- 関
- justice、natural、proper、reasonable
- capable of being justified
- the quality of being just or fair (同)justness
- judgment involved in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments
- related by blood; not adopted
- (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake
- a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat (同)cancel
- someone regarded as certain to succeed; "hes a natural for the job"
- being talented through inherited qualities; "a natural leader"; "a born musician"; "an innate talent" (同)born, innate
- unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct; "a cats natural aversion to water"; "offering to help was as instinctive as breathing" (同)instinctive
- (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes; "natural yogurt"; "natural produce"; "raw wool"; "raw sugar"; "bales of rude cotton" (同)raw, rude
- (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone; "a natural scale"; "B natural"
- existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world; neither supernatural nor magical; "a perfectly natural explanation"
- existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation; "a natural pearl"; "natural gas"; "natural silk"; "natural blonde hair"; "a natural sweetener"; "natural fertilizers"
- functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies; "its the natural thing to happen"; "natural immunity"; "a grandparents natural affection for a grandchild"
- in accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature; "a very natural development"; "our natural environment"; "natural science"; "natural resources"; "natural cliffs"; "natural phenomena"
- marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; "proper medical treatment"; "proper manners"
- appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a persons character, needs; "everything in its proper place"; "the right man for the job"; "she is not suitable for the position" (同)right
- having all the qualities typical of the thing specified; "wanted a proper dinner; not just a snack"; "he finally has a proper job"
- limited to the thing specified; "the city proper"; "his claim is connected with the deed proper"
- showing reason or sound judgment; "a sensible choice"; "a sensible person" (同)sensible
- marked by sound judgment; "sane nuclear policy" (同)sane
- 正当と認めうる,もっともな
- 〈U〉『正義』,正しさ;『公平』,公正 / 〈U〉『正当性』,妥当性 / 〈U〉司法,裁判 / 〈C〉『裁判官』(judge),判事,《英》最高法院の判事,《米》最高裁判所判事
- 『自然のままの』,自然にある,自然が作る / 自然に関する / 『当然の』,あたりまえの / 『生まれつきの』(inborn) / 生き写しの,真に迫った / 気どらない,飾らない / (音階が)本位の / (音階の)本位音;本位記号 / 《単数形で》《話》(…の)生来の達人,(…に)最初からうってつけの人《+『for』(『as』)+『名』》
- (目的に)『適切な』,ふさわしい / 《文》《補語にのみ用いて》《『be proper to』+『名』…に固有の,本来備わっている》 / 基準にかなった,正式の / (行き過ぎるぐらいに)礼儀正しい / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》厳密な,正確な / 《名詞の後に置いて》厳密な意味での,真の,純粋の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》すばらしい,すてきな;《おもに英話》全くの
- 全く,すっかり
- (人が)『理性的な』,分別のある / (物事が)理にかなった,公正の,適度な・(価格が)手ごろな
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/11/02 03:40:04」(JST)
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Justification may refer to:
- Theory of justification, a part of epistemology that attempts to understand the justification of propositions and beliefs
- Justification (jurisprudence), defence in a prosecution for a criminal offense
- Justification (theology), God's act of declaring or making a sinner righteous before God
- Justification (typesetting), a kind of typographic alignment
- Formal proof, an object that justifies the validity of a formalized statement
- Justification may also refer to ad hoc hypotheses and explanations
- Rationalization (making excuses), a phenomenon in psychology
See also
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English Journal
- Effects of thoracic kyphosis and forward head posture on cervical range of motion in older adults.
- Quek J, Pua YH, Clark RA, Bryant AL.SourceDepartment of Physiotherapy, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608, Singapore. Electronic address: guuday@gmail.com.
- Manual therapy.Man Ther.2013 Feb;18(1):65-71. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2012.07.005. Epub 2012 Sep 5.
- It is unclear how age-related postural changes such as thoracic spine kyphosis influence cervical range-of-motion (ROM) in patients with cervical spine dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to explore the mediating effects of forward head posture (FHP) on the relationship between thoracic kypho
- PMID 22959228
- Predicting Recovery Criteria for Threatened and Endangered Plant Species on the Basis of Past Abundances and Biological Traits.
- Neel MC, Che-Castaldo JP.SourceDepartment of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture and Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742, U.S.A.
- Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.Conserv Biol.2013 Jan 7. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12008. [Epub ahead of print]
- Recovery plans for species listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act are required to specify measurable criteria that can be used to determine when the species can be delisted. For the 642 listed endangered and threatened plant species that have recovery plans, we applied recursive partitioning m
- PMID 23293869
- Is 3D echocardiography superior to 2D echocardiography in general practice?: A systematic review of studies published between 2007 and 2012.
- Ruddox V, Mathisen M, Bækkevar M, Aune E, Edvardsen T, Otterstad JE.SourceUniversity of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, Norway; Department of Cardiology, Vestfold Hospital Trust, Tønsberg, Norway. Electronic address: vidar.ruddox@siv.no.
- International journal of cardiology.Int J Cardiol.2013 Jan 4. pii: S0167-5273(12)01630-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.12.002. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Recent developments in 3-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) have resulted in smaller probes, faster data acquisition and wider applicability. In spite of this, there is still an ongoing debate as to its ability to provide additional information to 2DE in general hospital clinical practic
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Japanese Journal
- 情報論議 根堀り葉堀り アイデアの独占 : その正当化への迷い
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- justifiableとは。意味や和訳。[形]正当と認められる;筋の通った;弁護できるjustifiable defense正当防衛justifiable homicide正当殺人,死刑.jugrave;s・ti・figrave;・a・bil・i・ty[名] jus・ti・fi・a・bly[副]正当に;当然に;((文修飾)... - goo辞書は ...
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- 適切な、適当な、妥当な、適した、もっともな、本来の、固有の
- 関
- adequate、adequately、appropriate、appropriately、apt、correct、endemic、fit、fittingly、germane、in itself、inherent、inherently、intrinsic、justifiable、natural、neatly、original、originally、pertinent、primarily、properly、reasonable、suitable、suitably、suited、valid
- 関
- adequate、adequately、appropriate、appropriately、correct、fittingly、justifiable、logical、natural、naturally、neatly、pertinent、proper、properly、rational、rationally、reasonably、suitably、valid
- 関
- justifiable、logical、native、naturally、nature、proper、reasonable、reasonably、spontaneous、spontaneously
- 英
- reasonable、proper、natural、justifiable
- 関
- 固有、合理的、自然、正当、妥当、適切、適当、当然、本来、天然、適した
- 英
- justice、justifiable
- 関
- 公正、裁判、もっとも