- 関
- not clear、obscure、uncertain、unclear、unexplained、unidentified、unknown
- reduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa
- make obscure or unclear; "The distinction was obscured" (同)bedim, overcloud
- make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing; "a hidden message"; "a veiled threat" (同)blot_out, obliterate, veil, hide
- make less visible or unclear; "The stars are obscured by the clouds"; "the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley" (同)befog, becloud, obnubilate, haze over, fog, cloud, mist
- not famous or acclaimed; "an obscure family"; "unsung heroes of the war" (同)unknown, unsung
- not drawing attention; "an unnoticeable cigarette burn on the carpet"; "an obscure flaw" (同)unnoticeable
- not clearly understood or expressed; "an obscure turn of phrase"; "an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"-Anatole Broyard; "their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear"- P.A.Sorokin; "vague...forms of speech...have so long passed for mysteries of science"- John Locke (同)vague
- not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown; "an uncertain future"; "a manuscript of uncertain origin"; "plans are still uncertain"; "changes of great if uncertain consequences"; "without further evidence his story must remain uncertain"
- lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of his convictions"; "unsure of himself and his future"; "moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps"; "an uncertain smile"; "touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers" (同)unsure, incertain
- ambiguous (especially in the negative); "she spoke in no uncertain terms"
- not certain to occur; not inevitable; "everything is uncertain about the army"; "the issue is uncertain"
- not consistent or dependable; "an uncertain recollection of events"; "a gun with a rather uncertain trigger"
- not known; "an unknown amount"; "an unknown island"; "an unknown writer"; "an unknown source"
- a variable whose values are solutions of an equation (同)unknown_quantity
- an unknown and unexplored region; "they came like angels out the unknown" (同)unknown region, terra_incognita
- not known to exist; "things obscurely felt surged up from unknown depths"
- not clear to the mind; "the law itself was unclear on that point"; "the reason for their actions is unclear to this day"
- not explained; "accomplished by some unexplained process"
- having the reason or cause not made clear; "an unexplained error"
- 『はっきりしない』,分かりにくい / よく知られていない,目につかない / 『薄暗』 / …‘を'隠す,おおう / 〈意味など〉あいまいにする,分かりにくくする
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(人が)『確信が持てない』,はっきり分からない / (結果などが)『確かでない』,はっきりしない,疑わしい / 『変わりやすい』,不安定な / 明確でない,ぼんやりした
- 『知られていない』,不明の,無名の / 『未確認の』,未発見の,未知の
- はっきりしない
- 説明されない
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English Journal
- Paraneoplastic lower motor neuronopathy associated with Hodgkin lymphoma.
- Flanagan EP, Sandroni P, Pittock SJ, Inwards DJ, Jones LK Jr.SourceMayo Clinic, Department of Neurology, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, Minnesota, 55905, USA.
- Muscle & nerve.Muscle Nerve.2012 Nov;46(5):823-7. doi: 10.1002/mus.23464.
- Introduction: Paraneoplastic lower motor neuronopathies have been reported rarely with Hodgkin lymphoma. Methods: We report a case of rapidly progressive motor neuronopathy preceding the diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma. Results: A 31-year-old woman developed subacute rapidly progressive quadriparesis.
- PMID 23055320
- Metabolic fingerprints of serum, brain, and liver are distinct for mice with cerebral and noncerebral malaria: a (1)h NMR spectroscopy-based metabonomic study.
- Ghosh S, Sengupta A, Sharma S, Sonawat HM.SourceDepartment of Chemical Sciences and ‡Department of Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005, India.
- Journal of proteome research.J Proteome Res.2012 Oct 5;11(10):4992-5004. doi: 10.1021/pr300562m. Epub 2012 Aug 28.
- Cerebral malaria (CM) is a life-threatening disease in humans caused by Plasmodium falciparum, leading to high mortality. Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) infection in C57Bl/6 mice induces pathologic symptoms similar to that in human CM. However, experimental CM incidence in mice is variable, and there
- PMID 22838963
Japanese Journal
- 3S-Dp01 メンブランベシクルから見えてくる新たな微生物間コミュニケーション、バイオフィルム像(若手が切り拓くBiofilm/cell-cell communication研究の新展開,シンポジウム)
- 超低出生体重児の循環不全による急性腎不全に対して腹膜透析を施行した1例
- 野原地区における開拓の展開 : 戦後開拓の30年とその後をめぐる一考察
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- はっきりしない(vague)、不明瞭な。解しがたい、あいまいな。(母音が)あいまい音の。あいまい母音をもつ
- よく知られていない(忘れられた)、隠れた、人目につかない、辺鄙な。世の中に知られない、無名の。身分の低い、微賤の(humble)
- 食らい、臼ぐらい。暗がりの。闇に包まれた。(どんより)曇った、もうろうとした(dim)。(色が)黒ずんだ、鈍い
- 関
- ambiguous, indefinitely, indistinct, not clear, uncertain, unclear, unclearly, unexplained, unidentified, unknown, unrevealing, vague
- 関
- equivocal、inconclusive、indefinite、indefinitely、indeterminate、not clear、obscure、uncertainly、unclear、unclearly、undecided、unexplained、unfixed、unidentified、unknown、unrevealing
- 関
- ambiguous、equivocal、indefinitely、indistinct、not clear、obscure、uncertain、uncertainly、unclearly、unexplained、unidentified、unknown、unrevealing、vague
- 英
- unclear、not clear、unknown、uncertain、unidentified、unexplained、obscure、unrevealing
- 関
- 不確定、不明瞭、未解明、未知、未定、未同定、不確か、あいまい、知られていない、不確実、不明確、未確認
- 関
- not clear、obscure、uncertain、unclear、unexplained、unidentified、unrevealing