block, immobilize, immobilise
- the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid (同)freezing
- weather cold enough to cause freezing (同)frost
- stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it; "Suspend the aid to the war-torn country" (同)suspend
- anesthetize by cold
- be cold; "I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on"
- cause to freeze; "Freeze the leftover food"
- change to ice; "The water in the bowl froze"
- suddenly behave coldly and formally; "She froze when she saw her ex-husband"
- an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement; "a halt in the arms race"; "a nuclear freeze" (同)halt
- fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level; "a freeze on hiring"
- change from a liquid to a solid when cold; "Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit" (同)freeze out, freeze down
- stop moving or become immobilized; "When he saw the police car he froze" (同)stop dead
- sing with closed lips; "She hummed a melody"
- a humming noise; "the hum of distant traffic" (同)humming
- be noisy with activity; "This office is buzzing with activity" (同)buzz, seethe
- sound with a monotonous hum (同)thrum
- make a low continuous sound; "The refrigerator is humming"
- relating to a person; "the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human subjects"
- characteristic of humanity; "human nature"
- having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings; "human beings"; "the human body"; "human kindness"; "human frailty"
- not still wet; "the ink has dried"; "a face marked with dried tears"
- preserved by removing natural moisture; "dried beef"; "dried fruit"; "dehydrated eggs"; "shredded and desiccated coconut meat" (同)dehydrated, desiccated
- (束縛された状態になく)『自由な』,自由の身の / (国家・国民などが)『独立している』 / (思想・行為などが)強制されない,自発的な / (動作が)拘束されない,無理のない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(苦痛・制約などを)『免れている』,(誤り・偏見などの)ない《+『from』(『of』)+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》《『be free to』do》『自由に』…『できる』 / (仕事から)解放された,暇になった;(部屋などが)使用されていない,空いた / 『無料の』;無税の / 出し惜しみしない / 遠慮のない,慎みがない / (道路などが)障害のない,自由に通れる / 固定していない,離れた / 無料で / 自由に,妨げられずに(freely) / (…から)〈人・国など〉‘を'『自由にする』,解放する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (困難などから)〈人〉‘を'救う《+『名』+『form』+『名』》 / (障害などを)〈人・物〉‘から'取り除く《+『名』+『of』(『from』)+『名』》 / (物を)…‘から'片付ける,外す《+『名』+『of』+『名』》
- 『凍る』;冷凍される / 《『it』を主語にして》凍るほど寒い;《it・場所を主語にして》氷が張る / 〈体が〉凍える,《話》冷えきる / (恐怖・シヨックなどで)〈体などが〉こわばる,〈態度などが〉ぎごちなくなる;ぞっと(ぎょっと)する;〈気持ちなどが〉冷たくなる,ひんやりする / (霜などで)〈植物が〉枯れる / 〈物〉‘を'『凍らせる』,冷凍する / 〈人〉‘を'『凍えさせる』,凍死させる / …‘を'『ぞっとさせる』;〈体・態度など〉‘を'こわばらせる《+『名』+『up』,+『up』+『名』》 / 〈気持ちなど〉‘を'冷たくする / 〈物価など〉‘を'凍結する / 氷結,凍結状態 / (物価・賃金などの)凍結
- 〈ハチ・機械などが〉『ブンブンいう』,ブーンと鳴る / 『鼻歌を歌う』,ハミングスル / (ちゅうちょ・当惑で)ふむふむいう / 《話》〈雰囲気・事業などが〉活気がある,活発に動く;(…で)活気づく《+『with』+『名』》 / …‘を'『ハミングで歌う』,鼻歌を歌って…‘を'(ある状熊に)する / (ハチ・機械などの)『ブンブン』[『うなる音』];鼻歌 / (雑踏などの)ガヤガヤ]いう音],騒音 / ふ‐む,う‐ん(ちゅうちょ・当惑・黙考・疑惑・不快などの声)
- (動物・神に対して)『人間の』,人の / 『人間らいし』,人間的な,人情味のある / 〈C〉《複数形》(動物に怠して)人間(human being) / 〈U〉《the human》人類
- dryの過去・過去分詞 / 乾燥した
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English Journal
- An international reference reagent for the detection of RHD and SRY DNA in plasma.
- Metcalfe P1, Rigsby P, Tait E, Urbaniak S.
- Vox sanguinis.Vox Sang.2012 Apr;102(3):243-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1423-0410.2011.01543.x. Epub 2011 Oct 4.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The determination of foetal RHD genotype using foetal DNA contained in the maternal circulation is increasingly used to manage pregnancies at risk of haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn (HDFN) caused by maternal anti-D. The test is becoming increasingly reliable,
- PMID 21967131
- Comparative pharmacokinetics of liquid and lyophilized formulations of IV RhIG immune globulin.
- Sinclair CJ1, Brooks W, Genereux MG.
- Biologicals : journal of the International Association of Biological Standardization.Biologicals.2008 Jul;36(4):256-62. doi: 10.1016/j.biologicals.2008.02.003. Epub 2008 Apr 10.
- To compare the pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability of the liquid and lyophilized formulations of Rh(0)(D) immune globulin intravenous (human) (IV RhIG) administered intramuscularly (IM) and intravenously (IV). In 2 randomized, parallel arm, blinded, phase I studies, 142 healthy adult voluntee
- PMID 18406165
- A stable lyophilized reagent for use in a potential reference assay for quantitation of anti-D in immunoglobulin products.
- Thorpe SJ1, Fox B, Sands D.
- Biologicals : journal of the International Association of Biological Standardization.Biologicals.2002 Dec;30(4):315-21.
- Quality control of anti-D immunoglobulins intended for in vivo clinical use requires in vitro assay of potency. A lyophilized biotinylated monoclonal anti-D (biotinylated Brad-5; 99/698) has been evaluated for its suitability to serve as a working reagent in a competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay (
- PMID 12421589
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- 英
- freeze-dried human anti-D immunoglobulin
- 同
- 乾燥抗Rh0ヒト免疫グロブリン freeze-dried human anti-Rh0 immunoglobulin
- 商
- 抗Dグロブリン、抗D人免疫グロブリン
- 関
- ヒト免疫グロブリン
- 遊離の、遊離型の、自由な、無料の、フリーの、取り除く、(接尾辞的に用いて;~を)含まない
- 関
- ad lib、ad libitum、deprive、disengage、free form、free of charge、freedom、freely、liberate、liberation、obviate、omit、release、remove、strip、withdraw
- 関
- ape、hominid、Hominidae、homo、Homo sapiens、human being、human race、human-type、man、Pongidae
- 関
- freezing、frozen
- 関
- freeze、frozen