- 関
- abundance、abundant、abundantly、affluent、ample、rich、richly
- existing in great number or quantity; "rhinoceroses were once plentiful here"
- very productive; "rich seams of coal"
- containing plenty of fat, or eggs, or sugar; "rich desserts"; "they kept gorging on rich foods"
- having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources); "blessed with a land rich in minerals"; "rich in ideas"; "rich with cultural interest"
- high in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air; "a rich vein of copper", "a rich gas mixture"
- of great worth or quality; "a rich collection of antiques"
- pleasantly full and mellow; "a rich tenor voice"
- possessing material wealth; "her father is extremely rich"; "many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles"
- suggestive of or characterized by great expense; "a rich display"
- more than enough in size or scope or capacity; "had ample food for the party"; "an ample supply"
- affording an abundant supply; "had ample food for the party"; "copious provisions"; "food is plentiful"; "a plenteous grape harvest"; "a rich supply" (同)copious, plenteous, plentiful, rich
- fairly large; "a sizable fortune"; "an ample waistline"; "of ample proportions" (同)sizable, sizeable
- the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply; "an age of abundance" (同)copiousness, teemingness
- (chemistry) the ratio of the total mass of an element in the earths crust to the total mass of the earths crust; expressed as a percentage or in parts per million
- (physics) the ratio of the number of atoms of a specific isotope of an element to the total number of isotopes present
- an affluent person; a person who is financially well off; "the so-called emerging affluents"
- having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value; "an affluent banker"; "a speculator flush with cash"; "not merely rich but loaded"; "moneyed aristocrats"; "wealthy corporations" (同)flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy
- in an abundant manner; "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely" (同)copiously, profusely, extravagantly
- 『豊富な』,たっぷりの,たくさんの;豊富に生じる
- 『金持ちの』,『富んだ』,豊かな / 《名詞的に》《the~;複数扱い》金持ちの人たち / (衣服・宝石・家具などが)高価でみごとな,ぜいたくな / (想像力などが)豊かな;(土地が)肥えた / (音・声が)豊かな,深みのある;(色が)濃い,あざやかな;(料理・酒の問が)濃くておいしい;(香りが)強い / 濃度が高い;(特に食物の)栄養価が高い,(油・卵・バターなどを多く含んで)濃厚な / 《話》非常におもしろい,こっけいな;《反晴的に》とんでもない,ばかげた
- 広い,広々とした / 《数えられない名詞・複数名詞の前に用いて》『十分な』(enough),あり余るほどたくさんの(abundant) / ふくよかな,豊満な(full)
- (あり余るほど)『たくさん』,『豊富』;《an~》たくさん(の…)《+『of』+『名』》
- (物質的に)裕福な / (思考・言葉などが)豊富な,たくさんの;(…が)豊富な《+『in』+『名』》 / (川の)支流
- 豊富に,たっぷり
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English Journal
- Cancer-stroma targeting therapy by cytotoxic immunoconjugate bound to the collagen 4 network in the tumor tissue.
- Yasunaga M, Manabe S, Tarin D, Matsumura Y.AbstractSome cytotoxic immunoconjugates have been approved for malignant lymphoma, a representative of hypervascular and stroma-poor tumors. However, many human solid tumors possess abundant intercellular stroma that prevents diffusion of cancer cell-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and becomes a barrier preventing immunoconjugates from directly attacking cancer cells. Here we show the successful development of a new strategy that overcomes this drawback and achieves highly localized concentration of a topoisomerase I inhibitor, SN 38 by conjugating it via an ester bond to a mAb targeted against collagen 4, a plentiful component of the tumor stroma. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) was utilized as a spacer, close to each bond, to maintain stability in the blood. Immunoconjugates selectively extravasated from leaky tumor vessels and minimally from normal vessels because the immunoconjugates are too large to pass through normal vessel walls. Stroma-targeting immunconjugates bound to the stroma to create a scaffold, from which sustained release of cytotoxic agent occurred and subsequently diffused throughout the tumor tissue to damage both tumor cells and vessels. Cancer-stroma targeting immunoconjugate therapy was thus validated as a new modality of oncological therapy, especially for refractory, stromal-rich cancers.
- Bioconjugate chemistry.Bioconjug Chem.2011 Jul 13. [Epub ahead of print]
- Some cytotoxic immunoconjugates have been approved for malignant lymphoma, a representative of hypervascular and stroma-poor tumors. However, many human solid tumors possess abundant intercellular stroma that prevents diffusion of cancer cell-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and becomes a barrie
- PMID 21749132
- Selected case from the arkadi m. Rywlin international pathology slide seminar: injection-site high-grade angiosarcoma, subcutis, left buttock region.
- Cheng H, Allen PW.Source*Department of Surgical Pathology, SA Pathology at Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia †Department of Pathology, State Key Laboratory of Cancer Biology, Xijing Hospital, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China.
- Advances in anatomic pathology.Adv Anat Pathol.2011 Jul;18(4):329-32.
- A high-grade angiosarcoma with epithelioid features located in the buttock of an 87-year-old woman arose in an area of old, palpable fat necrosis at the site of several subcutaneous injections administered 20 years previously. The nature of the injected material is unknown, but is presumed to have b
- PMID 21654364
- Preschoolers distribute scarce resources according to the moral valence of recipients' previous actions.
- Kenward B, Dahl M.SourceDepartment of Psychology, Uppsala University.
- Developmental psychology.Dev Psychol.2011 Jul;47(4):1054-64.
- Children aged 3 years and 4? years old watched a puppet, struggling to achieve goals, who was helped by a 2nd puppet and violently hindered by a 3rd. The children then distributed wooden biscuits between the helper and hinderer. In Experiment 1, when distributing a small odd number of biscuits, 4?
- PMID 21604863
Japanese Journal
- RXマイコン内蔵の豊富な周辺機能を使いこなすために Peripheral Driver Generatorの活用方法(前編)
- Beta-cryptoxanthin, plentiful in Japanese mandarin orange, prevents age-related cognitive dysfunction and oxidative damage in senescence-accelerated mouse brain
- Unno Keiko,Sugiura Minoru,Ogawa Kazunori [他]
- Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 34(3), 311-317, 2011-03
- NAID 40018702782
- Beta-Cryptoxanthin, Plentiful in Japanese Mandarin Orange, Prevents Age-Related Cognitive Dysfunction and Oxidative Damage in Senescence-Accelerated Mouse Brain
- Unno Keiko,Sugiura Minoru,Ogawa Kazunori,Takabayashi Fumiyo,Toda Masateru,Sakuma Midori,Maeda Ken-ichi,Fujitani Keisuke,Miyazaki Hideaki,Yamamoto Hiroyuki,Hoshino Minoru
- Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 34(3), 311-317, 2011
- Increased oxidative stress is known to accelerate age-related pathologies. Beta-cryptoxanthin (β-CRX, (3R)-β,β-caroten-3-ol) is a potent antioxidant that is highly rich in Satsuma mandarin orange (man …
- NAID 130000657805
Related Links
- plentiful - WordReference English-Japanese Dictionary.
- containing or yielding plenty <a plentiful land>. 2. : characterized by, constituting, or existing in plenty. ? plen・ti・ful・ly \-f?-l?\ adverb. ? plen・ti ・ful・ness noun. See plentiful defined for English-language learners ≫ ...
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- 関
- abundant、abundantly、affluent、ample、bulk、copious、large amount、large dose、large scale、massive、massively、plentiful、profuse、rich、richly
- 関
- abound、abundance、abundantly、affluent、ample、bulk、copious、large amount、large dose、large scale、massive、massively、plentiful、profuse、rich、richly
- 関
- abundance、abundant、abundantly、adequate、adequately、affluent、enough、full、fully、plentiful、rich、richly、satisfactorily、sufficient、sufficiently
- 関
- abundance、abundant、abundantly、adequate、adequately、affluent、ample、enough、full、fully、plentiful、rich、satisfactorily、sufficient、sufficiently
- 関
- abundance、abundant、affluent、ample、bulk、copious、large amount、large dose、large scale、massive、massively、plentiful、profuse、rich、richly