- travel back and forth regularly, as between ones place of work and home
- exchange a penalty for a less severe one (同)convert, exchange
- a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work; "there is standing room only on the high-speed commute"
- exchange positions without a change in value; "These operators commute with each other" (同)transpose
- a passenger train that is ridden primarily by passengers who travel regularly from one place to another (同)commuter train
- someone who travels regularly from home in a suburb to work in a city
- traffic created by people going to or returning from work
- 《文》(別のものに)…'を'振り替える,切り替える《+『名』+『to』(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈刑罰・責務など〉'を'(軽いものに)代える《+『名』+『to』(『into』)+『名』》 / 〈電流〉'を'整流する / (…間を)定期(回数)券で通勤する《+『between』+『名』》,(…から…まで)定期で通勤する《+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (定期券による)通勤
- 定期券使用者,(郊外からの)通勤者
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/02 18:51:12」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Commute, commutation or commutative may refer to:
- Commuting, the process of travelling between a place of residence and a place of work
- Commutative property, a property of a mathematical operation whose result is insensitive to the order of its arguments
- Equivariant map, a function whose composition with another function has the commutative property
- Commutative diagram, a graphical description of commuting compositions of arrows in a mathematical category
- Commutative semigroup, commutative monoid, abelian group, and commutative ring, algebraic structures with the commutative property
- Commuting matrices, sets of matrices whose products do not depend on the order of multiplication
- Commutation of sentence, a reduction in severity of punishment
- Commutation (neurophysiology), how certain neural circuits in the brain exhibit noncommutativity
- The Commuters, an American alternative rock band from New York.
- Tonggeun, a class of train in Korea which translates to "Commuter"
- Commutation, a synonym for switching in computer networking and telecommunications
- Commutation, the action of applying currents or voltages to the proper electrical motor phases so as to produce optimum motor torque at a motor's shaft. See Commutator (electric).
- Commutation, where a member of a pension scheme gives up part or their entire pension in exchange for an immediate lump sum payment. It is also known as a cash option
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English Journal
- Modification of Traffic-related Respiratory Response by Asthma Control in a Population of Car Commuters.
- Mirabelli MC1, Golan R, Greenwald R, Raysoni AU, Holguin F, Kewada P, Winquist A, Flanders WD, Sarnat JA.
- Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.).Epidemiology.2015 Jul;26(4):546-55. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000296.
- BACKGROUND: Effects of traffic-related exposures on respiratory health are well documented, but little information is available about whether asthma control influences individual susceptibility. We analyzed data from the Atlanta Commuter Exposure study to evaluate modification of associations betwee
- PMID 25901844
- Changes in mode of travel to work: a natural experimental study of new transport infrastructure.
- Heinen E1, Panter J2, Mackett R3, Ogilvie D4.
- The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity.Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act.2015 Jun 20;12(1):81. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: New transport infrastructure may promote a shift towards active travel, thereby improving population health. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a major transport infrastructure project on commuters' mode of travel, trip frequency and distance travelled to work.METHO
- PMID 26091806
- Exposure to static magnetic fields and risk of accidents among a cohort of workers from a medical imaging device manufacturing facility.
- Bongers S1, Slottje P1, Portengen L1, Kromhout H1.
- Magnetic resonance in medicine.Magn Reson Med.2015 Jun 16. doi: 10.1002/mrm.25768. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: To study the association between occupational MRI-related static magnetic fields (SMF) exposure and the occurrence of accidents.METHODS: Recent and career SMF exposure was assessed by linking a retrospective job exposure matrix to payroll based job histories, for a cohort of (former) worker
- PMID 26079378
- Short-term effects of multiple ozone metrics on daily mortality in a megacity of China.
- Li T1, Yan M, Ma W, Ban J, Liu T, Lin H, Liu Z.
- Environmental science and pollution research international.Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2015 Jun;22(11):8738-46. doi: 10.1007/s11356-014-4055-5. Epub 2015 Jan 10.
- Epidemiological studies have widely demonstrated association between ambient ozone and mortality, though controversy remains, and most of them only use a certain metric to assess ozone levels. However, in China, few studies have investigated the acute effects of ambient ozone, and rare studies have
- PMID 25572272
Japanese Journal
- アサーティブな態度に着目したアサーション・トレーニングの実践-適応指導教室に通う中学生を対象として-
- 生徒数と通学時間に基づいた中学校別入学志願者数の期待値の算出方法
- 関森 大介,大橋 健一,友久 誠司,八木 雅夫,細川 篤,井上 英俊
- 論文集「高専教育」 : kosen kyoiku (36), 489-492, 2013-03-00
- … The purpose of the present paper is to examine the technique of evaluation for publicity work bycomparison between the number of applicants for admission and an expected value based on the number of students in ajunior high school and its commute time. …
- NAID 110009558160
- スマートフォンを用いた自動車走行ログ収集とEVモデルに基づくデータベースの構築
- 萩本 真太朗,河野 弘樹,笛田 尚希,出口 達,富井 尚志
- 情報処理学会研究報告. データベース・システム研究会報告 2012-DBS-155(20), 1-10, 2012-11-12
- 近年 GPS や加速度センサを内蔵したスマートフォンの普及により日常のログ収集が容易になった.我々はスマートフォン内蔵センサを用いたデータロガーを実装し,一年以上に渡って自動車走行ログの収集を行った.また電気自動車 (EV) モデルに基づく走行ログデータベースの設計を行った.このデータベースによって EV への置換え効果やエネルギー消費状況の視覚化など多様なデータ利用が可能となる.結果としてデータ …
- NAID 110009478989
- 東京圏における団塊ジュニア世代の居住地移動 : X大学卒業生の事例
- 中澤 高志,川口 太郎,佐藤 英人
- 経済地理学年報 58(3), 181-197, 2012-09-30
- 本稿では,ある大学の卒業生に対するアンケート調査に基づき,東京圏に居住する団塊ジュニア世代の居住地移動について分析する.団塊ジュニア世代を含む少産少死世代は大都市圏出身者の比率が高い.そのため結婚までは親と同居する例が多く,特に給与住宅への入居機会が少ない女性においてその傾向が強い.結婚後,持家の取得に向かう居住経歴を辿ることは,多産少死世代と共通していた.夫婦のみの世帯や子どもが1人の世帯が結婚 …
- NAID 110009517874
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- commuteとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)[III[名]([副])]1 〈刑罰・責務などを〉(軽いものに)代える((to ...))commute the death sentence to life imprisonment死刑を終身刑に減刑する.2 〈物を〉(…に)変える,変化させる((into ...
- ... commute pronunciation, commute translation, English dictionary definition of commute. v. com·mut·ed , com·mut·ing , com·mutes v. intr. 1. To travel as a commuter: She commuted each day to her office downtown by ? A A ...
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