- (mathematics) a function that changes the position or direction of the axes of a coordinate system
- the act of changing in form or shape or appearance; "a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface" (同)translation
- (genetics) modification of a cell or bacterium by the uptake and incorporation of exogenous DNA
- a qualitative change (同)transmutation, shift
- a rule describing the conversion of one syntactic structure into another related syntactic structure
- score an extra point or points after touchdown by kicking the ball through the uprights or advancing the ball into the end zone; "Smith converted and his team won"
- change from one system to another or to a new plan or policy; "We converted from 220 to 110 Volt" (同)change over
- cause to adopt a new or different faith; "The missionaries converted the Indian population"
- change in nature, purpose, or function; undergo a chemical change; "The substance converts to an acid"
- change religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief; "She converted to Buddhism"
- change the nature, purpose, or function of something; "convert lead into gold"; "convert hotels into jails"; "convert slaves to laborers"
- a person who has been converted to another religious or political belief
- make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; "He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product" (同)win over, convince
- complete successfully; "score a penalty shot or free throw"
- score (a spare)
- (psychiatry) a defense mechanism represses emotional conflicts which are then converted into physical symptoms that have no organic basis
- a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life (同)rebirth, spiritual rebirth
- a successful free throw or try for point after a touchdown
- act of exchanging one type of money or security for another
- the act of changing from one use or function or purpose to another
- an event that results in a transformation (同)transition, changeover
- a change in the units or form of an expression: "conversion from Fahrenheit to Centigrade"
- a change of religion; "his conversion to the Catholic faith"
- interchange of subject and predicate of a proposition
- subject to a mathematical transformation
- change in outward structure or looks; "He transformed into a monster"; "The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle" (同)transmute, metamorphose
- change or alter in form, appearance, or nature; "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"; "transubstantiate one element into another" (同)transmute, transubstantiate
- change (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related species
- convert (one form of energy) to another; "transform energy to light"
- increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage)
- (mathematics) a transformation that is a combination of single transformations such as translation or rotation or reflection on an axis
- 変形,変質;変身 / (物理学で)変換;(電流の)変圧 / (言吾学で)変形
- (別の物・状態・用途に)…'を'『変える』,転換する(change)《+『名』+『into』(『to』)+『名』》 / 《米》《通例受動態で》(他の宗教・主義などに)〈人〉'を'改宗させる,転向させる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)…'を'等価交換する,両替する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (ラグビー・アメリカンフットボールで)〈トライしたボール〉'を'ゴールキックして入れる / (…に)変わる《+『into』(『to』)+『名』》 / 《米》(…から…に)改宗(転向)する《+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈ドルなどが〉(…に)等価交換できる《+『to』(『into』)+『名』》 / 改宗者,転向者
- 〈U〉〈C〉(性質・形・機能などの)(…から…への)転換,変換,変化《+『from』+『名』+『into』(『to』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(宗教・主義などの)改宗;(…への)帰依,転向《+『to』+『名』》
- (別の形・外見・性質・状態などに)…‘を'『変える』,変化させる《+名+into+名》 / (物理・化学で)〈あるエネルギー〉‘を'他のエネルギーに変換する;〈電流〉‘を'変圧する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/09/03 11:28:18」(JST)
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Look up transformation in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Transformation may refer to:
- 1 Mathematics
- 1.1 Linear algebra
- 1.2 Geometry
- 1.3 Statistics
- 1.4 Combinatorics
- 1.5 Other
- 2 Physics
- 3 Chemistry
- 4 Biology and medicine
- 5 Computing
- 6 Fiction
- 7 Other uses
- 8 See also
Linear algebra
- Affine transformation
- Geometric transformation
- Data transformation (statistics)
- Transformation (combinatorics)
- Infinitesimal transformation
- Transformation (function)
- Integral transform
- Transformation matrix
- Natural transformation
- Unitary transformation
- Transformation optics, generalized optical devices
- Phase transformation, a physical transition from one medium to another
- Phase transformation, a physical transition from one medium to another
- Chemical transformation
Biology and medicine
- Metamorphosis, the biological process of changing physical form after birth or hatching
- Malignant transformation, the process of cells becoming cancerous
- Transformation (genetics), genetic alteration of a cell by DNA uptake
- Data transformation
- Model transformation
- Program transformation
- XML transformation
- Transformation of text
- Transformation (novel), by Carol Berg
- Shapeshifting, a type of transformation common in mythology and folklore
- Henshin, a type of transformation common in anime, manga and tokusatsu
- Transformation, an alternate title for The Marble Faun, a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Other uses
- Maturity transformation, the practice of fractional reserve banks borrowing money on shorter timeframes than they lend money out
- Transformation (law), a concept in copyright law
- Transformation (patent law)
- Transformation (music)
- Transformation (warfare)
- Transformation of culture
- Transformation design, a design process
- Transformation playing card
- Transformation problem, a concept in economics
- Transformation (linguistics), a type of operation in transformational grammar
- Spiritual transformation, a psychological and New-Age concept
- Business transformation, an idea in strategic management
- Transformation of precious metals, see synthesis of precious metals
- Transformational festival
As a proper name
- Transformation (Don Preston album), 2001
- Transformation (Tal Wilkenfeld album), 2007
- Transformation (Signal Aout 42 album)
- Transformation (Alex Skolnick Trio album)
- "Transformation", a song by Nona Hendryx
- Transformation (journal), an academic journal in the field of Biblical studies
- Transformations (opera), a chamber opera by the American composer Conrad Susa
- "The Transformation", an episode of American television series Fringe
See also
- Transform (disambiguation)
- Transformation Story Archive
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- The effect of input data transformations on object-based image analysis.
- Lippitt CD, Coulter LL, Freeman M, Lamantia-Bishop J, Pang W, Stow DA.SourceDepartment of Geography San Diego State University 5500 Campanile Drive San Diego, CA 92182.
- Remote sensing letters (Print).Remote Sens Lett.2012 Jan 1;3(1):21-29.
- The effect of using spectral transform images as input data on segmentation quality and its potential effect on products generated by object-based image analysis are explored in the context of land cover classification in Accra, Ghana. Five image data transformations are compared to untransformed sp
- PMID 21673829
- Correlative microscopy: A powerful tool for exploring neurological cells and tissues.
- Modla S, Czymmek KJ.SourceDelaware Biotechnology Institute, Bio-Imaging Center, 15 Innovation Way, Suite 117, Newark, DE 19711, USA.
- Micron (Oxford, England : 1993).Micron.2011 Dec;42(8):773-92. Epub 2011 Jul 7.
- Imaging tools for exploring the neurological samples have seen a rapid transformation over the last decade. Approaches that allow clear and specific delineation of targeted tissues, individual neurons, and their cell-cell connections as well as subcellular constituents have been especially valuable.
- PMID 21782457
- CVD TiC/alumina multilayer coatings grown on sapphire single crystals.
- Canovic S, Ljungberg B, Halvarsson M.SourceDept. of Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Fysikgrand 3, SE-412 96 Goteborg, Sweden.
- Micron (Oxford, England : 1993).Micron.2011 Dec;42(8):808-18. Epub 2011 May 17.
- Multilayers of TiC/α-Al(2)O(3) consisting of three (1μm thick) alumina layers separated by thin (?10nm) oxidized TiC layers have been deposited onto c-, a- and r-surfaces of single crystals of α-Al(2)O(3) by chemical vapour deposition (CVD). The aim of this paper is to describe and compare the
- PMID 21658964
Japanese Journal
- Direct proof of the mirror theorem for projective hypersurfaces up to degree 3 rational curves
- Jinzenji Masao
- Journal of Geometry and Physics 61(8), 1564-1573, 2011-08
- … In this paper, we directly derive a generalized mirror transformation of projective hypersurfaces of up to degree 3, genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants by comparing the Kontsevich's localization formula with residue integral representation of the virtual structure constants. …
- NAID 120003207597
- 押す,掴む,回すを利用した演奏インタフェースの試作
- 金井 隆晴,菊川 裕也,鈴木 龍彦,馬場 哲晃,串山 久美子
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [音楽情報科学] 2011-MUS-91(15), 1-6, 2011-07-20
- 著者らはソレノイドアクチュエータに数種のセンサを内蔵した独自のユニットを制作し,16 個のユニットを内蔵する立方体型のデバイス 「PocoPoco」 を制作してきた.本稿では,ソレノイド機構による実物体の上下運動装置と,ユーザの 「押す,掴む,回す」 入力装置を楽器演奏インタフェースに応用する行程を述べる.物体が実際に動くことで,動的なアフォーダンス提供が可能になるだけでなく,その動きによりユーザ …
- NAID 110008584105
- 疎行列-ベクトル積における実行時データ変換のための自動チューニング方式
- 片桐 孝洋,佐藤 雅彦
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング] 2011-HPC-130(41), 1-8, 2011-07-20
- この論文では,行圧縮形式 (CRS) から COO(Coordinate) 形式や ELL(ELLPACK/ITAPACK)形式へ実行時にデータ変換し,かつ,それらの形式を用いた OpenMP 並列化した疎行列-ベクトル積 (SpMV) の自動チューニング (AT) ついて研究する.Dmat i - Rell i図,これは,行あたりの非零要素数の分散/平均を Dmat i とし,CRS 形式に対す …
- NAID 110008583397
Related Links
- In molecular biology transformation is the genetic alteration of a cell resulting from the direct uptake, incorporation and expression of exogenous genetic material (exogenous DNA) from its surrounding and taken up through the cell ...
- ATLAS Transformation Language(ATL)は、QVTの Request for Proposal を受けて ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- conversion、shift、switching、interconversion、diversion、changeover、switch、convert、transformation
- 関
- 移行、移動、交替、シフト、スイッチ、スイッチング、相互変換、変化、変換、変える、変わる、切り換える、切り換え、切り替わる、迂回路、転向者、形質転換
- 抑圧された無意識の葛藤が、知覚系や随意運動系の身体症状に置き換えられる状態。知覚や運動の障害。
- 形質転換する、癌化する、がん化する、変換する、トランスフォームする
- 関
- conversion、convert、malignant transformation、oncogenic、oncogenic transformation、transformation、transforming、transgenic
- 英
- transformation
- 同
- トランスフォーメーション、転換
- 関
- 腫瘍細胞形質転換
- 細菌が体外からDNAを取り込み、そのDNA中の遺伝子の発現により細菌の表現形質が変化すること
- 関
- change、changeover、conversion、diversion、interconversion、shift、switch、switching、transform、transformation
- 関
- congenic、gene transfer、genetic transformation、Tg、transform、transformation、transforming、transgenesis、transgenically
- 関
- fast Fourier transform、FFT
- 関
- cell transformation
- 関
- Fourier transform
- 関
- antigenic shift