- 関
- obscure、uncertain、unclear、unexplained、unidentified、unknown、unrevealing
- reduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa
- make obscure or unclear; "The distinction was obscured" (同)bedim, overcloud
- make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing; "a hidden message"; "a veiled threat" (同)blot_out, obliterate, veil, hide
- make less visible or unclear; "The stars are obscured by the clouds"; "the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley" (同)befog, becloud, obnubilate, haze over, fog, cloud, mist
- not famous or acclaimed; "an obscure family"; "unsung heroes of the war" (同)unknown, unsung
- not drawing attention; "an unnoticeable cigarette burn on the carpet"; "an obscure flaw" (同)unnoticeable
- not clearly understood or expressed; "an obscure turn of phrase"; "an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"-Anatole Broyard; "their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear"- P.A.Sorokin; "vague...forms of speech...have so long passed for mysteries of science"- John Locke (同)vague
- not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown; "an uncertain future"; "a manuscript of uncertain origin"; "plans are still uncertain"; "changes of great if uncertain consequences"; "without further evidence his story must remain uncertain"
- lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of his convictions"; "unsure of himself and his future"; "moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps"; "an uncertain smile"; "touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers" (同)unsure, incertain
- ambiguous (especially in the negative); "she spoke in no uncertain terms"
- not certain to occur; not inevitable; "everything is uncertain about the army"; "the issue is uncertain"
- not consistent or dependable; "an uncertain recollection of events"; "a gun with a rather uncertain trigger"
- not known; "an unknown amount"; "an unknown island"; "an unknown writer"; "an unknown source"
- a variable whose values are solutions of an equation (同)unknown_quantity
- an unknown and unexplored region; "they came like angels out the unknown" (同)unknown region, terra_incognita
- not known to exist; "things obscurely felt surged up from unknown depths"
- not clear to the mind; "the law itself was unclear on that point"; "the reason for their actions is unclear to this day"
- not explained; "accomplished by some unexplained process"
- having the reason or cause not made clear; "an unexplained error"
- sell; "We cleared a lot of the old model cars"
- free (the throat) by making a rasping sound; "Clear the throat" (同)clear_up
- make a way or path by removing objects; "Clear a path through the dense forest"
- remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road"
- the state of being free of suspicion; "investigation showed that he was in the clear"
- completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon" (同)all_the_way
- clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible; "as clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"; "a spire clean-cut against the sky"; "a clear-cut pattern" (同)clean-cut, clear-cut
- make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault" (同)clear_up, shed_light_on, crystallize, crystallise, crystalize, crystalise, straighten out, sort out, enlighten, illuminate, elucidate
- easily deciphered (同)decipherable, readable
- affording free passage or view; "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory"; "open waters"; "the open countryside" (同)open
- characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving; "clear mind"; "a percipient author" (同)percipient
- settle, as of a debt; "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt" (同)solve
- pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon cleared the tree tops" (同)top
- (especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law; "I have clear title to this property" (同)unmortgaged
- allowing light to pass through; "clear water"; "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and clean"
- be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts; "The check will clear within 2 business days"
- characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt); "a clear conscience"; "regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes"
- clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.; "clear the water before it can be drunk"
- clear of charges or deductions; "a clear profit"
- free from clouds or mist or haze; "on a clear day"
- free from confusion or doubt; "a complex problem requiring a clear head"; "not clear about what is expected of us"
- free from contact or proximity or connection; "we were clear of the danger"; "the ship was clear of the reef"
- free from flaw or blemish or impurity; "a clear perfect diamond"; "the clear complexion of a healthy young woman"
- free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment; "Clear the ship and let it dock"
- go away or disappear; "The fog cleared in the afternoon"
- make clear, bright, light, or translucent; "The water had to be cleared through filtering"
- pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs"
- readily apparent to the mind; "a clear and present danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature"
- remove (people) from a building; "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat"
- remove the occupants of; "Clear the building"
- rid of instructions or data; "clear a memory buffer"
- used to express refusal or denial or disagreement etc or especially to emphasize a negative statement; "no, you are wrong"
- a negative; "his no was loud and clear"
- referring to the degree to which a certain quality is present; "he was no heavier than a child" (同)no more
- not in any degree or manner; not at all; "he is no better today"
- quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns for indicating a complete or almost complete lack or zero quantity of; "we have no bananas"; "no eggs left and no money to buy any"; "have you no decency?"; "did it with no help"; "Ill get you there in no time"
- negation of a word or group of words; "he does not speak French"; "she is not going"; "they are not friends"; "not many"; "not much"; "not at all" (同)non
- the act of removing solid particles from a liquid (同)clarification
- the act of freeing from suspicion
- a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area (同)glade
- worthy of notice or attention; "a noted increase in the crime rate"
- 『はっきりしない』,分かりにくい / よく知られていない,目につかない / 『薄暗』 / …‘を'隠す,おおう / 〈意味など〉あいまいにする,分かりにくくする
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(人が)『確信が持てない』,はっきり分からない / (結果などが)『確かでない』,はっきりしない,疑わしい / 『変わりやすい』,不安定な / 明確でない,ぼんやりした
- 『知られていない』,不明の,無名の / 『未確認の』,未発見の,未知の
- はっきりしない
- 説明されない
- 『晴れた』;明るい(bright) / 『透き通った』,透明な / (形・輪郭などが)『はっきりした』,くっきりした / (音が)はっきり聞こえる(聞き取れる) / 『分かりやすい』,あいまいさのない / 《補語にのみ用いて》はっきり知っている,確信している / 明せきな,理路整然とした / 妨害(支障)のない / 汚れ(しみ,きず)がない / 《補語のみ用いて》(…を)免れた,(…が)ない,(…から)解放された《+『of』+『名』》 / 《名詞の前,時に名詞の後に用いて》丸々の;正味の / はっきりと,明瞭に,明確に / (…から)離れて《+『of』+『名』》 / 全く,まるまる / (…を)…‘から'『取り除く』,片付ける;(人を)…‘から'立ち去らせる《+『名』+『of』+『名』》 / (…から)〈物〉'を'『取り除く』,片付ける;(…から)〈人〉'を'立ち去らせる《『名』『+『from』(『out of』,『off』)+『名』》 / 'を'きれいにする,清らかにする;…を明るくする / …‘に'触れないで越す / (罪・疑い・責任などから)…'を'逃れさせる』,免除する《+『名』+『of』+『名』》 / 〈議会・税関・手形交換所など〉'を'すんなりと通過する,‘の'許可を簡単に得る / 《話》…'を'まるまるもうける,‘の'純益を上げる / 〈負債〉を清算する,〈手形〉を釧済する;〈小切手〉を現金化する / 『明るくなる』;澄む / 消え去る,過ぎ去る / (じゃま物のない)開けた場所,あき地
- 《名詞の前に置いて》『一つも』(『一人も,少しも』)・・・『ない』 / 《補語につけて》『決して・・・でない』 / 《省略文で》・・・なし;・・・お断り / 《話》少ししか(あまり)・・・ない / (肯定の問いに対して)『いいえ』;(否定の問いに対して)はい,ええ / 《not, norの前に挿入して》『いや』,否 / 《形容詞の前に置その形容詞を否定して》…どころではない / 《比較級の前に置いて》ちっとも…でない,…と全く同じ / 《… or no の形で》…であってもなくても / 《驚き・困惑・不信などを表して》とんでもない / 《単数形で》『拒否』,「『いいえ』」という返事 / 《複数形で》反対[投]票
- 《助動詞,be動詞,時にhaveと共に,また一般動詞にはdoを添えて文の否定を表して》…『でない』,しない / 《語・句・節を否定して》…『でなく』 / 「not+形(副)」は否定される形容詞・副詞の反対の意味を強調することがある / notの意が及ぶ範囲の違いによって,意味解釈に違いが生じることがある / 《不定詞・分詞・動名詞を否定して》…[『し』]『ない』 / 《all, everyなどとともに用いて部分否定を表して》(全部が…なのでは)『ない』,(必ずしも…では)『ない』 / 《any, eitherなどに伴って全面否定を表して》(全然…)『しない』,(どちらも…)『しない』 / 《省略文でnotを含む句・節の代用として》『そうではない』
- (森の一部を伐採して作った)開墾地,小さなあき地
- 『有名な』,著名な
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English Journal
- Effect of vitamin D in fracture healing in a child: case report.
- Parchi P1, Andreani L, Piolanti N, Niccolai F, Cervi V, Lisanti M.Author information 11st Orthopedic Division, Department of Traslational Research and New Technology in Medicine and Surgery, University of Pisa, via Paradisa 2, 56125, Pisa, Italy, parchip@tiscali.it.AbstractIn this report, we describe the effect of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on fracture healing in a young boy with a hypovitaminosis D who had a radius refracture. The radiographic evaluation of the callus formation shows a clear effect of vitamin D on fracture healing in absence of additional variables.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2014 Dec;9(1):170. doi: 10.1007/s11657-013-0170-z. Epub 2014 Jan 23.
- In this report, we describe the effect of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on fracture healing in a young boy with a hypovitaminosis D who had a radius refracture. The radiographic evaluation of the callus formation shows a clear effect of vitamin D on fracture healing in absence of additional
- PMID 24452512
- Polyphenolic, polysaccharide and oligosaccharide composition of Tempranillo red wines and their relationship with the perceived astringency.
- Quijada-Morín N1, Williams P2, Rivas-Gonzalo JC1, Doco T2, Escribano-Bailón MT3.Author information 1Grupo de Investigación en Polifenoles, Unidad de Nutrición y Bromatología, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Salamanca, E-37007 Salamanca, Spain.2INRA, Joint Research Unit 1083, Sciences for Enology, 2 Place Pierre Viala, F-34060 Montpellier, France.3Grupo de Investigación en Polifenoles, Unidad de Nutrición y Bromatología, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Salamanca, E-37007 Salamanca, Spain. Electronic address: escriban@usal.es.AbstractThe influence of the proanthocyanidic, polysaccharide and oligosaccharide composition on astringency perception of Tempranillo wines has been evaluated. Statistical analyses revealed the existence of relationships between chemical composition and perceived astringency. Proanthocyanidic subunit distribution had the strongest contribution to the multiple linear regression (MLR) model. Polysaccharide families showed clear opposition to astringency perception according to principal component analysis (PCA) results, being stronger for mannoproteins and rhamnogalacturonan-II (RG-II), but only Polysaccharides Rich in Arabinose and Galactose (PRAGs) were considered in the final fitted MLR model, which explained 96.8% of the variability observed in the data. Oligosaccharides did not show a clear opposition, revealing that structure and size of carbohydrates are important for astringency perception. Mannose and galactose residues in the oligosaccharide fraction are positively related to astringency perception, probably because its presence is consequence of the degradation of polysaccharides.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Jul 1;154:44-51. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.12.101. Epub 2014 Jan 7.
- The influence of the proanthocyanidic, polysaccharide and oligosaccharide composition on astringency perception of Tempranillo wines has been evaluated. Statistical analyses revealed the existence of relationships between chemical composition and perceived astringency. Proanthocyanidic subunit distr
- PMID 24518314
- Cytotoxicity and DNA damage properties of tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) food additive.
- Eskandani M1, Hamishehkar H2, Ezzati Nazhad Dolatabadi J3.Author information 1Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.2Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.3Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. Electronic address: ezzatij@tbzmed.ac.ir.AbstractTert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) was tested for potential cytotoxicity and genotoxicity upon A549 lung cancer cells and Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC). Cytotoxicity was evaluated by MTT assay and flow cytometry analysis, while genotoxicity was assessed in vitro by alkaline comet, DNA fragmentation and DAPI staining assays. TBHQ dose- and time-dependently decreased the growth of A549 and HUVEC cells. Flow cytometry analyses determined early and late apoptosis in the treated cells. Also, single strand DNA breaking has been observed through comet assay technique. In addition, morphology of DAPI stained cells and DNA fragmentation assay using gel electrophoresis showed clear fragmentation in the chromatin and DNA rings within the nucleus of cell's treated TBHQ.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Jun 15;153:315-20. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.12.087. Epub 2014 Jan 3.
- Tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) was tested for potential cytotoxicity and genotoxicity upon A549 lung cancer cells and Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC). Cytotoxicity was evaluated by MTT assay and flow cytometry analysis, while genotoxicity was assessed in vitro by alkaline comet, DNA fr
- PMID 24491735
Japanese Journal
- GPUアクセラレータと不揮発性メモリを考慮したI/O性能の予備評価
- 白幡晃一 ,佐藤仁 ,松岡聡
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング] 2013-HPC-141(1), 1-9, 2013-09-23
- ペタ〜ヨッタバイト級の大規模データを処理する需要が高まっており,近年のスーパーコンピュータには GPU や Xeon Phi などのメニーコアアクセラレータに加え,フラッシュメモリなどの不揮発性メモリも搭載されつつある.不揮発性メモリの中でも,複数枚の mini SATA SSD (mSATA SSD) を組み合わせて使用することにより,従来の SSD や PCI-E 接続型のフラッシュメモリに比 …
- NAID 110009606422
- 椋棒 由紀子,成毛 大輔,川真田 美和子,平井 えい子,小森 万希子
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 83(4), 258-260, 2013-08-25
- 脳血管障害は、星状神経節ブロックの合併症としてはまれである。我々は、左星状神経節ブロック約30分後に右前大脳動脈梗塞によると思われる左下肢不全麻痺を発症したが、3時間後に組織プラスミノーゲン活性化剤投与開始し症状改善を得られた症例を経験したので報告する。潜在性前大脳動脈狭窄に星状神経節ブロックによる圧反射減弱による血圧低下が脳血流低下を招いた可能性も考えられた。本症例の脳梗塞発症の原因及び星状神経 …
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- 和田 静花,堀内 靖雄,黒岩 眞吾
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [音楽情報科学] 2013-MUS-100(9), 1-6, 2013-08-24
- 自動伴奏システムが人間らしい伴奏を実現するためには,人聞が行っている伴奏制御方法の解明が必要である.我々の先行研究において,人間同士の合奏を分析することにより,「独奏者と伴奏者の演奏タイミングのずれ」 と 「伴奏者の時間長変化」 の履歴から未来の演奏を予測する手法を提案したが,その研究で分析したデータは単純な練習曲であったため,現実的な合奏における有効性は不明であった.そこで本研究では名演奏家の合 …
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- はっきりしない(vague)、不明瞭な。解しがたい、あいまいな。(母音が)あいまい音の。あいまい母音をもつ
- よく知られていない(忘れられた)、隠れた、人目につかない、辺鄙な。世の中に知られない、無名の。身分の低い、微賤の(humble)
- 食らい、臼ぐらい。暗がりの。闇に包まれた。(どんより)曇った、もうろうとした(dim)。(色が)黒ずんだ、鈍い
- 関
- ambiguous, indefinitely, indistinct, not clear, uncertain, unclear, unclearly, unexplained, unidentified, unknown, unrevealing, vague
- 関
- equivocal、inconclusive、indefinite、indefinitely、indeterminate、not clear、obscure、uncertainly、unclear、unclearly、undecided、unexplained、unfixed、unidentified、unknown、unrevealing
- 関
- ambiguous、equivocal、indefinitely、indistinct、not clear、obscure、uncertain、uncertainly、unclearly、unexplained、unidentified、unknown、unrevealing、vague
- 英
- unclear、not clear、unknown、uncertain、unidentified、unexplained、obscure、unrevealing
- 関
- 不確定、不明瞭、未解明、未知、未定、未同定、不確か、あいまい、知られていない、不確実、不明確、未確認
- 関
- not clear、obscure、uncertain、unclear、unexplained、unidentified、unrevealing
- 明るい、澄み切った。すんだ、透き通った。(音・声が)はっきり聞こえる
- 関
- apparent、apparently、clarification、clearly、distinct、distinctly、evident、evidently、indisputable、obvious、obviously、overt、overtly、palpable、plain、pronounced、unambiguous、unambiguously、unequivocal
- 関
- number of experiment、sample size
- pの前の[n]はmと記載する。synptom→symptom
- 関
- famous、well-known