- 関
- extrude、extrusion、overhang、project、prominent、protrude、protrusion、salient
- sticking out; protruding
- undesirably noticeable; "the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child"; "equally obtrusive was the graffiti" (同)noticeable
- transfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another
- a planned undertaking (同)projection
- put or send forth; "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "The setting sun threw long shadows"; "cast a spell"; "cast a warm light" (同)cast, contrive, throw
- regard as objective (同)externalize, externalise
- present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.; "He proposed a new plan for dealing with terrorism"; "She proposed a new theory of relativity" (同)propose
- throw, send, or cast forward; "project a missile" (同)send off
- cause to be heard; "His voice projects well"
- communicate vividly; "He projected his feelings"
- draw a projection of
- project on a screen; "The images are projected onto the screen"
- represented as leaping (rampant but leaning forward)
- (military) the part of the line of battle that projects closest to the enemy
- (of angles) pointing outward at an angle of less than 180 degrees
- project over
- projection that extends beyond or hangs over something else
- be suspended over or hang over; "This huge rock beetles over the edge of the town" (同)beetle
- form or shape by forcing through an opening; "extrude steel" (同)squeeze_out
- the act of projecting out from something (同)projection, jut, jutting
- squeezing out by applying pressure; "an unexpected extrusion of toothpaste from the bottom of the tube"; "the expulsion of pus from the pimple" (同)expulsion
- not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable; "a quiet, unobtrusive life of self-denial" (同)unnoticeable
- in an unobtrusive manner; "messengers were moving unobtrusively over the jet-black mountain ranges, bearing confidential tidings from sheikhdom to sheikhdom"
- the quality of not sticking out in an unwelcome way
- an unwelcome conspicuousness
- in an obtrusive manner
- 押しつけがましい;でしゃばりの
- …‘を'『計画する』,企画する / (ねらって)…‘を'『投げる』;…‘を'発射する / (…に)〈光・影・映像など〉‘を'投げかける,投影する,映写する;〈声〉‘を'かける《+『名』+『on』(『onto』)+『名』》 / (他の人に〈‘自分の考え・気持ち〉‘を'投げかけて伝える《+『名』+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / (想像して,…の時間・場所・情況などの中へ)…‘を'置いてみる《+『名』+『in』(『into』)+『名』》 / (得られた情報らよって)…‘を'予報する,予測する / 『突き出る』,出っ張る / 『計画』,企画,案 / 計画的な仕事;研究課題;(大ががりな)事業 / 《米》=housing project
- 目立った,顕著な(prominent) / 《文》突き出した(projecting) / 凸角;(線戦・要塞などの)突出部
- …‘に'おおいかぶさる,…‘の'上に張り出す / 〈危険などが〉…‘に'迫る / おおいかぶさる,張り出す,迫る / 〈C〉(建物の)張り出し;(岩棚などの)突出部
- (チューブから)〈歯磨きなど〉‘を'押し出す《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 〈プラスチック・金属など〉‘を'型から押し出して成形する
- 〈U〉突き出すこと,突き出ていること / 〈C〉突き出た部分,隆起
- 押シ出し,突き出し,追い出し
- 控え目な,目立たない
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- 1. 酸素維持装置 oxygen conserving devices
English Journal
- Comparison of 24-hour Holter monitoring with 14-day novel adhesive patch electrocardiographic monitoring.
- Barrett PM1, Komatireddy R1, Haaser S1, Topol S1, Sheard J1, Encinas J1, Fought AJ2, Topol EJ3.Author information 1Scripps Translational Science Institute, La Jolla, Calif.2Fought Statistical Consulting, Chicago, Ill.3Scripps Translational Science Institute, La Jolla, Calif; Scripps Health, La Jolla, Calif. Electronic address: etopol@scripps.edu.AbstractBACKGROUND: Cardiac arrhythmias are remarkably common and routinely go undiagnosed because they are often transient and asymptomatic. Effective diagnosis and treatment can substantially reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with cardiac arrhythmias. The Zio Patch (iRhythm Technologies, Inc, San Francisco, Calif) is a novel, single-lead electrocardiographic (ECG), lightweight, Food and Drug Administration-cleared, continuously recording ambulatory adhesive patch monitor suitable for detecting cardiac arrhythmias in patients referred for ambulatory ECG monitoring.
- The American journal of medicine.Am J Med.2014 Jan;127(1):95.e11-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2013.10.003. Epub 2013 Oct 15.
- BACKGROUND: Cardiac arrhythmias are remarkably common and routinely go undiagnosed because they are often transient and asymptomatic. Effective diagnosis and treatment can substantially reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with cardiac arrhythmias. The Zio Patch (iRhythm Technologies, Inc,
- PMID 24384108
- Entourage: visualizing relationships between biological pathways using contextual subsets.
- Lex A1, Partl C, Kalkofen D, Streit M, Gratzl S, Wassermann AM, Schmalstieg D, Pfister H.Author information 1Harvard University.AbstractBiological pathway maps are highly relevant tools for many tasks in molecular biology. They reduce the complexity of the overall biological network by partitioning it into smaller manageable parts. While this reduction of complexity is their biggest strength, it is, at the same time, their biggest weakness. By removing what is deemed not important for the primary function of the pathway, biologists lose the ability to follow and understand cross-talks between pathways. Considering these cross-talks is, however, critical in many analysis scenarios, such as judging effects of drugs. In this paper we introduce Entourage, a novel visualization technique that provides contextual information lost due to the artificial partitioning of the biological network, but at the same time limits the presented information to what is relevant to the analyst's task. We use one pathway map as the focus of an analysis and allow a larger set of contextual pathways. For these context pathways we only show the contextual subsets, i.e., the parts of the graph that are relevant to a selection. Entourage suggests related pathways based on similarities and highlights parts of a pathway that are interesting in terms of mapped experimental data. We visualize interdependencies between pathways using stubs of visual links, which we found effective yet not obtrusive. By combining this approach with visualization of experimental data, we can provide domain experts with a highly valuable tool. We demonstrate the utility of Entourage with case studies conducted with a biochemist who researches the effects of drugs on pathways. We show that the technique is well suited to investigate interdependencies between pathways and to analyze, understand, and predict the effect that drugs have on different cell types.
- IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics.IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph.2013 Dec;19(12):2536-45. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2013.154.
- Biological pathway maps are highly relevant tools for many tasks in molecular biology. They reduce the complexity of the overall biological network by partitioning it into smaller manageable parts. While this reduction of complexity is their biggest strength, it is, at the same time, their biggest w
- PMID 24051820
- An optical measurement method for the simultaneous assessment of respiration and heart rates in preterm infants.
- Marchionni P, Scalise L, Ercoli I, Tomasini EP.Author information Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona, Italy.AbstractMany conventional medical monitoring devices, while not technically invasive, are nevertheless obtrusive insofar as they require contact with the patient. This obtrusiveness sometimes poses problems in daily clinical practice. The need for contact with electrodes or transducers is particularly relevant in the case of patients recovering in intensive care units where continuous monitoring is required, in turn requiring continuous direct transducer contact for prolonged periods. Among the many physiological parameters commonly acquired, the respiratory and the cardiac rates of the patients are of primary importance. Typically these two parameters are measured respectively using spirometry and electrocardiography (ECG), both involving obtrusive measurement systems requiring contact with the patient with an air conduit and electrodes. This paper presents an optical measurement method for the simultaneous assessment of respiration and heart rates based on the measurement of the chest wall movements, associated with inspiratory/expiratory activities of the lungs and by the mechanical pumping action of the heart. The measurement method has been adapted for use with preterm infants and it has been applied to 55 patients recovering in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The method is based on the use of a laser Doppler vibrometer (LDVi) pointed at the left, ventral thoracic surface of the patient. LDVi-based measures of respiration and heart rate have been simultaneously acquired for each patient, in parallel with the same quantities acquired using conventional reference instrumentation (flow-meter and ECG) for comparison purposes. Results show that for respiration rate, differences with respect to the spirometer data are <3%, while for the cardiac rate they are <6% with respect to ECG data. The method proposed in this paper has the advantage of requiring no contact with the patient. Moreover, it supports, by means of a single instrument, the simultaneous measurement of respiration and heart rates, thus reducing the burden of the number of electrodes, transducers, and other instrumentation that must be applied to the patient--a consideration that is particularly important in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. In addition to the measurement of respiration rate, we also describe the sensitivity of the LDVi method in detecting key respiration events (irregular inspiration/expiration cycles, apneas, and hiccups) which are relevant to clinical monitoring.
- The Review of scientific instruments.Rev Sci Instrum.2013 Dec;84(12):121705. doi: 10.1063/1.4845635.
- Many conventional medical monitoring devices, while not technically invasive, are nevertheless obtrusive insofar as they require contact with the patient. This obtrusiveness sometimes poses problems in daily clinical practice. The need for contact with electrodes or transducers is particularly relev
- PMID 24387410
- Concurrent validity of the Microsoft Kinect for assessment of spatiotemporal gait variables.
- Clark RA1, Bower KJ, Mentiplay BF, Paterson K, Pua YH.Author information 1School of Exercise Science, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia. Electronic address: ross.clark@acu.edu.au.AbstractSpatiotemporal characteristics of gait such as step time and length are often associated with overall physical function in clinical populations, but can be difficult, time consuming and obtrusive to measure. This study assessed the concurrent validity of overground walking spatiotemporal data recorded using a criterion reference - a marker-based three-dimensional motion analysis (3DMA) system - and a low-cost, markerless alternative, the automated skeleton tracking output from the Microsoft Kinect™ (Kinect). Twenty-one healthy adults performed normal walking trials while being monitored using both systems. The outcome measures of gait speed, step length and time, stride length and time and peak foot swing velocity were derived using supervised automated analysis. To assess the agreement between the Kinect and 3DMA devices, Bland-Altman 95% bias and limits of agreement, percentage error, relative agreement (Pearson's correlation coefficients: r) overall agreement (concordance correlation coefficients: rc) and landmark location linearity as a function of distance from the sensor were determined. Gait speed, step length and stride length from the two devices possessed excellent agreement (r and rc values >0.90). Foot swing velocity possessed excellent relative (r=0.93) but only modest overall (rc=0.54) agreement. Step time (r=0.82 and rc=0.23) and stride time (r=0.69 and rc=0.14) possessed excellent and modest relative agreement respectively but poor overall agreement. Landmark location linearity was excellent (R(2)=0.991). This widely available, low-cost and portable system could provide clinicians with significant advantages for assessing some spatiotemporal gait parameters. However, caution must be taken when choosing outcome variables as some commonly reported variables cannot be accurately measured.
- Journal of biomechanics.J Biomech.2013 Oct 18;46(15):2722-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2013.08.011. Epub 2013 Aug 26.
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of gait such as step time and length are often associated with overall physical function in clinical populations, but can be difficult, time consuming and obtrusive to measure. This study assessed the concurrent validity of overground walking spatiotemporal data record
- PMID 24016679
Japanese Journal
- 照明計画-3 CIEとLiTGの屋外照明器具による障害光(グレア)規制値の比較
- オペレーティングシステムのメモリ情報を考慮した仮想マシンスナップショット高速化手法
- 山木田 和哉,山田 浩史,吉田 哲也,河野 健二
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム] 2010-OS-115(1), 1-8, 2010-07-27
- 仮想マシン (VM) スナップショット機能は,任意の時点での VM の状態を保存・復元する機能であり,ディザスタリカバリやアップグレードのためのバックアップ取得手法として広く用いられている.しかし,既存のスナップショット機能には保存・復元に要する時間が長いという問題点が存在する.また,既存のスナップショット機能は VM に割り当てるメモリ量が大きいほどディスク I/O が頻発し,保存・復元に要する …
- NAID 110007995363
- 照明計画-9 立体交差路における障害光に関する研究
- 音声メモの配置・ブラウジングのための胸部装着カメラによる頭部方向推定
- 山添 大丈,米澤 朋子,寺澤 洋子
- 情報処理学会研究報告. UBI, [ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム] 2009-UBI-22(18), 1-6, 2009-05-08
- 本稿では,ユーザの相対的な頭部方向と関連づけて音声メモを記録し,頭部方向に応じて3次元音響として複数の音声メモを提示する音声メモの記録・ブラウジングについて述べるとともに,特に提案システムにおける頭部方向の推定手法について詳しく述べる.胸部装着カメラによる頭部方向推定手法は,頭部へのセンサなどの機器を装着することなく,ユーザの胸部に上向きに装着したカメラの画像のみから,ユーザの頭部方向が推定できる …
- NAID 110007995131
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- 関
- (adv.)sailently 顕著に。突出して
- 関
- conspicuity、conspicuous、conspicuously、distinguish、extrude、extrusion、marked、markedly、noteworthy、obtrusive、outstanding、overhang、project、prominent、prominently、protrude、protrusion、remarkable、stand out、striking
- 英
- protrusion、extrusion、overhang、protrude、extrude、project、prominent、salient、obtrusive
- 関
- オーバーハング、計画、顕著、投射、放出、膨隆、目立つ、隆起、投影、押し出す、追放、卓越、追い出す、突起、突出症、プロジェクト
- 同
- protrusion
- 関
- conspicuous、conspicuously、extrude、extrusion、marked、markedly、noteworthy、obtrusive、overhang、project、prominence、prominently、protrude、protrusion、remarkable、salient
- 関
- bulge、eminence、extrude、extrusion、obtrusive、overhang、process、project、prominent、protrude、protuberance、salient、swelling、tuber、tuberosity
- 突き出す、押し出す。はみ出す。(from,beyond)
- 関
- bulge、eminence、extrude、extrusion、obtrusive、overhang、project、prominent、protrusion、protuberance、salient、swelling、tuber、tuberosity
- 関
- unremarkable