出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/08/31 00:52:59」(JST)
Clonorchis sinensis | |
Clonorchis sinensis under a light microscope. Notice the ovaries. This species is monoecious | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Platyhelminthes |
Class: | Trematoda |
Order: | Opisthorchiida |
Family: | Opisthorchiidae |
Genus: | Clonorchis |
Species: | C. sinensis |
Binomial name | |
Clonorchis sinensis Looss, 1907 |
Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese liver fluke, is a human liver fluke in the class Trematoda, phylum Platyhelminthes. This parasite lives in the liver of humans, and is found mainly in the common bile duct and gall bladder, feeding on bile. These animals, which are believed to be the third most prevalent worm parasite in the world, are endemic to Japan, China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia, currently infecting an estimated 30,000,000 humans.[1] 85% of cases are found in China.
It is the most prevalent human trematode in Asia, and still actively transmitted in Korea, China, Vietnam and also Russia, with 200 million people at constant risk. Recent studies have proved that it is capable of causing cancer of liver and bile duct, and in fact the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classed it as a group 1 biological carcinogen in 2009.[2][3][4]
The eggs of a C. sinensis, which contain the miracidium that develops into the adult form, float in fresh water until eaten by a snail.
Freshwater snail Parafossarulus manchouricus - synonym: Parafossarulus striatulus, often serves as a first intermediate host for C. sinensis in China, Japan, Korea and Russia.[5][6]
Other snail hosts include:
Once inside of the snail body, the miracidium hatches from the egg, and parasitically grows inside of the snail. The miracidium develops into a sporocyst, which in turn house the asexual reproduction of redia, the next stage. The redia themselves house the asexual reproduction of free-swimming cercaria. This system of asexual reproduction allows for an exponential multiplication of cercaria individuals from one miracidium. This aids the Clonorchis in reproduction, because it enables the miracidium to capitalize on one chance occasion of passively being eaten by a snail before the egg dies.
Once the redia mature, having grown inside the snail body until this point, they actively bore out of the snail body into the freshwater environment.
There, instead of waiting to be consumed by a host (as is the case in their egg stage), they seek out a fish. Boring their way into the fish's body, they again become parasites of their new hosts.
Once inside of the fish muscle, the cercaria create a protective metacercarial cyst with which to encapsulate their bodies. This protective cyst proves useful when the fish muscle is consumed by a human.
The acid-resistant cyst enables the metacercaria to avoid being digested by the human gastric acids, and allows the metacercaria to reach the small intestine unharmed. Reaching the small intestines, the metacercaria navigate toward the human liver, which becomes its final habitat. Clonorchis feed on human bile created by the liver. In the human liver, the mature Clonorchis reaches its stage of asexual reproduction which they produce eggs every 1–30 seconds.
Dwelling in the bile ducts, Clonorchis induces an inflammatory reaction, epithelial hyperplasia and sometimes even cholangiocarcinoma, the incidence of which is raised in fluke-infested areas.[7]
One adverse effect of Clonorchis is the possibility for the adult metacercaria to consume all bile created in the liver, which would inhibit the host human from digesting, especially fats. Another possibility is obstruction of the bile duct by the parasite or its eggs, leading to biliary obstruction and cholangitis (specifically oriental cholangitis).
Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR) a report of 80 cases by Dr. John Chiao-nan Chang, M.D. and Dr. Yin-Ping Wang, M.D. Hong Kong on page 125 of their report observed that 19% of the cases of CSR in their sample tested positive for Clonorchis sinensis.[8]
While normally asymptomatic most pathological manifestations result from inflammation and intermittent obstruction of the biliary ducts. The acute phase consists of abdominal pain with associated nausea and diarrhea. Long standing infections consist of fatigue, abdominal discomfort, anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea, and jaundice. The pathology of long standing infections consist of bile stasis, obstruction, bacterial infections, inflammation, periductal fibrosis, and hyperplasia. Development of cholangiocarcinoma is progressive.[9]
Infection is detected mainly on identification of eggs by microscopic demonstration in faeces or in duodenal aspirate. But other sophisticated methods have been developed such as ELISA which has become the most important clinical technique. Diagnosis by detecting DNAs from eggs in faeces are also developed using PCR, real-time PCR, and LAMP, which are highly sensitive and specific. Imaging diagnosis has been studied in depth and is now widely used.[2][10] Drugs used to treat infestation include triclabendazole, praziquantel, bithionol, albendazole, levamisole and mebendazole.However, benzimidazoles are very weak as vermicide. As with other trematodes, praziquantel is the drug of choice. Lately, tribendimidine has been acknowledged as an effective and safe drug.[2][11]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Clonorchis sinensis. |
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リンク元 | 「蠕虫」「寄生虫症」「Opisthorchis」「liver fluke」「Opisthorchis viverrini」 |
蠕虫類 | 病原体名 | 病名 | 感染経路 | 寄生部位 | 症状 | 診断 | 治療 | |
線虫類 | Ancylostoma duodenale | ズビニ鉤虫 | 鈎虫症/十二指腸虫症 | F型幼虫経口感染、経皮 | 空腸上部 | 皮膚炎、若菜病、貧血 | 飽和食塩水浮遊法、遠心沈降法 | pyrantel pamoate、鉄剤 |
Necator americanus | アメリカ鉤虫 | |||||||
Strongyloides stercoralis | 糞線虫 | 糞線虫症 | F型幼虫経皮感染 | 小腸上部 | Loffler症候群 | 糞便塗沫、普通寒天平板培養による R型、F型幼虫の検出 |
thiabendazole, ivermectin | |
Enterobius vermicularis | 蟯虫 | 蟯虫症 | 虫卵経口感染 | 盲腸~大腸 | 夜間の掻痒、不眠、情緒不安定 | 肛囲検査法「柿の種」 | pyrantel pamoate | |
Ascaris lumbricoides | 回虫 | 回虫症 | 虫卵経口感染 | 小腸孵化→門脈→ 肺発育→食道嚥下→小腸 |
Loffler症候群。急性腹痛 | 糞便虫の虫卵の証明 | pyrantel pamoate | |
Toxocara canis | イヌ回虫 | 幼虫移行症 | 生後1-2ヶ月の感染犬の 糞から経口感染 |
なし | 幼虫移行症→失明 | 免疫診断 | 治療法無し? | |
Wuchereria bancrofti | バンクロフト糸状虫 | フィラリア症/糸状虫症 | アカイエカ | リンパ系 | 急性期:リンパ肝炎、リンパ腺炎を伴う熱発作(filarial fever) 慢性期:乳糜尿、リンパ管瘤、陰嚢水腫、象皮病 |
急性期:夜間のmicrofilariaの検出 慢性期:特有の症状を考慮 |
diethylcarbamazine & ivermectin | |
Brugia malayi | マレー糸状虫 | |||||||
Dirofilaria immitis | イヌ糸状虫 | アカイエカ | なし | 幼虫移行症→肺血管閉塞→胸部X線画像銭形陰影 | ||||
Gnathostoma spinigerum | 有棘顎口虫 | 顎口虫症 | ドジョウ、雷魚、ヘビの生食 | 消化管壁貫通→皮下移動による腫瘤や線状皮膚炎 | 移動性腫瘤、皮膚爬行疹 雷魚やドジョウの生殖の問診 免疫血清診断 |
なし | ||
Gnathostoma hispidum | 剛棘顎口虫 | |||||||
Gnathostoma doloresi | ドロレス顎口虫 | |||||||
Gnathostoma nipponicum | 日本顎口虫 | |||||||
Anisakis simplex, larva | アニキサス幼虫 | アニサキス症 (1)胃アニサキス症、 (2)腸アニサキス症、 (3)異所性アニサキス症 |
経口感染 終宿主:クジラ、イルカ。 中間宿主:オキアミ。 待機宿主:サバ、ニシン、アジ、タラなど |
胃や腸 | (1)急激な上腹部痛"胃けいれん" (2)腹痛、急性虫垂炎、イレウス様。劇症型と緩和型がある (3)腹腔内の炎症性肉芽腫 |
胃内視鏡検査 | 内視鏡による虫体摘出 | |
Pseudoterranova decipiens | ||||||||
Trichinella spiralis | 旋毛虫 | 旋毛虫症 | 経口感染 豚肉、クマ肉の生食 |
(1)成虫侵襲期:下痢、腹痛 (2)幼虫筋肉移行期:顔面浮腫、心筋障害など (3)幼虫被嚢期:全身浮腫、衰弱 |
急性期:ステロイド 殺虫:mebendazole | |||
鞭虫症 | 盲腸 | 慢性下痢、腹痛、異食症、貧血 | セロファン重層塗沫法、 ホルマリンエーテル法 |
mebendazole | ||||
Spirurin nematode larva | 旋尾線虫 | 旋尾線虫幼虫 | ホタルイカの生食 | なし | 皮膚爬行疹、イレウス様症状 | 予防:-30℃24時間。 生食には-30℃4日間以上 |
摘出 | |
吸虫類 | Shistosoma japonicum | 日本住血吸虫 | 日本住血吸虫症 | 糞便虫の虫卵→ミラシジウム→ ミヤイリガイ体内でセルカリア→ 人畜の皮膚より浸入→循環系→ 門脈に寄生 |
門脈 | (1)潜伏期:侵入部の掻痒性皮膚炎。肺移行期:咳、発熱 (2)急性期:虫卵の門脈系寄生、産卵。住血吸虫性赤痢。 (3)慢性期:虫卵の肝、脳などの塞栓。肝硬変。脾腫、腹水 |
糞便虫の虫卵の検出。 直腸粘膜層掻爬法、 肝穿刺による組織内虫卵の検出。 補助診断として免疫血清学的検査。 |
praziquantel |
Paragonimus westermani | ウェステルマン肺吸虫 | 肺吸虫症/肺ジストマ症 | 経口感染 淡水産のカニ、イノシシ肉の生食 |
肺 | 痰、咳、胸痛、時に喀血 | 痰や便の虫卵検査、 胸部写真、 断層写真で明らかな虫嚢。 免疫学血清検査 |
Paragonimus miyazakii | 宮崎肺吸虫 | 肺 | 気胸、胸水貯留、膿胸、好酸球増加 | praziquantel | ||||
Clonorchis sinensis | 肝吸虫 | 肝吸虫症/肝ジストマ症 | 経口感染 虫卵→(マメタニシ:セルカリア)→ セルカリア→(魚:メタセルカリア)→ 摂取→(ヒト:成虫)→虫卵 |
胆管 | 胆汁流出障害による肝障害→肝硬変 | 糞便、胆汁(十二指腸ゾンデ法)。 肝吸虫卵の検出。CT像。エコー検査。 |
praziquantel | |
横川吸虫症 | 淡水魚(アユ、フナ、ウグイ、シラウオ)の生食 | 小腸粘膜 | 下痢、腹痛 | 糞便虫の虫卵 | praziquantel | |||
条虫類 | Taeniarhynchus saginatus | 無鉤条虫 | 腸管条虫症 | 経口感染。中間宿主:ウシ | 小腸 | 無症状。下痢。 広節裂頭条虫感染では悪性貧血。 |
糞便虫の虫卵と体節により診断 | praziquantel。 有鉤条虫の場合はガストログラフィン。 有鉤条虫の駆虫の際、 虫体を破壊しない →虫体の融解による嚢虫症 |
Taenia solium | 有鉤条虫 | 経口感染。中間宿主:ブタ | ||||||
Diphyllobothrium latum | 広節裂頭条虫 | 経口感染。中間宿主:サケ、マス | ||||||
日本海裂頭条虫 | 経口感染。中間宿主:サケ | |||||||
腸管外条虫症 | ||||||||
有鉤嚢虫症 | 有鉤条虫の虫卵の経口摂取 | 皮下、筋肉内 脳、脊髄、眼球 |
皮下、筋肉内:小指頭大の無症状腫瘤 脳、脊髄、眼球:Jacksonてんかん。痙性麻痺など |
皮下の虫嚢 | 外科的摘出。 成虫寄生がなければ、praziquantel, albendazole + ステロイド | |||
Echinococcus granulosus | 単包虫 | 包虫症/ エキノコックス症 (単包虫症) |
終宿主:イヌ、キツネなど。 中間宿主:ヒト、ブタ、野ネズミなど。 終宿主の糞便虫の虫卵を中間宿主が接種して発症 |
肝、肺、まれに脳、腎、筋肉 | 肝寄生:肝部疼痛、満腹、時に黄疸、下肢浮腫 肺寄生:胸部圧迫感、胸痛、咳、血痰、時に喀血 |
肝や肺の嚢胞形成から疑う。 早期に診断に皮内反応→ CT、エコー→ 生検。免疫血清学的診断法 |
外科的切除。 albendazoleの長期投与 | |
Echinococcus multilocularis | 多包虫 | 包虫症/ エキノコックス症 (多包虫症) |