- 英
- change、convert
- 関
- 交替、転換、変化、変換、変更、変わる、転向者
- cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue" (同)alter, modify
- become different in some particular way, without permanently losing ones or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarkets selection of vegetables varies according to the season" (同)alter, vary
- exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category; "Could you convert my dollars into pounds?"; "He changed his name"; "convert centimeters into inches"; "convert holdings into shares" (同)exchange, commute, convert
- a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event; "he attributed the change to their marriage"
- change clothes; put on different clothes; "Change before you go to the opera"
- coins of small denomination regarded collectively; "he had a pocketful of change"
- money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency; "he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver"
- remove or replace the coverings of; "Father had to learn how to change the baby"; "After each guest we changed the bed linens"
- the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due; "I paid with a twenty and pocketed the change"
- the result of alteration or modification; "there were marked changes in the lining of the lungs"; "there had been no change in the mountains"
- undergo a change; become different in essence; losing ones or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
- a different or fresh set of clothes; "she brought a change in her overnight bag"
- a thing that is different; "he inspected several changes before selecting one"
- the action of changing something; "the change of government had no impact on the economy"; "his change on abortion cost him the election"
- an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another; "the change was intended to increase sales"; "this storm is certainly a change for the worse"; "the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago" (同)alteration, modification
- score an extra point or points after touchdown by kicking the ball through the uprights or advancing the ball into the end zone; "Smith converted and his team won"
- change from one system to another or to a new plan or policy; "We converted from 220 to 110 Volt" (同)change over
- cause to adopt a new or different faith; "The missionaries converted the Indian population"
- change in nature, purpose, or function; undergo a chemical change; "The substance converts to an acid"
- change religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief; "She converted to Buddhism"
- change the nature, purpose, or function of something; "convert lead into gold"; "convert hotels into jails"; "convert slaves to laborers"
- a person who has been converted to another religious or political belief
- make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; "He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product" (同)win over, convince
- complete successfully; "score a penalty shot or free throw"
- score (a spare)
- (…に)…'を'『変える』,改める《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / …'を'『取り替える』,交換する / 〈小切手・為替〉'を'現金にする,〈金〉'を'両替えする;(…に)…'を'両替する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (…に)『変わる』,変化する《+『to』(『into』)+『名』》 / (他の衣服に)着替える《+『into』+『名』》 / (…に)乗り換える《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)『変化』,移り変わり,変遷《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)『取り替え』,交換;乗り換え《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉釣り銭,小銭
- (別の物・状態・用途に)…'を'『変える』,転換する(change)《+『名』+『into』(『to』)+『名』》 / 《米》《通例受動態で》(他の宗教・主義などに)〈人〉'を'改宗させる,転向させる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)…'を'等価交換する,両替する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (ラグビー・アメリカンフットボールで)〈トライしたボール〉'を'ゴールキックして入れる / (…に)変わる《+『into』(『to』)+『名』》 / 《米》(…から…に)改宗(転向)する《+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈ドルなどが〉(…に)等価交換できる《+『to』(『into』)+『名』》 / 改宗者,転向者
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Japanese Journal
- インタビュー ウーバー・ジャパン 髙橋正巳社長 急拡大する配車アプリ 「世界を変える」が合言葉 (世界経済総予測2016) -- (米中激突の時代)
- SPECIAL INTERVIEW 国連開発計画(UNDP)総裁 ヘレン・クラーク 難民の国際支援は不十分 世界を変える投資をする (特集 世界が見える108テーマ 2016年大予測) -- (世界経済 経済復調の陰で金融が不安定化)
- 自動車の情報を利活用した新しい取り組み (特集 自動運転とビッグデータの活用 : 技術と情報が変える車社会)
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- 英
- conversion、shift、switching、interconversion、diversion、changeover、switch、convert、transformation
- 関
- 移行、移動、交替、シフト、スイッチ、スイッチング、相互変換、変化、変換、変える、変わる、切り換える、切り換え、切り替わる、迂回路、転向者、形質転換
- 抑圧された無意識の葛藤が、知覚系や随意運動系の身体症状に置き換えられる状態。知覚や運動の障害。
- 英
- change、alteration、turn、variation、shift、change、alter、turn to、shift、variational
- 関
- 異形、移行、移動、回転、交替、シフト、順番、転換、なる、変異、変更、変質、変動、変分、変える、変わる、差異、バリエーション、ターン
- 英
- change、vary、switch、shift、turn to
- 関
- 移行、移動、交替、異なる、シフト、スイッチ、転換、変化、変更、変動、変える、切り換える、切り換え、ばらつく、切り替わる
- 関
- change、changeover、conversion、diversion、interconversion、shift、switch、switching、transform、transformation
- 英
- change、replacement、shift、change、alternate
- 関
- 移行、移動、交換、交互、交代性、シフト、置換、置換術、転換、変化、変更、変える、変わる
- 英
- isomerize
- 関
- 異性化