- do physical exercise; "She works out in the gym every day" (同)work_out
- give a workout to; "Some parents exercise their infants"; "My personal trainer works me hard"; "work ones muscles"; "this puzzle will exercise your mind" (同)work, work_out
- a task performed or problem solved in order to develop skill or understanding; "you must work the examples at the end of each chapter in the textbook" (同)example
- the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit; "the doctor recommended regular exercise"; "he did some exercising"; "the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit" (同)exercising, physical exercise, physical exertion, workout
- systematic training by multiple repetitions; "practice makes perfect" (同)practice, drill, practice session, recitation
- (usually plural) a ceremony that involves processions and speeches; "academic exercises"
- reason or establish by induction
- cause to arise; "induce a crisis" (同)bring_on
- produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes (同)induct
- cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa" (同)stimulate, cause, have, get, make
- cause to occur rapidly; "the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions" (同)stimulate, rush, hasten
- relying on or requiring a person or thing for support, supply, or what is needed; "dependent children"; "dependent on moisture"
- addicted to a drug (同)dependant, drug-addicted, hooked, strung-out
- contingent on something else (同)dependant, qualified
- (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence; "a subordinate (or dependent) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence" (同)subordinate
- any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue (同)nutrient
- anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking (同)food for thought, intellectual nourishment
- any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment; "food and drink" (同)solid food
- brought about or caused; not spontaneous; "a case of steroid-induced weakness"
- 〈U〉(身体の)『運動』;〈C〉体操 / 〈C〉(…の)『練習』,けいこ;練習問題《+『in』(『for』,『on』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉《the~》(精神力・能力などを)『働かせること』,(権力などの)行使《+『of』+『名』》 / 《しばしば複数形で》(軍の)演習;《米》式,式典 / 〈C〉礼拝,勤行 / 〈手足など,体の器官〉‘を'『働かせる』,動かす,訓練する / 〈人〉‘に'(…の)『訓練をさらる』,(…で)〈人〉‘を'鍛練する《+『名』〈人〉+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈精神力・能力など〉‘を'『働かせる』,〈権力など〉‘を'行使する / 《文》《受動態で》(…について)〈人〉‘を'悩ます,心配させる《+『名』〈人〉+『about』(『over』)+『名』》 / 練習する;運動する
- 〈人〉‘に'『勧めて』(…)『させる』 / …‘を'『引き起こす』,もたらす(cause) / 〈電気〉‘を'誘導する / …‘を'帰納する
- 『頼っている』,依存している,従属している / 扶養される人(家族)
- 〈U〉『食物』,栄養物 / 〈U〉(飲み物に対して)食べ物 / 〈C〉(特定の種類の)固形食品 / 〈U〉(動植物に)栄養を余えるもの / 〈U〉《比喩(ひゆ)的に》(心・精神の活動を刺激・奨励する)糧(かて);(思考・反省などの)資料
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English Journal
- Clinical presentations of food allergy.
- Mansoor DK, Sharma HP.SourceDivision of Allergy and Immunology, Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Children's National Medical Center, 111 Michigan Avenue, North West, Washington, DC 20010, USA.
- Pediatric clinics of North America.Pediatr Clin North Am.2011 Apr;58(2):315-26, ix.
- Food allergies are immune-mediated responses to food proteins. Because of?differences in the underlying immunologic mechanisms, there are varying clinical presentations of food allergy. This article discusses the manifestations of IgE-mediated disorders, including urticaria and angioedema, rhinocon
- PMID 21453804
Japanese Journal
- オレンジによる食物依存性運動誘発アナフィラキシーの1例
- 小野 倫太郎,本村 知華子,高松 伸枝,近藤 康人,赤峰 裕子,松崎 寛司,村上 洋子,網本 裕子,田場 直彦,本荘 哲,柴田 瑠美子,小田嶋 博
- アレルギー 64(2), 149-155, 2015-03-01
- … 症例は10歳女児.柑橘類を摂取後の運動負荷でアナフィラキシーを起したエピソードを3回認めた.柑橘類による食物依存性運動誘発アナフィラキシー(Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis : FDEIA)を疑い,負荷試験を行った.オレンジ摂取と運動負荷の組み合わせは陰性であったが,アスピリン内服とオレンジ摂取の組み合わせで眼瞼腫脹,喘鳴を認め,オ …
- NAID 110009917675
- 症例報告 オレンジによる食物依存性運動誘発アナフィラキシーの1例
- 食物依存性運動誘発アナフィラキシー誘発試験におけるアスピリンの有用性 (特集 アナフィラキシーの現状と診療の進歩)
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- 英
- food dependent exercise induced anaphylaxis
- 関
- アナフィラキシー
[show details]
- 1. [charged] Exercise-induced anaphylaxis: Clinical manifestations, epidemiology, and diagnosis - uptodate [1]
- 2. [charged] Exercise-induced anaphylaxis: Management and prognosis - uptodate [2]
- 誘発する、誘導する、誘起する、導入する、引き起こす
- 関
- cause、challenge、derivation、elicit、elicitation、evocation、evoke、guidance、induction、inductive、introduce、introduction、precipitate、provocation、provoke、spark
- 関
- depend、dependence、dependency、dependently
- hypercalcaemia induced pancreatitis 高カルシウム血症による膵炎