- 関
- endemic、endogeneous、endogenous、endogenously、inherent、inherently、intrinsically、proper
- situated within or belonging solely to the organ or body part on which it acts; "intrinsic muscles"
- belonging to a thing by its very nature; "form was treated as something intrinsic, as the very essence of the thing"- John Dewey (同)intrinsical
- marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; "proper medical treatment"; "proper manners"
- appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a persons character, needs; "everything in its proper place"; "the right man for the job"; "she is not suitable for the position" (同)right
- having all the qualities typical of the thing specified; "wanted a proper dinner; not just a snack"; "he finally has a proper job"
- limited to the thing specified; "the city proper"; "his claim is connected with the deed proper"
- native to or confined to a certain region; "the islands have a number of interesting endemic species"
- a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location (同)endemic_disease
- a plant that is native to a certain limited area; "it is an endemic found only this island"
- of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality; "diseases endemic to the tropics"; "endemic malaria"; "food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world" (同)endemical
- of or resembling an endogen
- derived or originating internally (同)endogenic
- in an inherent manner; "the subject matter is sexual activity of any overt kind, which is depicted as inherently desirable and exciting"
- fraud (as by use of forged documents or false claims or perjury) that misleads a court or jury and induces a finding for the one perpetrating the fraud
- (価値・質などが)本質的な,本来備わった
- (目的に)『適切な』,ふさわしい / 《文》《補語にのみ用いて》《『be proper to』+『名』…に固有の,本来備わっている》 / 基準にかなった,正式の / (行き過ぎるぐらいに)礼儀正しい / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》厳密な,正確な / 《名詞の後に置いて》厳密な意味での,真の,純粋の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》すばらしい,すてきな;《おもに英話》全くの
- 全く,すっかり
- (特に病気が)ある地方(住民)に特有の,風土性の;(ある地方・住民に)特有の《+『to』+『名』》 / 風土病,地方病
- 『本来の』,生まれつきの
- (生物が)内部から成長する,内性の,内因性の
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Look up intrinsic, extrinsic, or innate in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
For intrinsic and extrinsic properties in philosophy, see Intrinsic and extrinsic properties (philosophy).
An intrinsic property is a property of a system or of a material itself or within. It is independent of how much of the material is present and is independent of the form of the material, e.g., one large piece or a collection of small particles. Intrinsic properties are dependent mainly on the chemical composition or structure of the material.[1]
A property that is not essential or inherent is called an extrinsic property. For example, density is a physical intrinsic property of any physical object, whereas weight is an extrinsic property that varies depending on the strength of the gravitational field in which the respective object is placed.
In biology, intrinsic effects originate from inside an organism or cell, such as an autoimmune disease or intrinsic immunity.
Certain languages distinguish between and intrinsic and extrinsic properties. For example in Spanish "Este hombre es cojo" and "Este hombre está cojo", differentiate between a man hobbling temporarily or, being a property of the way he walks in general.
In magnetism there is a fundamental distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic properties. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy, Curie temperature and spontaneous magnetization are intrinsic property. By contrast magnetic property such as Coercivity and Remanence are extrinsic property and they reflect the magnets real structure. Intrinsic are in general considered as equilibrium property while extrinsic are non equilibrium one generally.
See also
- Intensive and extensive properties
- Intrinsic function (computer programming)
- Intrinsic equation (geometry)
- Motivation
- Sunspots (economics), also known as extrinsic random variables
- Coagulation, with intrinsic and extrinsic blood clotting pathways
- ^ Food and Packaging Engineering (IFNHH, Massey University, NZ)
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English Journal
- The effects of acupuncture treatment on the right frontoparietal network in migraine without aura patients.
- Li K1, Zhang Y, Ning Y, Zhang H, Liu H, Fu C, Ren Y, Zou Y.
- The journal of headache and pain.J Headache Pain.2015 Dec;16(1):518. doi: 10.1186/s10194-015-0518-4. Epub 2015 Apr 18.
- BACKGROUND: Functional and structural abnormalities in resting-state brain networks in migraine patients have been confirmed by previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies. However, few studies focusing on the neural responses of therapeutic treatment on migraine have been conducte
- PMID 25916336
- Mechanistic insight into ultrasound induced enhancement of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of Parthenium hysterophorus for ethanol production.
- Singh S1, Agarwal M2, Sarma S1, Goyal A3, Moholkar VS4.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2015 Sep;26:249-56. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2015.02.011. Epub 2015 Mar 17.
- This paper presents investigations into mechanism of ultrasound assisted bioethanol synthesis using Parthenium hysterophorus biomass through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) mode. Approach of coupling experimental results to mathematical model for SSF using Genetic Algorithm base
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- Ultrasound-assisted selective hydrogenation of C-5 acetylene alcohols with Lindlar catalysts.
- Tripathi B1, Paniwnyk L1, Cherkasov N2, Ibhadon AO3, Lana-Villarreal T4, Gómez R4.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2015 Sep;26:445-51. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2015.03.006. Epub 2015 Mar 12.
- The selective hydrogenation of 2-methyl-3-butyn-2-ol (MBY) was performed in the presence of Lindlar catalyst, comparing conventional stirring with sonication at different frequencies of 40, 380 and 850kHz. Under conventional stirring, the reaction rates were limited by intrinsic kinetics, while in t
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- Gao N1, Lu F2, Xiao C3, Yang L3, Chen J3, Zhou K3, Wen D4, Li Z3, Wu M3, Jiang J4, Liu G5, Zhao J6.
- Carbohydrate polymers.Carbohydr Polym.2015 Aug 20;127:427-37. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2015.04.002. Epub 2015 Apr 10.
- Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (FCS) from sea cucumber with complex structure has potent anticoagulant activity by inhibition of intrinsic tenase; however, it could activate factor XII and platelet. To obtain FCS' fragments with selective inhibition on intrinsic tenase, a method for β-eliminative
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Japanese Journal
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- Paosawatyanyong Boonchoat,Rujisamphan Nopporn,Bhanthumnavin Worawan
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(1), 1-1, 2013-01-25
- … Metal--semiconductor diode structures were fabricated using gold and aluminum as ohmic and rectifying contacts, respectively, and their responses to DC signals revealed a high rectification ratio of up to 10^{6} in the intrinsic MCD/NCD devices. …
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- 適切な、適当な、妥当な、適した、もっともな、本来の、固有の
- 関
- adequate、adequately、appropriate、appropriately、apt、correct、endemic、fit、fittingly、germane、in itself、inherent、inherently、intrinsic、justifiable、natural、neatly、original、originally、pertinent、primarily、properly、reasonable、suitable、suitably、suited、valid
- Our meta-analysis, which is unaffected by selection and other viases inherent in observational studies, showed clearly that the vascular tisks of diclofenac, and possilbly ibuprofec, are similar to coxibs, but that naproxen is not associated with an icreased risk of major vascular events.
- 関
- endemic、inherently、intrinsic、proper
- 英
- inherent、intrinsic、proper、endemic、inherently
- 関
- 妥当、適切、適当、内因性、内因的、内在性、本質的、本来、もっとも、適した、地方、内在的
- 関
- inherent、inherently、intrinsic、local、proper、province
- 関
- endemic、essential、essentially、fundamentally、inherent、intimate、intimately、intrinsic、intrinsically、proper