- 関
- adequate、adequately、ample、full、fully、richly、satisfactorily、sufficient、sufficiently
- as much as necessary; "Have I eaten enough?"; (`plenty is nonstandard) "Ive had plenty, thanks" (同)plenty
- an adequate quantity; a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose; "enough is as good as a feast"; "there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country" (同)sufficiency
- make (a garment) fuller by pleating or gathering
- having the normally expected amount; "gives full measure"; "gives good measure"; "a good mile from here" (同)good
- filled to satisfaction with food or drink; "a full stomach" (同)replete
- complete in extent or degree and in every particular; "a full game"; "a total eclipse"; "a total disaster" (同)total
- (of sound) having marked deepness and body; "full tones"; "a full voice"
- beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening; "full the cloth"
- containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing"
- about average; acceptable; "more than adequate as a secretary" (同)passable, fair to middling, tolerable
- sufficient for the purpose; "an adequate income"; "the food was adequate"; "a decent wage"; "enough food"; "food enough" (同)decent, enough
- having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task; "she had adequate training"; "her training was adequate"; "she was adequate to the job"; "he was equal to the task" (同)equal
- more than enough in size or scope or capacity; "had ample food for the party"; "an ample supply"
- affording an abundant supply; "had ample food for the party"; "copious provisions"; "food is plentiful"; "a plenteous grape harvest"; "a rich supply" (同)copious, plenteous, plentiful, rich
- fairly large; "a sizable fortune"; "an ample waistline"; "of ample proportions" (同)sizable, sizeable
- to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full in this sense is used as a combining form); "fully grown"; "he didnt fully understand"; "knew full well"; "full-grown"; "full-fledged" (同)to the full, full
- in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree; "he was adequately prepared"
- adequately good for the circumstances; "if its good enough for you its good enough for me"
- as supposed or expected; "sure enough, he asked her for money again"
- 『不足のない』,十分な / 『十分な量(数)』,足りる量 / 『十分に』(sufficiently) / 全く,すっかり / もうたくさんだ,やめてくれ(Stop!)
- 『いっぱいの』,満ちた / (数量が)『たくさんある』,たっぷりある / (程度・量・数などが)『完全な』 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》最大限の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》正式の,本格的な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…で)(腹・胸・頭が)いっぱいの(で)《+『of』+『名』》 / (形・体の一部が)ふっくらした,盛り上がった / (衣服などが)ゆったりしている / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(声・におい・色が)豊かな,濃い / まともに / 非常に(very) / 全部;十分;絶頂
- (要求・目的に)『十分な』 / かろうじて満足できる / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)『適した』,かなった《+『to』(『for』)+『名』》
- 広い,広々とした / 《数えられない名詞・複数名詞の前に用いて》『十分な』(enough),あり余るほどたくさんの(abundant) / ふくよかな,豊満な(full)
- 『十分に』,完全に / まるまる
- 適切に,十分に
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/10/19 16:54:33」(JST)
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Enough may refer to:
- Enough (film), a 2002 film starring Jennifer Lopez
- Enough Project, an organization founded by John Prendergast
In music:
- "Enough" (song), a song by Tarja Turunen
- "Enough", a song by Simply Red from A New Flame
- "Enough", a song by Cat Power from Myra Lee
- "Enough", a song by Chris Tomlin from Not to Us
- "Enough", a song by Disturbed from Indestructible
- "Enough", a song from the musical In the Heights
In other media:
- "Enough" (CSI: NY), an episode of the TV series
- "Enough", an episode of Tru Calling
- Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age, a 2003 book by Bill McKibben
See also[edit]
- "Enuff", a song by DJ Shadow
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- 関
- adequately、ample、appropriate、appropriately、apt、correct、enough、fit、fittingly、full、fully、germane、neatly、pertinent、proper、properly、reasonable、richly、satisfactorily、sufficient、sufficiently、suitable、suitably、suited、valid
- 関
- adequate、ample、appropriate、appropriately、apt、enough、fit、fittingly、full、fully、neatly、pertinent、proper、properly、reasonable、richly、satisfactorily、sufficient、sufficiently、suitably
- 関
- adequate、adequately、ample、enough、excellent、favorable、favorably、full、fully、pleasure、richly、satisfaction、satisfactory、satisfy、sufficient、sufficiently、well
- 関
- adequate、adequately、ample、complete、completely、enough、entirely、fully、integral、perfect、perfectly、replete、richly、satisfactorily、sufficient、sufficiently
- 英
- sufficient、full、adequate、enough、ample、sufficiently、fully、enough、adequately、satisfactorily、richly
- 関
- 完全、妥当、適切、適当、豊富、満足、良好、適した、満ちた、順調