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- 1. 排卵誘発の概要overview of ovulation induction [show details]
… which in most cases is treatable with ovulation induction agents. The goal of therapy in these women is monofollicular development and subsequent ovulation.… including pretreatment suppression with exogenous estrogen, GnRH agonists, or androgens, have been proposed with the aim of improving outcomes from ovulation induction,…
- 2. クエン酸クロミフェンによる排卵誘発ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate [show details]
…metformin (including ovulation induction), except in women with glucose intolerance. Gonadotropins – Gonadotropin therapy is only considered for anovulatory women who have either not ovulated or not conceived …
- 3. レトロゾールによる排卵誘発ovulation induction with letrozole [show details]
…loss, prior to initiating ovulation induction therapy. The approach to obesity management is the same as that for patients without PCOS, starting with lifestyle interventions (diet and exercise), followed …
- 4. 成人における多嚢胞性卵巣症候群の治療treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in adults [show details]
…Gonadotropin therapy – Another method to induce ovulation is administration of exogenous gonadotropins . A study of 225 women with PCOS treated over a 10-year period at one center found rates of ovulation and pregnancy… mcg) are needed in some women for optimal suppression of ovarian androgens and management of hyperandrogenic features.…
- 5. 思春期に生じる多嚢胞性卵巣症候群の治療treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents [show details]
… controlled satisfactorily by cosmetic and COC treatment, antiandrogen and/or direct hair reduction therapy are then added . Lifestyle modification is first-line treatment for the overweight and obesity that may …
Japanese Journal
- P2-31-9 卵巣機能温存を目標とした長期排卵抑制療法の効果に関する基礎的検討(Group 72 生殖補助医療1 基礎,一般演題,公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会第67回学術講演会)
- 磯野 渉,平池 修,平野 茉来,傳 厚菊,櫻橋 彩子,平田 哲也,甲賀 かをり,織田 克利,川名 敬,大須賀 穣,栗原 裕基,藤井 知行
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 67(2), 730, 2015
- NAID 110009941282
- 新しいNorethisterone Mestranol混合剤(Sophia-A)による排卵抑制療法の臨床知見
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- a. (1)(2)
- b. (1)(5)
- c. (2)(3)
- d. (3)(4)
- e. (4)(5)
- 英
- inhibition、suppression、depression、restraint、inhibit、suppress、depress、abrogate、restrain
- 関
- うつ病、拘束、制限、阻害、阻止、低下、撤廃、抑圧、抑欝、廃止、取り消す、抑止、抑える、うつ、うつ状態、鬱、サプレス、制圧、鬱病、抑うつ、抑うつ状態
- 英
- method、law
- 関
- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律
- 英
- therapy、regimen、cure、remedy、therapeutic
- 英
- ovulation
- 関
- 排卵誘発法
- 英
- inhibition of ovulation