- 英
- ultrasonically guided biopsy
- 同
- エコーガイド下生検
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- 1. 消化管における超音波内視鏡ガイド下での細針穿刺生検endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle biopsy in the gastrointestinal tract [show details]
… related to EUS-guided fine needle biopsy in the gastrointestinal tract. A discussion on EUS-guided FNA in the gastrointestinal tract is presented separately. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided sampling of lesions …
- 2. 縦隔に行う超音波内視鏡下穿刺吸引法:手技、適応、禁忌、合併症endoscopic ultrasound guided sampling of the mediastinum technique indications contraindications and complications [show details]
…nodules could be successfully located and biopsied using EUS, this is not standard practice . Other, more commonly used image-guided approaches used to biopsy peripheral pulmonary nodules are discussed …
- 3. 甲状腺結節の診断的アプローチおよび治療diagnostic approach to and treatment of thyroid nodules [show details]
…nondiagnostic palpation or ultrasound-guided biopsies, we perform repeat FNA using ultrasound guidance. For patients with solid nodules and nondiagnostic cytology after repeated biopsies, we typically perform …
- 4. 甲状腺疾患における超音波検査の臨床的有用性の概要overview of the clinical utility of ultrasonography in thyroid disease [show details]
…granuloma (confirmed by ultrasound-guided FNA biopsy) mimicked cancer on thyroid ultrasound and 2-[fluorine-18] fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (PET) . On ultrasound, the suture granuloma …
- 5. Ultrasound guidance for neuraxial anesthesia techniquesultrasound guidance for neuraxial anesthesia techniques [show details]
… preprocedure ultrasound-guided or landmark-based techniques. Real-time neuraxial ultrasound is technically challenging, and the optimal technique and benefits versus preprocedure ultrasound have not been …
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- 42歳の男性。人間ドックの腹部超音波検査で肝に腫瘤性病変を指摘され来院した。身体所見に異常はなく、血液所見と血清生化学所見とに異常を認めない。腹部ダイナミックCTを以下に示す。
- 対応として適切なのはどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [100A028]←[国試_100]→[100A030]
※国試ナビ4※ [106B023]←[国試_106]→[106B025]
- 関
- 超音波ガイド下生検
- 英
- biopsy
- 同
- バイオプシー、診査切除術 exploratory excision、試験切除術
- 関
- リンパ節腫脹:感染によるリンパ節腫脹は自然消退しうるので一ヶ月以上経過観察してから。
- 悪性黒色腫:転移しやすいため
- 精巣腫瘍:血行転移のおそれ → ゆえに精巣腫瘍を否定できない陰嚢腫脹に対しては診断を兼ねた高位精巣摘除が標準的治療
- 英
- ultrasound US, high frequency sound
- 同
- high frequency sound
- 関
- 心エコー、ピエゾ電気効果
- 英
- acoustic wave、sonic wave、sound wave