- neurologic deficit
- neurologic deficits may accompany dissection into the carotid vessels.(PHD.355)
- 関
- focal neurologic deficit、nerve damage、nervous system disorder、neurologic disorder、neurologic dysfunction、neurologic finding、neurologic manifestation、neurologic sign、neurologic signs and symptoms、neurologic symptom、neurological deficit、neurological disorder、neurological manifestation、neuropathic、neuropathy
- (sports) the score by which a team or individual is losing
- a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning; "the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory"; "they have serious linguistic deficits"
- an excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period); "last year there was a serious budgetary deficit"
- the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required; "new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit" (同)shortage, shortfall
- (金銭の)不足額,赤字
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English Journal
- Dexmedetomidine preconditioning attenuates global cerebral ischemic injury following asphyxial cardiac arrest.
- Ding XD1, Zheng NN2, Cao YY1, Zhao GY1, Zhao P1.
- The International journal of neuroscience.Int J Neurosci.2016 Mar;126(3):249-56. doi: 10.3109/00207454.2015.1005291. Epub 2015 Jul 14.
- BACKGROUND/AIMS: To investigate the protection effect of dexmedetomidine preconditioning on global cerebral ischemic injury following asphyxial cardiac arrest (CA) in rats.METHODS: Seventy-two rats were randomly assigned into three groups, sham group (no asphyxia), control group (asphyxia only), and
- PMID 25565380
- Structural alterations in the rat brain and behavioral impairment after status epilepticus: An MRI study.
- Suleymanova EM1, Gulyaev MV2, Abbasova KR2.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2016 Feb 19;315:79-90. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.11.061. Epub 2015 Dec 7.
- Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is one of the most common neurologic disorders often associated with behavioral impairments and cognitive deficit. Lithium-pilocarpine model of seizures in rodents reproduces many features of human convulsive status epilepticus (SE) and subsequent TLE. In this study, we
- PMID 26674057
- Enteroviruses in the early 21st century: new manifestations and challenges.
- Lugo D1, Krogstad P.
- Current opinion in pediatrics.Curr Opin Pediatr.2016 Feb;28(1):107-13. doi: 10.1097/MOP.0000000000000303.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Enteroviruses cause a wide variety of diseases with neurologic, respiratory, skin, and gastrointestinal findings. The purpose of this review is to clarify changes in the classification of enteroviruses, provide information about recent disease outbreaks, and to summarize progress
- PMID 26709690
- Head CT scan in Iranian minor head injury patients: evaluating current decision rules.
- Sadegh R1, Karimialavijeh E2, Shirani F3, Payandemehr P4, Bahramimotlagh H5, Ramezani M6.
- Emergency radiology.Emerg Radiol.2016 Feb;23(1):9-16. doi: 10.1007/s10140-015-1349-y. Epub 2015 Sep 25.
- The objective of this study is to select one of the seven available clinical decision rules for minor head injury, for managing Iranian patients. This was a prospective cohort study evaluating medium- or high-risk minor head injury patients presenting to the Emergency Department. Patients with minor
- PMID 26407978
Japanese Journal
- Treatment Strategy for Bilateral Carotid Stenosis: 2 Cases of Carotid Endarterectomy for the Symptomatic Side Followed by Carotid Stenting
- Hokari Masaaki,Isobe Masanori,Asano Takeshi,Itou Yasuhiro,Yamazaki Kazuyoshi,Chiba Yasuhiro,Iwamoto Naotaka,Isu Toyohiko
- Journal of stroke & cerebrovascular diseases 23(10), 2851-2856, 2014-12
- … Two months later, CAS was performed for the asymptomatic side, and he was discharged with no deficit. … The patient developed no postoperative neurologic deficits except for hoarseness. … The patient was ultimately discharged with no deficit. …
- NAID 120005530836
- Nagoya Journal of Medical Science 76(3-4), 307-314, 2014-08
- NAID 120005468128
- 結束 寿,海邊 昭子,穴澤 卯太郎,高石 慎也,蓮 琢也,増田 文子,吉村 剛,飯野 孝,田中 康広
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 117(8), 1115-1119, 2014
- 血腫形成を伴う出血を来す総頸動脈損傷の多くは穿通性であり, 非穿通性の損傷はほとんど報告がない. 今回, われわれは軽微な外力により急激な血腫形成を来した非穿通性総頸動脈損傷例を経験したので報告する. 症例は35歳男性. 空手の練習中に相手の弱い突きが下顎に当たり, 急激な頸部腫脹と疼痛を認めたため当院を受診した. 経鼻内視鏡検査にて血腫による気道狭窄が確認され, 気管切開を施行した. その後, …
- NAID 130004696891
- 骨粗鬆症性椎体偽関節に伴う遅発性神経障害に対する経皮的椎体形成術
- 中前 稔生,藤本 吉範,高田 治彦 [他]
- Journal of spine research : official journal of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research 4(12), 1793-1797, 2013-12
- NAID 40019930732
Related Links
- A neurologic deficit is a functional abnormality of a body area due to a decrease in the function of the brain, spinal cord, muscles, or nerves. Examples include inability to speak, decreased sensation, loss of balance, weakness, mental function ...
- A focal neurologic deficit is a problem with nerve, spinal cord, or brain function. It affects a specific location, such as the left side of the face, right arm, or even a small area such as the tongue. Speech, vision, and hearing problems are also ...
- The diagnosis of functional neurological deficit provides an umbrella term for a variety of symptoms of apparent neurological origin but which current models struggle to explain psychologically or organically. Presentation may be similar to a ...
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- 英
- neuropathy、neurological disorder、neurologic deficit、neurologic disorder、neurological deficit、nerve damage、nervous system disorder、neuropathic
- 関
- 神経障害性、ニューロパチー、神経因性、神経症状、神経疾患、神経系障害、神経性障害、神経学的障害、神経異常、神経病、神経脱落、神経学的徴候、局所神経障害、神経機能障害、ニューロパシー、神経学的所見
- Seddon(1942)とSunderland(1951)が唱えた分類がそれぞれある
- SOTO.165
- 関
- focal neurologic deficit、neurologic deficit、neurologic dysfunction、neurologic finding、neurologic manifestation、neurologic sign、neurologic signs and symptoms、neurological manifestation、neurological symptom
- 関
- focal neurologic deficit、neurologic deficit、neurologic dysfunction、neurologic manifestation、neurologic sign、neurologic signs and symptoms、neurologic symptom、neurological manifestation
- 神経障害性の、神経障害の、ニューロパチーの、神経因性の
- 関
- nerve damage、nervous system disorder、neurogenic、neurologic deficit、neurologic disorder、neurological deficit、neurological disorder、neuropathy
- 関
- nerve damage、nervous system disease、neurologic deficit、neurologic disorder、neurological deficit、neurological disorder、neuropathic、neuropathy
- 関
- Central nervous system (CNS) disorder
- 関
- neurologic deficit、neurologic dysfunction、neurologic finding、neurologic manifestation、neurologic sign、neurologic signs and symptoms、neurologic symptom、neurological manifestation
- 欠損、不足/不足額、赤字(⇔surplus)。(機能性の)障害。不利な立場/条件、劣性
- 関
- agenesis, dearth, defect, defective, deficiency, deficient, deletion, deletional, depletion, deprivation, deprive, drawback, fault, flaw, in short, insufficiency, insufficient, lack, miss, missing, paucity, scarce, scarcity, short, shortage, shortness, starve
- 関
- nervosa、neural、neurally、neurogenic、neurological、neuronally