出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/05 17:49:14」(JST)
Necator americanus | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Nematoda |
Class: | Secernentea |
Order: | Strongylida |
Family: | Ancylostomatidae |
Genus: | Necator |
Species: | N. americanus |
Binomial name | |
Necator americanus |
Necator americanus is a species of hookworm commonly known as the New World hookworm. Like other hookworms, it is a member of the phylum Nematoda. It is a parasitic nematode that lives in the small intestine of hosts such as humans, dogs, and cats. Necatoriasis is the term for the condition of being host to an infestation of a species of Necator. Since N. americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale (also known as Old World hookworm) are the two species of hookworms that most commonly infest humans, they are usually dealt with under the collective heading of "hookworm infection". They differ most obviously in geographical distribution, structure of mouthparts, and relative size.[1]
Necator americanus has been proposed as an alternative to Trichuris suis in helminthic therapy.[2]
This parasite has two dorsal and two ventral cutting plates around the anterior margin of the buccal capsule. It also has a pair of subdorsal and a pair of subventral teeth located close to the rear. Males are usually 7-9 mm long, whereas females are about 9-11 mm long. The typical lifespan of these parasites is three to five years. They can produce between 5000 and 10,000 eggs per day.[3]
This worm starts out as an unembryonated egg in the soil. After 24–48 hours under favorable conditions, the eggs become embryonated and hatch. This first juvenile stage 1 is known as 'rhabditiform'. The rhabditiform larvae grow and molt in the soil, transforming into a juvenile stage 2. The juvenile stage 2 molts once more until reaching the juvenile 3 stage, which is also called 'filariform'; this is also the infective form. The transformation from rhabditiform to the filariform usually takes five to 10 days.[4] This larval form is able to penetrate human skin, travel through the blood vessels and heart, and reach the lungs. Once there, they burrow through the pulmonary alveoli and travel up the trachea, where they are swallowed and are carried to the small intestine, where they mature into adults and reproduce by attaching themselves to the intestinal wall, causing an increase of blood loss by the host. The eggs end up on the soil after leaving the body through the feces.[5] On average, most adult worms are eliminated in one to two years. The N. americanus life cycle only differs slightly from that of A. duodenale. N. americanus has no development arrest in immune hosts and it must migrate through the lungs.
N. americanus was first discovered in Brazil and then was found in Texas. Later, it was found to be indigenous in Africa, China, southwest Pacific islands, India, and Southeast Asia. This parasite is a tropical parasite and is the most common species in humans. Roughly 95% of hookworms found in the southern region of the United States are N. americanus. This parasite is found in humans, but can also be found in pigs and dogs.
Transmission of N. americanus infection requires the deposition of egg-containing feces on shady, well-drained soil and is favored by warm, humid (tropical) conditions. Therefore, infections worldwide are usually reported in places where direct contact with contaminated soil occurs.
When adult worms attach to the villi of the small intestine, they suck on the host's blood, which may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, and weight loss that can lead to anorexia. Heavy infections can lead to the development of iron deficiency and hypochromic microcytic anemia. This form of anemia in children can give rise to physical and mental retardation. Infection caused by cutaneous larvae migrans, a skin disease in humans, is characterized by skin ruptures and severe itching.[6]
The most common technique used to diagnose a hookworm infection is to take a stool sample, fix it in 10% formalin, concentrate it using the formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation technique, and then create a wet mount of the sediment for viewing under a microscope. However, the eggs of A. duodenale and N. americanus cannot be distinguished; thus, the larvae must be examined to identify these hookworms. Larvae cannot be found in stool specimens unless the specimen was left at ambient temperature for a day or more.
Education, improved sanitation, and controlled disposal of human feces are critical for prevention. Nonetheless, wearing shoes in endemic areas helps reduce the prevalence of infection.
An infection of N. americanus parasites can be treated by using benzimidazoles, albendazole, and mebendazole. A blood transfusion may be necessary in severe cases of anemia. Light infections are usually left untreated in areas where reinfection is common. Iron supplements and a diet high in protein will speed the recovery process.[7] In a case study involving 56-60 men with Trichuris trichiura and/or N. americanus infections, both albendazole and mebendazole were 90% effective in curing T. trichiura. However, albendazole had a 95% cure rate for N. americanus, while mebendazole only had a 21% cure rate. This suggests albendazole is most effective for treating both T. trichiura and N. americanus.[8]
Cryotherapy by application of liquid nitrogen to the skin has been used to kill cutaneous larvae migrans, but the procedure has a low cure rate and a high incidence of pain and severe skin damage, so it now is passed over in favor of suitable pharmaceuticals. Topical application of some pharmaceuticals has merit, but requires repeated, persistent applications and is less effective than some systemic treatments.[9]
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リンク元 | 「蠕虫」「N. americanus」 |
関連記事 | 「Necator」 |
蠕虫類 | 病原体名 | 病名 | 感染経路 | 寄生部位 | 症状 | 診断 | 治療 | |
線虫類 | Ancylostoma duodenale | ズビニ鉤虫 | 鈎虫症/十二指腸虫症 | F型幼虫経口感染、経皮 | 空腸上部 | 皮膚炎、若菜病、貧血 | 飽和食塩水浮遊法、遠心沈降法 | pyrantel pamoate、鉄剤 |
Necator americanus | アメリカ鉤虫 | |||||||
Strongyloides stercoralis | 糞線虫 | 糞線虫症 | F型幼虫経皮感染 | 小腸上部 | Loffler症候群 | 糞便塗沫、普通寒天平板培養による R型、F型幼虫の検出 |
thiabendazole, ivermectin | |
Enterobius vermicularis | 蟯虫 | 蟯虫症 | 虫卵経口感染 | 盲腸~大腸 | 夜間の掻痒、不眠、情緒不安定 | 肛囲検査法「柿の種」 | pyrantel pamoate | |
Ascaris lumbricoides | 回虫 | 回虫症 | 虫卵経口感染 | 小腸孵化→門脈→ 肺発育→食道嚥下→小腸 |
Loffler症候群。急性腹痛 | 糞便虫の虫卵の証明 | pyrantel pamoate | |
Toxocara canis | イヌ回虫 | 幼虫移行症 | 生後1-2ヶ月の感染犬の 糞から経口感染 |
なし | 幼虫移行症→失明 | 免疫診断 | 治療法無し? | |
Wuchereria bancrofti | バンクロフト糸状虫 | フィラリア症/糸状虫症 | アカイエカ | リンパ系 | 急性期:リンパ肝炎、リンパ腺炎を伴う熱発作(filarial fever) 慢性期:乳糜尿、リンパ管瘤、陰嚢水腫、象皮病 |
急性期:夜間のmicrofilariaの検出 慢性期:特有の症状を考慮 |
diethylcarbamazine & ivermectin | |
Brugia malayi | マレー糸状虫 | |||||||
Dirofilaria immitis | イヌ糸状虫 | アカイエカ | なし | 幼虫移行症→肺血管閉塞→胸部X線画像銭形陰影 | ||||
Gnathostoma spinigerum | 有棘顎口虫 | 顎口虫症 | ドジョウ、雷魚、ヘビの生食 | 消化管壁貫通→皮下移動による腫瘤や線状皮膚炎 | 移動性腫瘤、皮膚爬行疹 雷魚やドジョウの生殖の問診 免疫血清診断 |
なし | ||
Gnathostoma hispidum | 剛棘顎口虫 | |||||||
Gnathostoma doloresi | ドロレス顎口虫 | |||||||
Gnathostoma nipponicum | 日本顎口虫 | |||||||
Anisakis simplex, larva | アニキサス幼虫 | アニサキス症 (1)胃アニサキス症、 (2)腸アニサキス症、 (3)異所性アニサキス症 |
経口感染 終宿主:クジラ、イルカ。 中間宿主:オキアミ。 待機宿主:サバ、ニシン、アジ、タラなど |
胃や腸 | (1)急激な上腹部痛"胃けいれん" (2)腹痛、急性虫垂炎、イレウス様。劇症型と緩和型がある (3)腹腔内の炎症性肉芽腫 |
胃内視鏡検査 | 内視鏡による虫体摘出 | |
Pseudoterranova decipiens | ||||||||
Trichinella spiralis | 旋毛虫 | 旋毛虫症 | 経口感染 豚肉、クマ肉の生食 |
(1)成虫侵襲期:下痢、腹痛 (2)幼虫筋肉移行期:顔面浮腫、心筋障害など (3)幼虫被嚢期:全身浮腫、衰弱 |
急性期:ステロイド 殺虫:mebendazole | |||
鞭虫症 | 盲腸 | 慢性下痢、腹痛、異食症、貧血 | セロファン重層塗沫法、 ホルマリンエーテル法 |
mebendazole | ||||
Spirurin nematode larva | 旋尾線虫 | 旋尾線虫幼虫 | ホタルイカの生食 | なし | 皮膚爬行疹、イレウス様症状 | 予防:-30℃24時間。 生食には-30℃4日間以上 |
摘出 | |
吸虫類 | Shistosoma japonicum | 日本住血吸虫 | 日本住血吸虫症 | 糞便虫の虫卵→ミラシジウム→ ミヤイリガイ体内でセルカリア→ 人畜の皮膚より浸入→循環系→ 門脈に寄生 |
門脈 | (1)潜伏期:侵入部の掻痒性皮膚炎。肺移行期:咳、発熱 (2)急性期:虫卵の門脈系寄生、産卵。住血吸虫性赤痢。 (3)慢性期:虫卵の肝、脳などの塞栓。肝硬変。脾腫、腹水 |
糞便虫の虫卵の検出。 直腸粘膜層掻爬法、 肝穿刺による組織内虫卵の検出。 補助診断として免疫血清学的検査。 |
praziquantel |
Paragonimus westermani | ウェステルマン肺吸虫 | 肺吸虫症/肺ジストマ症 | 経口感染 淡水産のカニ、イノシシ肉の生食 |
肺 | 痰、咳、胸痛、時に喀血 | 痰や便の虫卵検査、 胸部写真、 断層写真で明らかな虫嚢。 免疫学血清検査 |
Paragonimus miyazakii | 宮崎肺吸虫 | 肺 | 気胸、胸水貯留、膿胸、好酸球増加 | praziquantel | ||||
Clonorchis sinensis | 肝吸虫 | 肝吸虫症/肝ジストマ症 | 経口感染 虫卵→(マメタニシ:セルカリア)→ セルカリア→(魚:メタセルカリア)→ 摂取→(ヒト:成虫)→虫卵 |
胆管 | 胆汁流出障害による肝障害→肝硬変 | 糞便、胆汁(十二指腸ゾンデ法)。 肝吸虫卵の検出。CT像。エコー検査。 |
praziquantel | |
横川吸虫症 | 淡水魚(アユ、フナ、ウグイ、シラウオ)の生食 | 小腸粘膜 | 下痢、腹痛 | 糞便虫の虫卵 | praziquantel | |||
条虫類 | Taeniarhynchus saginatus | 無鉤条虫 | 腸管条虫症 | 経口感染。中間宿主:ウシ | 小腸 | 無症状。下痢。 広節裂頭条虫感染では悪性貧血。 |
糞便虫の虫卵と体節により診断 | praziquantel。 有鉤条虫の場合はガストログラフィン。 有鉤条虫の駆虫の際、 虫体を破壊しない →虫体の融解による嚢虫症 |
Taenia solium | 有鉤条虫 | 経口感染。中間宿主:ブタ | ||||||
Diphyllobothrium latum | 広節裂頭条虫 | 経口感染。中間宿主:サケ、マス | ||||||
日本海裂頭条虫 | 経口感染。中間宿主:サケ | |||||||
腸管外条虫症 | ||||||||
有鉤嚢虫症 | 有鉤条虫の虫卵の経口摂取 | 皮下、筋肉内 脳、脊髄、眼球 |
皮下、筋肉内:小指頭大の無症状腫瘤 脳、脊髄、眼球:Jacksonてんかん。痙性麻痺など |
皮下の虫嚢 | 外科的摘出。 成虫寄生がなければ、praziquantel, albendazole + ステロイド | |||
Echinococcus granulosus | 単包虫 | 包虫症/ エキノコックス症 (単包虫症) |
終宿主:イヌ、キツネなど。 中間宿主:ヒト、ブタ、野ネズミなど。 終宿主の糞便虫の虫卵を中間宿主が接種して発症 |
肝、肺、まれに脳、腎、筋肉 | 肝寄生:肝部疼痛、満腹、時に黄疸、下肢浮腫 肺寄生:胸部圧迫感、胸痛、咳、血痰、時に喀血 |
肝や肺の嚢胞形成から疑う。 早期に診断に皮内反応→ CT、エコー→ 生検。免疫血清学的診断法 |
外科的切除。 albendazoleの長期投与 | |
Echinococcus multilocularis | 多包虫 | 包虫症/ エキノコックス症 (多包虫症) |