- 関
- bulging、eminence、protrude、protrusion、protuberance、swelling、tuber、tuberosity
- bulge out; form a bulge outward, or be so full as to appear to bulge (同)bag
- cause to bulge or swell outwards (同)bulk
- something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings; "the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge"; "the hump of a camel"; "he stood on the rocky prominence"; "the occipital protuberance was well developed"; "the bony excrescence between its horns" (同)bump, hump, swelling, gibbosity, gibbousness, jut, prominence, protuberance, protrusion, extrusion, excrescence
- swell or protrude outwards; "His stomach bulged after the huge meal" (同)pouch, protrude
- an abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement (同)puffiness, lump
- the act of projecting out from something (同)projection, jut, jutting
- high status importance owing to marked superiority; "a scholar of great eminence" (同)distinction, preeminence, note
- a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage
- ふくらんだ部分,ふくらみ / (…で)ふくらむ,張り出す《+『out』 『with』+『名』》 / 'を'ふくらませる《+『of』+『名,』+『名』+『名』+『out』》
- 〈U〉ふくらむこと;膨張,増大 / 〈C〉(体の)はれもの,こぶ
- 〈U〉突き出すこと,突き出ていること / 〈C〉突き出た部分,隆起
- 〈U〉(地位・名声などの)高いこと;高貴,高名,傑出 / 〈C〉《文》高所,高台,高地 / 〈C〉《Eminence》(カトリック教会で)台下(枢機卿の尊称)
- 塊茎(ジャガイモのような塊状の地下室茎)
- (…から)突き出る《+『from』+『名』》 / …‘を'突き出す
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/14 20:44:03」(JST)
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Bulge may refer to:
Astronomy and geography[edit]
- Bulge (astronomy), a tightly packed group of stars at the center of a spiral galaxy
- Equatorial bulge, a bulge around the equator of a planet due to rotation
- Tharsis bulge, vast volcanic plateau centered near the equator in Mars’ western hemisphere
- Tidal bulge, a bulge of land or water on a planet created by the pull of another object in orbit
- A localized discontinuity in an extended military line
- Battle of the Bulge, a major World War II German offensive on the Western front starting in 1944
- Anti-torpedo bulge, passive warship defence against naval torpedoes between the WWI and WWII
- Helge "Bulge" Bostrom (1894–1977), Canadian professional ice hockey player
- Beta bulge, a localized disruption of the regular hydrogen bonding of a beta sheet
- Bulge bracket, the world's largest and most profitable multi-national investment banks
- Earth bulge, a term used in telecommunications
- Power bulge, raised part (a bulge) of the hood (bonnet) of a car
- The Bulge, a mountain located in Coos County, New Hampshire
See also[edit]
- Battle of the Bulge (disambiguation)
- Hernia, sometimes referred to as a bulge or bulge out
- South Sister Bulge the oldest and most eroded of the Three Sisters (Oregon), known as "Faith"
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English Journal
- DNA meter: Energy tunable, quantitative hybridization assay.
- Braunlin W, Völker J, Plum GE, Breslauer KJ.SourceDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 610 Taylor Rd., Piscataway, NJ, 08854; Rational Affinity Devices, LLC.
- Biopolymers.Biopolymers.2013 Jun;99(6):408-17. doi: 10.1002/bip.22213.
- We describe a novel hybridization assay that employs a unique class of energy tunable, bulge loop-containing competitor strands (C*) that hybridize to a probe strand (P). Such initial "pre-binding" of a probe strand modulates its effective "availability" for hybridizing to a target site (T). More ge
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- Salmon L, Bascom G, Andricioaei I, Al-Hashimi HM.SourceDepartment of Chemistry and Biophysics, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United States.
- Journal of the American Chemical Society.J Am Chem Soc.2013 Apr 10;135(14):5457-66. doi: 10.1021/ja400920w. Epub 2013 Mar 28.
- The ability to modulate alignment and measure multiple independent sets of NMR residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) has made it possible to characterize internal motions in proteins at atomic resolution and with time scale sensitivity ranging from picoseconds up to milliseconds. The application of such
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- Jacquetin B, Hinoul P, Gauld J, Fatton B, Rosenthal C, Clavé H, Garbin O, Berrocal J, Villet R, Salet-Lizée D, Debodinance P, Cosson M.SourceDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Estaing University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, France, bjacquetin@chu-clermontferrand.fr.
- International urogynecology journal.Int Urogynecol J.2013 Apr 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: To evaluate clinical effectiveness and complication rates at 5 years following the total Trans Vaginal Mesh (TVM) technique to treat pelvic organ prolapse.METHODS: Prospective, observational, multi-centre study in patients with prolapse of stage II or higher.RESULTS: Of
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- Perivascular Hair Follicle Stem Cells Associate with a Venule Annulus.
- Xiao Y, Woo WM, Nagao K, Li W, Terunuma A, Mukouyama YS, Oro AE, Vogel JC, Brownell I.SourceDermatology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.
- The Journal of investigative dermatology.J Invest Dermatol.2013 Apr 4. doi: 10.1038/jid.2013.167. [Epub ahead of print]
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Japanese Journal
- 大矢知 昇,尾花 和子,鈴木 健之
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 51(2), 263-267, 2015
- 鼠径部で発症したリンパ管腫が内鼠径輪より後腹膜腔に連続した稀な1 例を経験した.症例は5 歳女児.右鼠径部膨隆を認め鼠径ヘルニアを疑われ当院紹介.画像検査で鼠径管内に多囊胞性病変を認めたが,内鼠径輪直上腹腔側にも病変を認め鼠径管内病変と連続していた.後腹膜腔発症のリンパ管腫を疑い腹腔鏡観察下に手術を施行.後腹膜腔の囊胞性腫瘤は子宮円靭帯に付着しており鼠径部創より鼠径部腫瘤を牽引すると後腹膜腔病変も …
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- 日本機械学会論文集 advpub(0), 2015
- … The fluctuating bulge structure was also observed on the upstream side wall of the cavity in a higher range of the Weissenberg number. …
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- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 51(1), 58-63, 2015
- 症例1 は1 歳,女児.右鼠径ヘルニアの診断で手術を行った.臍部より3 mm トロッカーを挿入し,気腹すると,右内鼠径輪左側に4 cm 大の囊胞を認めた.囊胞は開大した内鼠径輪と連続しており,腹腔内に脱出したNuck 管水瘤と考えられた.腹腔鏡下経皮的腹膜外ヘルニア閉鎖術(LPEC)の手技に準じて縫合糸を通した後に,内容液を経皮的に穿刺吸引した.次に臍部創を延長し,3 mm ポートを追加し,囊胞を …
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- Battle of the, the final major German counteroffensive in World War II, begun December 16, 1944, and thrusting deep into Allied territory in N and E Belgium ... Battle of the Bulge, (in World War II) the final major German ...
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- 関
- bulge、dilatation、dilate、distend、distention、eminence、expand、expansion、inflate、inflation、oncotic、protrude、protrusion、protuberance、swell、swollen、tuber、tuberosity、tumid、turgid
- 関
- bulge、eminence、extrude、extrusion、obtrusive、overhang、process、project、prominent、protrude、protuberance、salient、swelling、tuber、tuberosity
- 突き出す、押し出す。はみ出す。(from,beyond)
- 関
- bulge、eminence、extrude、extrusion、obtrusive、overhang、project、prominent、protrusion、protuberance、salient、swelling、tuber、tuberosity
- 同
- 虫部隆起
- 関
- bulge、eminence、plant tuber、protrude、protrusion、protuberance、swelling、tuberosity
- 関
- bulge、eminence、node、nodose、nodulate、protrude、protrusion、protuberance、swelling、tuber、tubercle、tubercular
- 膨れ、膨隆
- 関
- (n.vt.vi)bulge