前大脳動脈, anterior cerebral artery
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- answer / ampere
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/07/01 09:28:42」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 不正商品対策協議会 (The Anti Counterfeiting Association) - 日本。
- エア・カナダのICAO航空会社コード。
- アドヴェンチャー・サイクリング・アソシエイション(Adventure Cycling Association) - 自転車旅行の普及協会。
- anterior cerebral artery. 前大脳動脈の略。
- Anti-Capitalist_ Action (反資本主義行動)の略
- 広告業協同組合 (Advertising Cooprative Assocaation) [1] - 日本。
- アダルト・チルドレン・アノニマス (Adult Children Anonymous) [2] - 日本。
- 全日空乗員組合 (All Nippon Airways Crew Association) [3] - 全日空の乗員組合。
- アドビ認定アソシエイト (Adobe Certified Associate) [4] - アドビシステムズ社認定の資格。
- ACA株式会社 [5] - 投資会社。旧社名は「アント・コーポレートアドバイザリー株式会社」。
- アメリカの超党派団体軍備管理協会
- 米国結晶学会 (American Crystallographic Association)
- 患者保護並びに医療費負担適正化法 (Affordable Care Act)
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[Wiki en表示]
ACA may refer to:
- Achawa language, an Arawakan language of Colombia
- 1 Arts and entertainment
- 2 Business
- 3 Government and politics
- 4 Organizations
- 4.1 Professional associations
- 4.2 School
- 5 Science, medicine and technology
- 6 Sporting
- 7 Transport
Arts and entertainment
- A Current Affair, an Australian television program
- American Choreography Awards
- American Composers Alliance
- American Council for the Arts, now part of Americans for the Arts
- American Country Awards
- Associate Chartered Accountant, a membership type of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan
- Alerting Communicators of America, an earlier name of American Signal Corporation
- Angel Capital Association
- Associate Chartered Accountant, a membership type of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
- Astronautics Corporation of America
- Australian Coal Association
Government and politics
- Affordable Care Act, shorthand for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly called "Obamacare"
- Allied Commission for Austria
- Anti-Corruption Agency, a Malaysian government agency
- Australian Coal Association
- Australian Communications Authority
- Army Comrades Association, or "Blueshirts", a political organization in 1930s Ireland
- Academic Cooperation Association, Brussels, higher education sector
- Adult Children of Alcoholics
- Aero Club of America
- American Cadet Alliance
- American Chess Association, a 19th-century organization
- American Citizens Abroad
- American Cryptogram Association
- American Crystallographic Association
- Amputee Coalition of America
- Analytica Chimica Acta, an academic journal
- Anglican Church in America
- Army Comrades Association
- Association of Canadian Archivists
- Atheist Community of Austin
- Automóvil Club Argentino
Professional associations
- ACA International, formerly the American Collectors Association
- American Callers Association
- American Camp Association
- American Chiropractic Association
- American Counseling Association
- American Correctional Association
- Austrian Cockpit Association, the Austrian member of IFALPA and ECA
- Academic Cooperation Association
- Asunción Christian Academy, an American school in Asunción, Paraguay
Science, medicine and technology
- 7-ACA, 7-aminocephalosporanic acid
- Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
- Anterior cerebral artery
- Anti-cardiolipin antibodies
- Anti-centromere antibodies
- Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
- Agile Combat Aircraft, forerunner to the British Aerospace EAP technology demonstrator aircraft
- Adventure Cycling Association
- African Cricket Association
- American Canoe Association
- Argentine Cricket Association
- AC Ajaccio, a French professional football team
- AC Arles-Avignon, a French professional football team
- Air Canada, an airline
- Antioch–Pittsburg (Amtrak station) in California
- Arctic Control Area, a Canadian airspace region
- Atlantic Coast Airlines, later Independence Air
- General Juan N. Álvarez International Airport, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico
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English Journal
- Effects of calcium chelators on calcium distribution and protein solubility in rennet casein dispersions.
- McIntyre I1, O' Sullivan M1, O' Riordan D2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Apr 15;197(Pt A):233-9. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.10.084. Epub 2015 Oct 19.
- This study investigated the effects of calcium chelating salts on calcium-ion activity (ACa(++)), calcium distribution, and protein solubility in model CaCl2 solutions (50mmolL(-1)) or rennet casein dispersions (15g/100g). Disodium phosphate and trisodium citrate at concentrations of 10 and 30mmolL(
- PMID 26616945
- The Diffusion of Acamprosate for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder: Results From a National Longitudinal Study.
- Knudsen HK1, Roman PM2.
- Journal of substance abuse treatment.J Subst Abuse Treat.2016 Mar;62:62-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2015.10.005. Epub 2015 Dec 1.
- To consider how the Affordable Care Act may impact the diffusion of acamprosate, an evidence-based treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the present study estimated the associations between acamprosate availability, Medicaid revenues, and private insurance revenues. Data were collected from orga
- PMID 26689318
- Stacking dependence of carrier transport properties in multilayered black phosphorous.
- Sengupta A1, Audiffred M, Heine T, Niehaus TA.
- Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.J Phys Condens Matter.2016 Feb 24;28(7):075001. Epub 2016 Jan 25.
- We present the effect of different stacking orders on carrier transport properties of multi-layer black phosphorous. We consider three different stacking orders AAA, ABA and ACA, with increasing number of layers (from 2 to 6 layers). We employ a hierarchical approach in density functional theory (DF
- PMID 26809017
Japanese Journal
- アメリカの医療制度(4)ACA法と雇用主提供型医療保険の行方
- ADSに用いる容積型圧力変換装置に関する研究 : 増圧特性に影響する因子の検討
- Comparison of Flip-Chip Bonding Characteristics on Rigid, Flexible, and Stretchable Substrates: Part II. Flip-Chip Bonding on Compliant Substrates
Related Links
- 海外投資について ACAはアジア各地に子会社・関係会社を有し、現地ネットワークを通じたアジアを中心とした各種投資業務を行っています。 戦略投資について ACAは中小型上場企業を対象としたバイアウト・PIPEs投資を行っています。
- 元気ある広告業をめざすACA広告業協同組合オフィシャルホームページ。ビーコラ10などの会員社間コラボレーションなど活発な活動内容がわかります。 ... 10月17日(木)「ソーシャルメディアと広告戦略」を開催します(午後2時より銀座 ...
- (http://www.aca.gr.jp/news_back/20111206.html) 2012年度 タレントの安めぐみさん フェアの模様 (http://www.aca.gr.jp/news_back/20121108.html) 締 切 2013年9月26日(木曜日) 応募送付先 〒105‐0001東京都港区虎ノ門 1 ...
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- 英
- Fischer ratio
- 同
- Fischer比
- 血液中の分岐鎖アミノ酸(BCAA)(バリン、ロイシン、イソロイシン)と芳香族アミノ酸(ACA)(チロシン、フェニルアラニン)の物質量比。通常は3-4に保たれる。
- BCAAは筋肉、心臓、脳、肝臓などの組織で、ACAは主に肝臓で代謝される。
- 肝不全(急性・慢性肝炎、肝硬変、劇症肝炎、肝性脳症、肝性昏睡など)では、芳香族アミノ酸を肝臓で代謝できず、逆に異常代謝により血中に放出されるため、フィッシャー比は低下する。
- 重症度:1.8-2.5(軽度~中等度低下)、1.8以下(高度低下)
- [高頻度]肝硬変、劇症肝炎
- [可能性]急性肝炎、慢性肝炎、閉塞性黄疸、特発性門脈圧亢進症、心不全、呼吸不全、重症感染症
- http://homepage3.nifty.com/mickeym/No.101_200/195fiscer.html
- http://www.pharm.or.jp/dictionary/wiki.cgi?%E3%83%95%E3%82%A3%E3%83%83%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A3%E3%83%BC%E6%AF%94
- 英
- anterior cerebral artery (N), ACA
- ラ
- arteria cerebri anterior
- 関
- 中大脳動脈、後大脳動脈
- 図:KH.347(分布) N.130(頭蓋内) N.132-135
- 内頚動脈から前方に向かって分岐し、視神経の奥(大脳を下部から見て)に潜り前方かつ正中に向かう。正中付近で前交通動脈を出して交通しつつ両側性に脳梁の正面に沿って脳梁幹の半分以上進む。その間、大脳縦裂の外に向かって枝を出す。終枝は後大脳動脈と吻合しうる。(N.132-135の図から想像)
- hypesthesia and paresis of the contralateral lower extremity
- ラ
- acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans ACA
- 関
- ボレリア症
[show details]
- 関
- プロモーター
- 同
- Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study