- 関
- moderate、moderate level、moderately、modest、modestly
- being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme; "moderate prices"; "a moderate income"; "a moderate fine"; "moderate demands"; "a moderate estimate"; "a moderate eater"; "moderate success"; "a kitchen of moderate size"; "the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart"
- make less fast or intense; "moderate your speed"
- preside over; "John moderated the discussion" (同)chair, lead
- marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes; "moderate in his demands"; "restrained in his response" (同)restrained
- not extreme; "a moderate penalty"; "temperate in his response to criticism" (同)temperate
- not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance
- not large but sufficient in size or amount; "a modest salary"; "modest inflation"; "helped in my own small way" (同)small
- free from pomp or affectation; "comfortable but modest cottages"; "a simple rectangular brick building"; "a simple man with simple tastes"
- marked by simplicity; having a humble opinion of yourself; "a modest apartment"; "too modest to wear his medals"
- with modesty; in a modest manner; "the dissertation was entitled, modestly, `Remarks about a play by Shakespeare"
- with moderation; in a moderate manner; "he drinks moderately"
- (meat) cooked until there is just a little pink meat inside
- (biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed
- a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter
- a state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position; "a happy medium"
- an intervening substance through which something is achieved; "the dissolving medium is called a solvent"
- (usually plural) transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public (同)mass medium
- someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead; "he consulted several mediums" (同)spiritualist, sensitive
- a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information
- an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication
- the surrounding environment; "fish require an aqueous medium"
- a measure for arcs and angles; "there are 360 degrees in a circle" (同)arcdegree
- a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what stage are the social sciences?" (同)level, stage, point
- a unit of temperature on a specified scale; "the game was played in spite of the 40-degree temperature"
- a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality; "a moderate grade of intelligence"; "a high level of care is required"; "it is all a matter of degree" (同)grade, level
- the seriousness of something (e.g., a burn or crime); "murder in the second degree"; "a second degree burn"
- the highest power of a term or variable
- 『適度の』,度を越さない / (量・大きさ・質などが)『中くらいの』,並の / 《遠回しに》並以下の,平均以下の / (天候などが)『穏やかな』,温和な(mild) / (思想・考え方などが)穏健な / (特に政治上)穏健な人,中道主義者 / …‘を'適度にする,和らげる / 〈集会など〉‘の'司会をする / 穏やかになる,和らぐ / 司会をつとめる
- 『謙そんした』,謙虚な;控え目な / (特に女性について)品のいい,しとやかな / じみな,質素な(simple) / (量・規模・程度が)中ぐらいの,並の(moderate)
- ほどよく,適度に
- 中間(中程度)にあるもの,中庸(mean) / 媒介物,媒体 / 《複数形mediaで》=mass media / 『手段』,方法(means) / (芸術の)表現手段,手法 / (動植物がそこで生存し機能を発揮する)環境;(細菌の)培地,培養基 / 霊媒者 / 『中間の』,並みの
- 〈C〉U〉『程度』,度合 / 〈U〉《古》(社会的)階級,地位,身分 / 〈C〉『学位』,称号 / 〈C〉(寒暖計の)『度』 / 〈C〉(角度の)度 / 〈C〉(数学で)次[数] / 〈C〉(形容詞・副詞の比較の)級 / 〈C〉(犯罪の)等級 / 〈C〉(音階の)度,階 / ちょっと,いくぶん
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English Journal
- Electrochemical degradation of the antihypertensive losartan in aqueous medium by electro-oxidation with boron-doped diamond electrode.
- Salazar C1, Contreras N2, Mansilla HD3, Yáñez J4, Salazar R5.
- Journal of hazardous materials.J Hazard Mater.2016 Dec 5;319:84-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.04.009. Epub 2016 Apr 29.
- In this work the electrochemical oxidation of losartan, an emerging pharmaceutical pollutant, was studied. Electrochemical oxidation was carried out in batch mode, in an open and undivided cell of 100cm(3) using a boron-doped diamond (BDD)/stainless steel system. With Cl(-) medium 56% of mineralizat
- PMID 27180209
- Anxiety sensitivity and hazardous drinking among persons living with HIV/AIDS: An examination of the role of emotion dysregulation.
- Paulus DJ1, Jardin C2, Bakhshaie J2, Sharp C2, Woods SP2, Lemaire C3, Leonard A3, Neighbors C2, Brandt CP2, Zvolensky MJ4.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2016 Dec;63:141-8. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.07.013. Epub 2016 Jul 21.
- Hazardous drinking is prevalent among persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Anxiety sensitivity is a vulnerability factor that is highly associated with hazardous drinking among seronegatives, but has yet to be tested in PLWHA. Additionally, there is a need to examine potential mechanisms underlying
- PMID 27497249
- Consumer and trained panel evaluation of beef strip steaks of varying marbling and enhancement levels cooked to three degrees of doneness.
- Lucherk LW1, O'Quinn TG2, Legako JF3, Rathmann RJ1, Brooks JC1, Miller MF1.
- Meat science.Meat Sci.2016 Dec;122:145-54. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2016.08.005. Epub 2016 Aug 14.
- The palatability of USDA graded beef strip loins of seven treatments [High Enhanced (HE: 112% of raw weight) Select, Low Enhanced (LE: 107% of raw weight) Select, Prime, upper 2/3 Choice (Top Choice), lower 1/3 Choice (Low Choice), Select, and Standard] cooked to three degrees of doneness [DOD; rare
- PMID 27544884
Japanese Journal
- Voices on Campus: International Students in an English-medium Instruction Degree Program in Japan
- HEIGHAM Juanita
- Journal of the Ochanomizu University English Society 5, 64-74, 2015-03
- NAID 120005555550
- 高村 英里奈
- 東京女子大学言語文化研究 22, 39-51, 20140301-00-00
- … The aim of this study is to examine differences in Japanese request expressions according to sex and degree of imposition (large or small). … It consisted of 8 questions, including 3 request situations with a low imposition, 2 with a medium imposition, and 3 with a great imposition. … The subjects were 32 male and 32 female college or graduate students.The results show differences according to the degree of imposition. …
- NAID 120005486353
- Reduced representational momentum for subtle dynamic facial expressions in individuals with autism spectrum disorders
- Uono Shota,Sato Wataru,Toichi Motomi
- Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8(9), 1090-1099, 2014-09
- … We examined RM for dynamic facial expressions using facial expression stimuli at three levels of emotional intensity (subtle, medium, and extreme) in people with ASD. … The ASD group, however, perceived a reduced degree of exaggeration for dynamic facial expressions under the subtle intensity condition. …
- NAID 120005458280
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- 極端に走らない、節制のある、節度のある。穏健派の。(気質などが)穏やかな
- 適度の。(質、大きさなどが)中位の、並の。(値段が)安い、手頃な、ほどよい
- disease: mild - moderate - severe
- 関
- alleviate、ease、intermediate、medium degree、mitigate、mitigation、moderate disease、moderate level、moderately、modest、modestly、palliate、palliation、reasonably、relax、relaxation
- 謙虚な。慎み深い、控えめな、遠慮がちの。(主に女性が)しとやかにした、ひどく上品な。質素な、地味な
- 適度の、穏当な。大きくない、ささやかな。
- 関
- a fraction of、few、insignificant、little、marginally、medium degree、moderate、moderate level、moderately、modestly、only、reasonably、scant、slight、slightly、sparingly、subtle、subtly
- 関
- a fraction of、few、insignificant、little、marginally、medium degree、moderate、moderate level、moderately、modest、only、reasonably、scant、slight、slightly、subtle、subtly
- 英
- moderate level、medium degree、moderate、modest、moderately、modestly
- 関
- 緩和、中等度、わずか、適度、中等症、中等、控えめ
- 関
- medium degree、moderate、moderate level、modest、modestly、reasonably
- 関
- culture、culture media、culture medium、culture solution、media
- 関
- extent、grade、measure