- 関
- great、large、massive
- remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect; "a great crisis"; "had a great stake in the outcome"
- a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field; "he is one of the greats of American music"
- of major significance or importance; "a great work of art"; "Einstein was one of the outstanding figures of the 20th centurey" (同)outstanding
- relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind; "a great juicy steak"; "a great multitude"; "the great auk"; "a great old oak"; "a great ocean liner"; "a great delay"
- imposing in scale or scope or degree or power; "massive retaliatory power"; "a massive increase in oil prices"; "massive changes"
- imposing in size or bulk or solidity; "massive oak doors"; "Moores massive sculptures"; "the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture"; "a monumental scale" (同)monolithic, monumental
- being the same substance throughout; "massive silver"
- consisting of great mass; containing a great quantity of matter; "Earth is the most massive of the terrestrial planets"
- with the wind abaft the beam; "a ship sailing large"
- a garment size for a large person
- above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a large city"; "set out for the big city"; "a large sum"; "a big (or large) barn"; "a large family"; "big businesses"; "a big expenditure"; "a large number of newspapers"; "a big group of scientists"; "large areas of the world" (同)big
- at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)
- fairly large or important in effect; influential; "played a large role in the negotiations"
- having broad power and range and scope; "taking the large view"; "a large effect"; "a large sympathy"
- (規模・範囲などが)『大きい』,巨大な / 『多数の』;『多量の』 / 『偉大な』,すぐれた;《the Great》《称号・肩書に用いて》 / (身分・地位などの)高い / 気高い,崇高な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》重要な,重大な / 《人を表す名詞の前にのみ用いて》大の,たいへんな / 《話》すてきな,すばらしい / 《名詞的に》《the great》偉大な人たち,重要人物 / とても,すごく / とてもよく(very well) / 大物,花形
- 『大きくて重い』,どっしりした;大規模な / (容ぼう,特に頭が)がっちりした / (精神などが)しっかりした,堂々とした / (投薬量が)定量以上の
- (同じ種類のものと比較して,形・体積・数量などが)『大きい』,多い,広い / (考えなどが)広範囲な,幅の広い,寛大な / 大きく / 自慢して,誇大に
- 相当な大きさの,かなり大きな
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English Journal
- Rapid capture and labeling of cells on single domain antibodies-functionalized flow cell.
- Chen GY1, Li Z2, Duarte JN2, Esteban A2, Cheloha RW2, Theile CS2, Fink GR3, Ploegh HL4.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2017 Mar 15;89(Pt 2):789-794. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.10.015. Epub 2016 Oct 5.
- Current techniques to characterize leukocyte subgroups in blood require long sample preparation times and sizable sample volumes. A simplified method for leukocyte characterization using smaller blood volumes would thus be useful in diagnostic settings. Here we describe a flow system comprised of tw
- PMID 27816596
- miRNA-218-loaded carboxymethyl chitosan - Tocopherol nanoparticle to suppress the proliferation of gastrointestinal stromal tumor growth.
- Tu L1, Wang M1, Zhao WY1, Zhang ZZ1, Tang DF1, Zhang YQ1, Cao H2, Zhang ZG3.
- Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications.Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl.2017 Mar 1;72:177-184. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2016.10.052. Epub 2016 Oct 26.
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are one of the most common forms of mesenchymal cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. Although chemotherapeutic drugs inhibited the proliferation of GIST, however, sizable proportion of people developed resistance and therefore difficult to treat. In the prese
- PMID 28024574
- Electronic structure of multi-walled carbon fullerenes.
- Doore K1, Cook M, Clausen E, Lukashev PV, Kidd TE, Stollenwerk AJ.
- Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.J Phys Condens Matter.2017 Feb 22;29(7):075302. doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/aa5215. Epub 2016 Dec 29.
- Despite an enormous amount of research on carbon based nanostructures, relatively little is known about the electronic structure of multi-walled carbon fullerenes, also known as carbon onions. In part, this is due to the very high computational expense involved in estimating electronic structure of
- PMID 28032616
Japanese Journal
- Temperature Dependence of Spin Excitations in the Frustrated Spin Chain System CuGeO
- Fujita Masaki,Frost Christpher D.,Bennington Steve M.,Kajimoto Ryoichi,Nakamura Mitsutaka,Inamura Yasuhiro,Mizuno Fumio,Ikeuchi Kazuhiko,Arai Masatoshi
- J Phys Soc Jpn 82(8), 084708-084708-5, 2013-08-15
- … This intensity reduction, with remaining sizable energy-integrated intensity at the zone boundary, leads a change of the static structure factor from a single Lorentzian shape to a two-peaked structure in the temperature range between 50 and 75 K. …
- NAID 150000107773
- Crystal Structures and Long-Range Spin Orders for the Delithiated Phase of Li
- Onoda Masashige,Ikeda Satoshi
- J Phys Soc Jpn 82(7), 074801-074801-7, 2013-07-15
- … This phase may be regarded as being the distorted kagome lattice with a sizable ferromagnetic superexchange coupling through V--O--P--O--V pathways. …
- NAID 150000107733
- Magnetic Properties of the Spin-1/2 Deformed Kagome Antiferromagnet Edwardsite
- Ishikawa Hajime,Okamoto Yoshihiko,Hiroi Zenji
- J Phys Soc Jpn 82(6), 063710-063710-5, 2013-06-15
- … The weak ferromagnetism is likely due to spin canting caused by sizable Dzyaloshinsky--Moriya interactions, which may stabilize the long-range magnetic order instead of a spin-liquid state expected for the kagome antiferromagnet. …
- NAID 150000107645
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- [限定]偉大な、卓越した。有名な、著明な
- [限定](規模・形の)大きな、巨大な
- (比較)(同種の中で)大きい方の、大形種の
- [限定](数量の)多い、多数[大量]の。(時間・距離の)長い
- (程度の)大きな、非常な
- [程度表示の可能な、人を表す名詞を限定して]大の、真にその名にふさわしい
- [限定]重要な。(比較)[the ~]主要な
- [限定]身分/地位の高い
- (考え・行為などが)高潔な
- [限定]好んで使われる
- 関
- a large number of、a lot of、large、large number、manifold、many、massive、multitude、numerous、sizable
- (病気が)組織の広範囲に及ぶ、重症の、広範囲の
- 巨大な、大量の、大規模の。(程度が)はなただしい
- 大きく見える、がっしりとした。
- 関
- abundance、abundant、abundantly、agglomerative、aggregated、bulk、copious、great、high-potency、high-power、intensive、intensively、large、large amount、large dose、large scale、massively、potent、potentially、potently、powerful、powerfully、profuse、sizable、wide range、wide-ranging
- 英
- 関
- 塊状、強力、広範囲、大量、多数、大型、大いなる
- 関
- great、massive、sizable