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- 1. 遺伝学の基礎概念:染色体と細胞分化basic genetics concepts chromosomes and cell division [show details]
…cells, is referred to as "M" (for mitosis). Between these phases are the "G" (for gap) phases. Interphase is another term for cells that are not actively undergoing mitosis. These phases are illustrated in …
- 2. 単一遺伝子疾患(メンデル遺伝病とそれ以外の遺伝病)の遺伝パターンinheritance patterns of monogenic disorders mendelian and non mendelian [show details]
…discussed in detail separately. A glossary of genetic terms is also presented separately. Mitosis is the phase of cell division in which DNA is replicated and partitioned to daughter cells. When …
- 3. 消化器に発現する神経内分泌腫瘍の病理、分類、重症度分類pathology classification and grading of neuroendocrine neoplasms arising in the digestive system [show details]
…of the tumor. In most tumors, there are many more Ki-67-labeled cells than there are cells in mitosis. In a limited specimen, such as liver biopsy, gastrointestinal biopsy, or fine needle aspiration…
- 4. 遺伝学:用語集genetics glossary of terms [show details]
- 5. 頭頸部癌に対する放射線療法の一般原則general principles of radiation therapy for head and neck cancer [show details]
…relatively rapidly through apoptosis. However, most cells do not manifest evidence of damage until mitosis occurs, and several divisions may ensue before actual cell death (termed mitotic cell death). The … radiation are high-energy photons (ie, x-rays) and electrons, both of which are produced by linear accelerators. The beam energy and choice of photons versus electrons are based upon the location of the tumor …
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- 英
- mitogen
- 同
- 有糸分裂促進剤、分裂促進因子 mitogenic factor
- LAB.783
- T細胞:特異抗原、抗T細胞抗原レセプター抗体、抗CD3抗体、PHA、ConA、スーパー抗原、フォールボールエステル(PMAなど)
- B細胞:抗IgM抗体、Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I(SAC)、プロテインA
- T/B細胞:PWM
- 関
- 開裂、境界線、区画、混乱、細分化、断片化、破壊、破損、部分、部門、分割、崩壊、門、分ける、乱す、割る、フラグメンテーション
- division、disruption、fission、fragmentation、divide、split、disrupt、split
- 英
- facilitation、promotion、acceleration、facilitate、promote、accelerate、hasten、expedite、further
- 関
- 急ぐ、加速、亢進、昇位、促通、さらに、加速度、速める、それ以上、昇進
- 英
- drug、agent
- 関
- 薬、作用薬、ドラッグ、媒介物、病原体、麻薬、薬剤、薬物、代理人、薬品
- 英
- mitosis
- 同
- 間接分裂 indirect division、核動 karyokinesis
- 関
- 細胞分裂、細胞質分裂、mitogen
- 英
- accelerating agent、accelerator
- 関
- 促進物質、加速器、促進薬