- 英
- lateral branch of superficial peroneal nerve
- 関
- 中間足背皮神経
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- 1. 下肢の神経ブロック:手技lower extremity nerve blocks techniques [show details]
… sural nerves). The superficial and deep peroneal (fibular) nerves are branches of the peroneal (common fibular) nerve. The sural nerve is a branch of the tibial nerve .… cm lateral to the popliteal artery) and the posteromedial border of the femur. The ankle block consists of separate blocks of five nerves: four branches of the sciatic nerve (ie, superficial and deep…
- 2. 下肢末梢神経症候群の概要overview of lower extremity peripheral nerve syndromes [show details]
… common peroneal (now being renamed fibular) nerve is just below the knee as the nerve wraps around the lateral aspect of the fibula, immediately before dividing into its deep and superficial branches. Compression …
- 3. 骨盤手術に関連する神経損傷nerve injury associated with pelvic surgery [show details]
… dorsum of the foot and lateral shin (superficial peroneal nerve territory) . The pudendal nerve arises from the second, third, and fourth sacral nerve roots,… common fibular nerve is just below the knee, where the nerve wraps around the lateral aspect of the fibula, immediately before dividing into its deep and superficial branches Excessive external…
- 4. 外側側副靭帯損傷および関連する膝後外側支持機構損傷lateral collateral ligament injury and related posterolateral corner injuries of the knee [show details]
… possible due to the extent of injury or degree of pain. Lateral knee trauma may involve injury of the common peroneal or superficial peroneal nerve. Therefore, it is important to assess sensation and lower …
- 5. 下肢の筋膜切開法lower extremity fasciotomy techniques [show details]
…injury during anterior and lateral compartment fasciotomy . The superficial peroneal nerve branches from the common peroneal nerve at or below the proximal fibular head. The nerve descends in its "normal" …
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- 浅腓骨神経は、深腓骨神経と別れ、腓骨の外側を下行しながら下腿外側の筋肉(長腓骨筋、短腓骨筋)に筋枝を与えた後、下腿の下から1/3部で筋膜を貫き皮下に出ます(図1参照)。
- 【長腓骨筋】 起始:腓骨頭、腓骨上部の外側面・脛骨の外側顆、前および後下腿筋間中隔。 停止:第一楔状骨、第一中足骨底部。 神経支配:浅腓骨神経(L5〜S1) 【短腓骨筋】 起始:腓骨外側面の下部2/3、前下腿筋間中隔
- この外側筋膜区分には長短腓骨筋以外にも 浅腓骨神経が位置しています。 この浅腓骨神経は 長短腓骨筋を支配 しています。 また感覚領域は深腓骨神経領の固有領域である第1・2趾間の付け根の感覚と 第5趾を除いた 足背と下腿外側
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- 英
- intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve (N)
- ラ
- nervus cutaneus dorsalis intermedius
- 同
- 浅腓骨神経外側枝 lateral branch of superficial peroneal nerve
- 関
- 浅腓骨神経、内側足背皮神経、外側足背皮神経
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- superficial peroneal nerve (KL,KH), superficial fibular nerve (K,KL)
- ラ
- nervus peroneus superficialis, nervus fibularis superficialis
- 図:N.501(浅層),502(深層),524(総腓骨神経の枝)
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- nerve
- ラ
- nervus
- 関
- ニューロン
- 中枢神経 central nervous systen CNS
- 末梢神経 peripheral nervous system PNS
- 感覚神経 sensory nerve = 求心性線維 afferent nerve
- 運動神経 motor nerve = 遠心性線維 efferent nerve
- 体性神経 somatic nervous system SNS
- 自律神経 autonomic nervous system ANS
- 英
- lateral、outside、lateral、external、outer、laterally、externally
- ラ
- lateralis、laterale
- 関
- 外部、側、側方、側面、ラテラル、外、外側性
- 英
- branch、ramus
- 関
- 枝分れ、部門、ブランチ、分岐部、分枝
- 英
- peroneal nerve, fibular nerve