- 腎臓の
- 高血圧[症] / 過度の緊張
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English Journal
- Treatment of renal artery aneurysms.
- Peterson LA1, Corriere MA.
- The Journal of cardiovascular surgery.J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino).2015 Aug;56(4):559-65. Epub 2015 Mar 10.
- Renal artery aneurysms (RAAs) represent a rare disease and are most commonly discovered as an incidental imaging finding. RAA may be associated with hypertension and are usually asymptomatic at presentation but may result in rupture, hematuria, or renal infarction. The natural history of RAA is poor
- PMID 25752256
- A prospective study of alcohol consumption and renal cell carcinoma risk.
- Karami S1, Daugherty SE, Purdue MP.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2015 Jul 1;137(1):238-42. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29359. Epub 2014 Dec 10.
- Recent epidemiological studies suggest that alcohol consumption may reduce renal cell carcinoma (RCC) risk, although inconsistent findings have been reported by sex and alcoholic beverage type. To better understand the relationship between alcohol consumption and RCC risk, we conducted an analysis w
- PMID 25431248
- Renal cell carcinomas of chronic kidney disease patients harbor the mutational signature of carcinogenic aristolochic acid.
- Jelaković B1, Castells X, Tomić K, Ardin M, Karanović S, Zavadil J.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2015 Jun 15;136(12):2967-72. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29338. Epub 2014 Dec 10.
- Aristolochic acid (AA) is a potent dietary cytotoxin and carcinogen, and an established etiological agent underlying severe human nephropathies and associated upper urinary tract urothelial cancers, collectively designated aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN). Its genome-wide mutational signature, ma
- PMID 25403517
Japanese Journal
- 腎デナベーションの現状と今後 (特集 循環器系の自律神経調節)
- Altered urinary sodium excretion response after central cholinergic and adrenergic stimulation of adult spontaneously hypertensive rats
- 2-III-21 Effects of vitamin C and vitamin E on plasma levels of lipid hydroperoxides and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance in humans
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- renal hypertension n. Hypertension that is secondary to renal disease. renal hypertension, hypertension resulting from aortic or renal artery atherosclerosis or from kidney disease, including chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic ...
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- 英
- renovascular hypertension
- 同
- 腎血管性高血圧
- 関
- 腎性高血圧 renal hypertension
- 片側あるいは両側の腎動脈主幹部、もしくはその分枝の狭窄性病変に起因
- 腎灌流圧の低下に基づくレニン-アンジオテンシン系の亢進 ← レニンは必ずしも高値ではない
- 軽症~中等症の高血圧症の中では1%以下
- 重症~治療抵抗性高血圧症の中では10-45%
- 粥状動脈硬化症:中高年 :40歳~ :男性多:腎動脈近位部:約38%:全身血管にも動脈硬化所見
- 線維筋性異形成:若年者 :~40歳 :女性多:腎動脈遠位部:約18%:頚動脈にも病変があり得る
- 大動脈炎症候群:黄色人種:20-40歳:女性多:腎動脈近位部:約15%:大動脈の他の分枝にも狭窄
- 腎動脈狭窄:一側性70-80%、両側性20-30%
- 腎動脈狭窄→患側腎の灌流圧低下→傍糸球体装置からの分泌↑→アンジオテンシンII↑→副腎アルドステロン↑、末梢血管収縮
- IMD YN.E-71
- 腎動脈形成術が基本。できない場合に薬物治療。
- 薬物療法:外科手術が施行できない例、術前血圧コントロールする場合などに適応
- 経皮的腎血管形成術 PTRA
- バイパス血管による血行再建
- 腎摘出術:血管再建術不能例
- 腎自家移植:血管再建術不能例。自己の腎臓を腸骨窩に移植。
- 英
- renal hypertension
- 関
- 英
- renal parenchymal hypertension
- 関
- 腎実質性高血圧症
- 腎実質の障害により糸球体濾過量の減少が減少することで、体液の貯留を来す。体液量が増加するために高血圧となる。なお、循環血漿量増加のためにRAA系は抑制されている。
- 英
- renal hypertension
- 関
- 腎性高血圧
- 関
- kidney、renally
高血圧, 高血圧症, HT