- a full supply; "there was plenty of food for everyone" (同)plentifulness, plenteousness, plenitude, plentitude
- a goats horn filled with grain and flowers and fruit symbolizing prosperity (同)cornucopia
- (数・量が)『たくさん』(の),『たっぷり』(の)《+『of』+『名』》 / (あり余るほどの)豊かさ,豊富(abundance) / たくさんの,十分な / 《話》全く(quite) / 《米話》とても(very)
- たっぷりした数(量)の / どっさり,たっぷり
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/07/26 14:31:11」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
plenty |
基本情報 |
出身地 |
日本 茨城県 |
ジャンル |
オルタナティヴ・ロック |
活動期間 |
2004年 - |
レーベル |
headphone music label |
公式サイト |
plenty official web |
メンバー |
江沼 郁弥 (ボーカル、ギター)
新田 紀彰 (ベース) |
旧メンバー |
吉岡 紘希 (ドラム) |
- 1 概要
- 2 メンバー
- 3 来歴
- 4 ディスコグラフィ
- 4.1 デモ音源
- 4.2 シングル
- 4.3 アルバム
- 4.4 Sound Film Track
- 5 脚注
- 6 外部リンク
2008年9月に上京し、年末に開催された「COUNTDOWN JAPAN 08/09」に一般公募枠での出演を果たす。 その後もライブハウス等でのライブ活動を重ね、2009年10月21日に1st Album「拝啓。皆さま」でCDデビュー。2010年1月16日からは初の全国ツアーを開催。
- 江沼 郁弥(1988年9月24日 - )ボーカル、ギター
- 新田 紀彰(1988年4月8日 - )ベース
- 旧メンバー
- 脱退後はbrute in forest等に参加
- 2004年
- 12月、茨城県で「plenty」結成。茨城県内のライブハウスを中心に活動する。
- 2008年
- 9月、上京。都内のライブハウスを中心とした活動を始める。
- 12月31日 一般公募枠から「COUNTDOWN JAPAN 08/09」に出演。
- 2009年
- Demo音源「後悔」を1000枚配布。
- 5月23日 plenty presents「摩天楼~30分一本勝負」を吉祥寺warpにて開催。
- 10月21日、1st Album「拝啓。皆さま」をリリース。
- 10月24日 plenty レコ発ワンマン「拝啓。皆さま」を吉祥寺warpにて開催。
- 12月31日「COUNTDOWN JAPAN09/10」に出演。
- 2010年
- 1月16日からplenty tour「拝啓。皆さま」を大阪からスタート。その他、東京、名古屋、福岡、仙台を回った。
- 4月21日、2nd Album「理想的なボクの世界」をリリース。
- 4月24日からplenty tour「理想的なキミの世界」を大阪からスタート。その他、名古屋、熊本、福岡、岡山、新潟、仙台、東京を回った。
- 7月3日からplenty tour「ボクたちの世界」を東京からスタート。大阪、名古屋の順に回る。
- 2011年
- 1月12日、1stシングル「人との距離のはかりかた/最近どうなの?/人間そっくり 」をリリース。
- 5月25日、2ndシングル「待ち合わせの途中/終わりない何処かへ/空が笑ってる」をリリース。
- 6月からplenty tour 「君との距離のはかりかた」を仙台からスタート。その他、新潟、長崎、熊本、福岡、広島、名古屋、大阪、東京を回った。
- 7月30日、ドラムの吉岡が脱退。
- 12月7日、Sound Film Trackという新しい表現形態でSound Film Track「あいという」をリリース。
- 2012年
- 2月15日、1stフルアルバム「plenty」をリリース。
- 後悔 (2009年)
- 人との距離のはかりかた/最近どうなの?/人間そっくり (2011年1月12日)
- 待ち合わせの途中/終わりない何処かへ/空が笑ってる (2011年5月25日)
- 拝啓。皆さま (2009年10月21日)
- 理想的なボクの世界 (2010年4月21日)
- plenty(2012年2月15日)
Sound Film Track
- あいという (2011年12月7日)
- ^ plenty - E.L.L. on the Web
[Wiki en表示]
Plenty may refer to:
- PLENTY (currency), a local currency accepted in Pittsboro, North Carolina
- Plenty (play), a play by David Hare
- Plenty (film), a 1985 film directed by Fred Schepisi
- Plenty (album), a 2010 album by the English band Red Box
- Plenty (magazine), an environmental culture magazine
- Plenty O'Toole, a Bond girl in the 1971 James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever
- Plenty International outreach program
- Plenty: One Man, One Woman, and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally, the alternate name of the book The 100-Mile Diet
- The translated name of Sūrat al-Kawthar in the Qur'an
- Plenty (brand), a brand of paper towel on sale in the UK and manufactured by SCA of Sweden
- Plenty (band), a Japanese rock band
In places:
- Plenty, Victoria, Australia
- Plenty, Tasmania, Australia
- Plenty, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
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English Journal
- Effects of grown origin, genotype, harvest year, and their interactions of wheat kernels on near infrared spectral fingerprints for geographical traceability.
- Zhao H1, Guo B2, Wei Y3, Zhang B4.Author information 1Institute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Comprehensive Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, P.O. Box 5109, Beijing 100193, People's Republic of China; College of Food Science and Engineering, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, People's Republic of China. Electronic address: xinyuyuanyin@163.com.2Institute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Comprehensive Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, P.O. Box 5109, Beijing 100193, People's Republic of China. Electronic address: guoboli2007@126.com.3Institute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Comprehensive Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, P.O. Box 5109, Beijing 100193, People's Republic of China. Electronic address: weiyimin36@hotmail.com.4Institute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Comprehensive Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, P.O. Box 5109, Beijing 100193, People's Republic of China. Electronic address: zjzb1978@126.com.AbstractThe effects of origin, genotype, harvest year, and their interactions on wheat near infrared (NIR) spectra were studied to find the reasons for differences in NIR fingerprints of wheat from different geographical origins and the stability of NIR fingerprints among different years. Ten varieties were grown in three regions of China for 2years. 180 kernel samples were analysed by NIR. The spectra after pre-treatment were analysed by principal component analysis, multi-way analysis of variance, and discriminant partial least-squares. The results showed that origin, genotype, year, and their interactions all had significant effects on wheat NIR fingerprints. The second overtones of N-H and C-H stretching vibrations and a combination of stretch and deformation of C-H group in wheat were mainly influenced by the geographical origin. The wavelength ranges 975-990nm, 1200nm, and 1355-1380nm contained plenty of origin information to build robust discriminant models of wheat geographical origin.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Jun 1;152:316-22. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.11.122. Epub 2013 Nov 27.
- The effects of origin, genotype, harvest year, and their interactions on wheat near infrared (NIR) spectra were studied to find the reasons for differences in NIR fingerprints of wheat from different geographical origins and the stability of NIR fingerprints among different years. Ten varieties were
- PMID 24444943
- Structure-based design and experimental engineering of a plant virus nanoparticle for the presentation of immunogenic epitopes and as a drug carrier.
- Arcangeli C, Circelli P, Donini M, Aljabali AA, Benvenuto E, Lomonossoff GP, Marusic C.Author information a ENEA, Laboratorio Biotecnologie , UTBIORAD , C.R. Casaccia, via Anguillarese 301, 00123, Roma , Italy .AbstractBiomaterials research for the discovery of new generation nanoparticles is one of the most active areas of nanotechnoloy. In the search of nature-made nanometer-sized objects, plant virus particles appear as symmetrically defined entities that can be formed by protein self-assembly. In particular, in the field of plant virology, there is plenty of literature available describing the exploitation of plant viral cages to produce safe vaccine vehicles and nanoparticles for drug delivery. In this context, we have investigated on the use of the artichoke mottled crinkle virus (AMCV) capsid both as a carrier of immunogenic epitopes and for the delivery of anticancer molecules. A dual approach that combines both in silico tools and experimental virology was applied for the rational design of immunologically active chimeric virus-like particles (VLPs) carrying immunogenic peptides. The atomic structures of wild type (wt) and chimeric VLPs were obtained by homology modeling. The effects of insertion of the HIV-1 2F5 neutralizing epitope on the structural stability of chimeric VLPs were predicted and assessed by detailed inspection of the nanoparticle intersubunit interactions at atomic level. Wt and chimeric VLPs, exposing on their surface the 2F5 epitope, were successfully produced in plants. In addition, we demonstrated that AMCV capsids could also function as drug delivery vehicles able to load the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic predictive and empirical research addressing the question of how this icosahedral virus can be used for the production of both VLPs and viral nanoparticles for biomedical applications.
- Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics.J Biomol Struct Dyn.2014 Apr;32(4):630-47. doi: 10.1080/07391102.2013.785920. Epub 2013 May 15.
- Biomaterials research for the discovery of new generation nanoparticles is one of the most active areas of nanotechnoloy. In the search of nature-made nanometer-sized objects, plant virus particles appear as symmetrically defined entities that can be formed by protein self-assembly. In particular, i
- PMID 23672348
- Interactions of mesenchymal stem cells with endothelial cells.
- Nassiri SM, Rahbarghazi R.Author information Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran , Tehran, Iran .AbstractRecent years have witnessed the emergence of a considerable amount of data pertaining to the application of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in promoting angiogenesis in the field of regenerative medicine. Nevertheless, some authors have provided evidence that MSCs can also prevent the process of angiogenesis, which is desirable in certain pathologies such as tumor growth. Plenty of in vitro and in vivo research studies have been undertaken to illuminate the underlying mechanisms by which MSCs promote or inhibit neo-angiogenesis. To date, both secretary capacity and differentiation into endothelial-like cells have been reported in MSC-based pro-angiogenic therapies. This review seeks to shed further light on interactions between MSCs and endothelial cells in different physiopathological conditions.
- Stem cells and development.Stem Cells Dev.2014 Feb 15;23(4):319-32. doi: 10.1089/scd.2013.0419. Epub 2013 Nov 28.
- Recent years have witnessed the emergence of a considerable amount of data pertaining to the application of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in promoting angiogenesis in the field of regenerative medicine. Nevertheless, some authors have provided evidence that MSCs can also prevent the proc
- PMID 24171705
- Involvement of Inflammasome Activation in Lipopolysaccharide-induced Mice Depressive-like Behaviors.
- Zhang Y, Liu L, Peng YL, Liu YZ, Wu TY, Shen XL, Zhou JR, Sun DY, Huang AJ, Wang X, Wang YX, Jiang CL.Author information Laboratory of Stress Medicine, Faculty of Psychology and Mental Health, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China.AbstractAIMS: The NLRP3 inflammasome is a cytoplasmic multiprotein complex of the innate immune system that regulates the cleavage of interleukin-1β and interleukin-18 precursors. It can detect a wide range of danger signals and trigger a series of immune-inflammatory reactions. There were plenty of studies indicating that activation of the immune system played pivotal roles in depression. However, the underlying mechanisms of immune-depression interactions remained elusive and there was no report about the involvement of inflammasome activation in depression.
- CNS neuroscience & therapeutics.CNS Neurosci Ther.2014 Feb;20(2):119-24. doi: 10.1111/cns.12170. Epub 2013 Nov 27.
- AIMS: The NLRP3 inflammasome is a cytoplasmic multiprotein complex of the innate immune system that regulates the cleavage of interleukin-1β and interleukin-18 precursors. It can detect a wide range of danger signals and trigger a series of immune-inflammatory reactions. There were plenty of studie
- PMID 24279434
Japanese Journal
- 道徳科授業への「内容の改善」と「指導方法の工夫」の取り込み -学習指導要領一部改正に対応する道徳科授業をめざす-
- 4歳児の人とかかわる力を育むために : 3歳児との交流活動を通して
- アキール文庫のイクバール学コレクションについて (小特集 南アジア・イスラーム文献の出版・伝播(2))
- 2015 NPT Review Conference and Nuclear Disarmament
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