- rap with the knuckles; "knock on the door"
- the act of hitting vigorously; "he gave the table a whack" (同)belt, rap, whack, whang
- a vigorous blow; "the sudden knock floored him"; "he took a bash right in his face"; "he got a bang on the head" (同)bash, bang, smash, belt
- the sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing); "the knocking grew louder" (同)knocking
- negative criticism (同)roast
- a bad experience; "the school of hard knocks"
- find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws; "The paper criticized the new movie"; "Dont knock the food--its free" (同)criticize, criticise, pick apart
- deliver a sharp blow or push :"He knocked the glass clear across the room" (同)strike hard
- located around the heart or relating to or affecting the pericardium; "pericardial space" (同)pericardiac
- (音がするくらい強く)…‘を'『たたく』,『打つ』,なぐる / (…に)〈体・体の一部〉‘を'『ぶつける』《+『名』+『against』(『on』)+『名』》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》…‘を'打って(ある状態などに)する / 〈穴など〉‘を'打ってあける / 《俗》…‘を'けなす,こきおろす / 《英俗》…‘を'びっくりさせる,‘に'ショックを与える / (…を)コツコツとたたく《+『on』(『at』)+『名』》 / (…に)ぶつかる,衝突する《+『against』(『into』)+『名』》 / (故障などで)〈エンジンなどが〉ガタガタいう,ノッキングを起こす / (…を)『打つこと』,(…に対する)一打(撃)《+『on』+『名』》 / (…を)ノックすること(音)《+『on』(『at』)+『名』》 / (エンジンの)ノック,ノッキング / 《話》不運;悪評
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- 1. 心音の聴診 auscultation of heart sounds
- 2. 収縮性心膜炎 constrictive pericarditis
- 3. 収縮性心膜炎と拘束性心筋症の区別 differentiating constrictive pericarditis and restrictive cardiomyopathy
- 4. 結核性心膜炎 tuberculous pericarditis
- 5. うっ血肝 congestive hepatopathy
English Journal
- Sox9b is required for epicardium formation and plays a role in TCDD-induced heart malformation in zebrafish.
- Hofsteen P1, Plavicki J, Johnson SD, Peterson RE, Heideman W.Author information 1Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.AbstractActivation of the transcription factor aryl hydrocarbon receptor by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) prevents the formation of the epicardium and leads to severe heart malformations in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). The downstream genes that cause heart malformation are not known. Because TCDD causes craniofacial malformations in zebrafish by downregulating the sox9b gene, we hypothesized that cardiotoxicity might also result from sox9b downregulation. We found that sox9b is expressed in the developing zebrafish heart ventricle and that TCDD exposure markedly reduces this expression. Furthermore, we found that manipulation of sox9b expression could phenocopy many but not all of the effects of TCDD at the heart. Loss of sox9b prevented the formation of epicardium progenitors comprising the proepicardium on the pericardial wall, and prevented the formation and migration of the epicardial layer around the heart. Zebrafish lacking sox9b showed pericardial edema, an elongated heart, and reduced blood circulation. Fish lacking sox9b failed to form valve cushions and leaflets. Sox9b is one of two mammalian Sox9 homologs, sox9b and sox9a. Knock down of sox9a expression did not cause cardiac malformations, or defects in epicardium development. We conclude that the decrease in sox9b expression in the heart caused by TCDD plays a role in many of the observed signs of cardiotoxicity. We find that while sox9b is expressed in myocardial cells, it is not normally expressed in the affected epicardial cells or progenitors. We therefore speculate that sox9b is involved in signals between the cardiomyocytes and the nascent epicardial cells.
- Molecular pharmacology.Mol Pharmacol.2013 Sep;84(3):353-60. doi: 10.1124/mol.113.086413. Epub 2013 Jun 17.
- Activation of the transcription factor aryl hydrocarbon receptor by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) prevents the formation of the epicardium and leads to severe heart malformations in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). The downstream genes that cause heart malformation are not known. Bec
- PMID 23775563
- Myo1e impairment results in actin reorganization, podocyte dysfunction, and proteinuria in zebrafish and cultured podocytes.
- Mao J1, Wang D, Mataleena P, He B, Niu D, Katayama K, Xu X, Ojala JR, Wang W, Shu Q, Du L, Liu A, Pikkarainen T, Patrakka J, Tryggvason K.Author information 1Department of Nephrology, The Children's Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, PR China. maojh88@gmail.comAbstractBACKGROUND: Podocytes serve as an important constituent of the glomerular filtration barrier. Recently, we and others identified Myo1e as a key molecular component of the podocyte cytoskeleton.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2013 Aug 19;8(8):e72750. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072750. eCollection 2013.
- BACKGROUND: Podocytes serve as an important constituent of the glomerular filtration barrier. Recently, we and others identified Myo1e as a key molecular component of the podocyte cytoskeleton.RESULTS: Myo1e mRNA and protein was expressed in human and mouse kidney sections as determined by Northern
- PMID 23977349
- Knockdown of leptin A expression dramatically alters zebrafish development.
- Liu Q1, Dalman M, Chen Y, Akhter M, Brahmandam S, Patel Y, Lowe J, Thakkar M, Gregory AV, Phelps D, Riley C, Londraville RL.Author information 1Department of Biology and Program in Integrated Bioscience, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325, USA.AbstractUsing morpholino antisense oligonucleotide (MO) technology, we blocked leptin A or leptin receptor expression in embryonic zebrafish, and analyzed consequences of leptin A knock-down on fish development. Embryos injected with leptin A or leptin receptor MOs (leptin A or leptin receptor morphants) had smaller bodies and eyes, undeveloped inner ear, enlarged pericardial cavity, curved body and/or tail and larger yolk compared to control embryos of the same stages. The defects persisted in 6-9 days old larvae. We found that blocking leptin A function had little effect on the development of early brain (1 day old), but differentiation of both the morphant dorsal brain and retinal cells was severely disrupted in older (2 days old) embryos. Despite the enlarged pericardial cavity, differentiation of cardiac cells appeared to be similar to control embryos. Formation of the morphants' inner ear is also severely disrupted, which corroborates existing reports of leptin receptor expression in inner ear of both zebrafish and mammals. Co-injection of leptin A MO and recombinant leptin results in partial rescue of the wild-type phenotype. Our results suggest that leptin A plays distinct roles in zebrafish development.
- General and comparative endocrinology.Gen Comp Endocrinol.2012 Sep 15;178(3):562-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2012.07.011. Epub 2012 Jul 25.
- Using morpholino antisense oligonucleotide (MO) technology, we blocked leptin A or leptin receptor expression in embryonic zebrafish, and analyzed consequences of leptin A knock-down on fish development. Embryos injected with leptin A or leptin receptor MOs (leptin A or leptin receptor morphants) ha
- PMID 22841760
Japanese Journal
- Pseudo-knock sound in a patient with nephrotic syndrome and massive ascites.
- Ichiyasu Hirofumi [他],NABEYAMA Shozo,TAKASUGI Masayuki,NAKASHIMA Yasuhide,KUROIWA Akio
- Japanese Heart Journal 23(1), 137-145, 1982
- … Noninvasive study with phonoechocardiograms showed neither constrictive pericarditis nor large pericardial effusion. … To our knowledge, the fact that the elevated diaphragm itself can produce an early diastolic sound ("pseudo-knock sound") has not been previously reported. …
- NAID 130000763897
- Some New or Poorly Recognized Physical and Graphic Findings in Various Forms of Pericardial Disease. : Symposium III Pericarditis
- Unusual Diastolic Heart Beat in Pericardial Effusion
- Sakamoto Tsuguya,OOKUBO Shigeyoshi,YOSHIKAWA Junichi,INOU Kiyoshi,ITO Umeno,HAYASHI Terumi
- Japanese Heart Journal 13(5), 379-393, 1972
- … Unusual, hitherto undescribed form of, diastolic heart beat was reported in a case of tense pericardial effusion and in another case of seroconstrictive pericarditis. … It consists of large and sharp early diastolic thrust, the peak of which conincides in time with the protodiastolic extrasound (pericardial knock). …
- NAID 130000763643
Related Links
- pericardial pertaining to the pericardium. pericardial diaphragmatic hernia see peritoneopericardial hernia. pericardial effusion the second stage of pericarditis when much inflammatory exudate accumulates, part of a general edematous ...
- pericardial knock definition from the mondofacto online medical dictionary ... help contact sitemap pericardial knock definition home dictionary word tools courses study skills forum about us Search dictionary help pericardial knock
- An early diastolic sound caused by loss of pericardial elasticity accompanying fibrosis that limits ventricular filling.
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- 英
- heart sound
- 関
- 過剰心音、心雑音、心拍数
open snap
- 三尖弁や肺動脈弁が開く音。三尖弁領域や僧帽弁領域で聴取。高音。僧帽弁狭窄症、三尖弁狭窄症。呼吸で変動しにくい。
- 僧帽弁狭窄症:左胸骨縁~心尖。A2~P2~OSの順に聞こえる。吸気ではS1,,,A2, P2, OS、呼気ではS1,,,S2,OSと聴取される。病状が進行するほどS2~OSは狭くなる(左心房の圧上昇を反映)。
- 左房が固くなった左室に対して強力に収縮するときの音 PHD.37
- まれ
- 高音
- 収縮性心膜炎
- 拡張期早期
- S2の後(S3やOSと混同しやすい。OSより若干遅めで、音が大きい。ventricular gallopよりタイミングは早い)
- 心室への血流充満が急激に止まる(abrupt cessation)ことにより生じる
- ejection click:大動脈弁や肺動脈弁が開く音。大動脈弁領域・肺動脈弁領域で聴取。高音。大動脈弁狭窄症、肺動脈弁狭窄症、大動脈の拡張、肺動脈の拡張。
- 大動脈弁狭窄症、肺動脈弁狭窄症:硬くなった弁が急に開くため?
- 大動脈の拡張、肺動脈の拡張 :大動脈・肺動脈基部が急激に緊張するため?
- aortic ejection click :心基部、心尖部聴取。呼吸変動無し
- pulmonic ejection click:心基部のみで聴取 。吸気で減弱
心音と過剰心音のまとめ QB.C-360
- 吸気時:心拍数↑
- 呼気時:心拍数↓
- I音-II音の間隔の変化は小さい。
- I音(→) II音(→) III音(-) IV音(-)
- I音亢進減弱無し(=normal intensity) II音normal splitting
- 英
- pericardial knock, pericardial knock sound
- 関
- 収縮性心膜炎
- 拡張早期過剰心音
- 音程:高音 ⇔ (III音は低音)
- 聴取部位:心尖部
- 時期:拡張早期の過剰心音。大動脈弁の閉鎖に続いて聴取(A2から0.10-0.12 s後) (⇔III音は0.14-0.16 s後)
- 肥厚した心膜による拡張不全で生じる音。
- its presence depends on the restrictive effect of the adherent pericardium, which abruptly halts diastolic filling(HIM.1386)
- an S3 that is earlier (0.10?0.12 s after A2) and higher-pitched than normal (a pericardial knock) often occurs in patients with constrictive pericarditis (HIM.1386)
- 関
- cardiac sac、pericardium