- 関
- indeterminate、uncertain、undecided
- not firmly placed or set or fastened
- not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown; "an uncertain future"; "a manuscript of uncertain origin"; "plans are still uncertain"; "changes of great if uncertain consequences"; "without further evidence his story must remain uncertain"
- lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of his convictions"; "unsure of himself and his future"; "moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps"; "an uncertain smile"; "touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers" (同)unsure, incertain
- ambiguous (especially in the negative); "she spoke in no uncertain terms"
- not certain to occur; not inevitable; "everything is uncertain about the army"; "the issue is uncertain"
- not consistent or dependable; "an uncertain recollection of events"; "a gun with a rather uncertain trigger"
- of uncertain or ambiguous nature; "the equivocal (or indeterminate) objects painted by surrealists"
- not precisely determined or established; not fixed or known in advance; "of indeterminate age"; "a zillion is a large indeterminate number"; "an indeterminate point of law"; "the influence of environment is indeterminate"; "an indeterminate future" (同)undetermined
- having a capacity for continuing to grow at the apex; "an indeterminate stem"
- not capable of being determined; "the indeterminate number of plant species in the jungle"
- not leading to a definite ending or result; "an indeterminate campaign"
- not yet having made a commitment; "undecided voters"
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(人が)『確信が持てない』,はっきり分からない / (結果などが)『確かでない』,はっきりしない,疑わしい / 『変わりやすい』,不安定な / 明確でない,ぼんやりした
- 際限のない;不確定の,漠然とした
- (人が)決心のついていない;(…について)決めていない《+about+名(wh-節・句)》 / (事が)未決定の
- …‘を'はずす,緩める / 〈心・気持ち〉‘を'ぐらつかせる
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English Journal
- Quantification of material slippage in the iliotibial tract when applying the partial plastination clamping technique.
- Sichting F1, Steinke H2, Wagner MF3, Fritsch S3, Hädrich C4, Hammer N2.
- Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials.J Mech Behav Biomed Mater.2015 Sep;49:112-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2015.04.028. Epub 2015 May 7.
- The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of the partial plastination technique in minimizing material slippage and to discuss the effects on the tensile properties of thin dense connective tissue. The ends of twelve iliotibial tract samples were primed with polyurethane resin and co
- PMID 26005842
- High-resolution rapid diagnostic imaging of whole prostate biopsies using video-rate fluorescence structured illumination microscopy.
- Wang M1, Kimbrell HZ2, Sholl AB2, Tulman DB3, Elfer KN1, Schlichenmeyer TC1, Lee BR4, Lacey M5, Brown JQ6.
- Cancer research.Cancer Res.2015 Aug 17. pii: canres.3806.2015. [Epub ahead of print]
- Rapid assessment of prostate core biopsy pathology at the point-of-procedure could provide benefit in a variety of clinical situations. Even with advanced trans-rectal ultrasound guidance and saturation biopsy protocols, prostate cancer can be missed in up to half of all initial biopsy procedures. I
- PMID 26282168
- Reaction null-space filter: extracting reactionless synergies for optimal postural balance from motion capture data.
- Nenchev DN1, Miyamoto Y, Iribe H, Takeuchi K, Sato D.
- Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering.Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin.2015 Aug 14:1-11. [Epub ahead of print]
- This paper introduces the notion of a reactionless synergy: a postural variation for a specific motion pattern/strategy, whereby the movements of the segments do not alter the force/moment balance at the feet. Given an optimal initial posture in terms of stability, a reactionless synergy can ensure
- PMID 26273732
Japanese Journal
- 人混みにおける手持ち単眼カメラによる高精度Visual-SLAM (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116(528), 111-116, 2017-03-20
- NAID 40021162629
- 人混みにおける手持ち単眼カメラによる高精度Visual-SLAM (バイオメトリクス)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116(527), 111-116, 2017-03-20
- NAID 40021160521
- <i>In vitro</i> Study of Serial Changes to Carmustine Wafers (Gliadel) with MR Imaging and Computed Tomography
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- 関
- equivocal、inconclusive、indefinite、indefinitely、indeterminate、not clear、obscure、uncertainly、unclear、unclearly、undecided、unexplained、unfixed、unidentified、unknown、unrevealing
- 関
- indeterminate、not determined、pending、uncertain、undefined、undetermined、unfixed
- 英
- uncertain、indeterminate、unfixed、undecided
- 関
- 不確定、不明、未決定、不確か、不確実
- 関
- uncertain、undecided、unfixed