- stack in cords; "cord firewood"
- a unit of amount of wood cut for burning; 128 cubic feet
- a cut pile fabric with vertical ribs; usually made of cotton (同)corduroy
- a light insulated conductor for household use (同)electric cord
- a line made of twisted fibers or threads; "the bundle was tied with a cord"
- bind or tie with a cord
- any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc. (同)hurt, harm, trauma
- an act that causes someone or something to receive physical damage
- wrongdoing that violates anothers rights and is unjustly inflicted
- an accident that results in physical damage or hurt (同)accidental injury
- relating to or associated with the neck
- of or relating to the cervix of the uterus; "cervical cancer"
- of textiles; having parallel raised lines (同)twilled
- 〈U〉〈C〉『綱,ひも』(stringより太くropeより細い) / 〈U〉〈C〉束縛,きずな / 〈C〉〈U〉(電気の)『コード』,線 / (またchord)〈C〉(動物体の)索状組織,腱(けん) / 〈C〉うね織り,(特に)コールテン;(うね織りの)うね;《複数形で》コールテンのズボン / 〈C〉コード(材木の容積の単位で約6.25m) / …'を'綱(ひも)で縛る
- 『負傷』,『損害』,損傷 / (名誉などを)傷つけること,侮辱《+『to』+『名』》
- (子宮などの)頚(けい)部の(にできた)
- (驚いて)わあっ,えっ
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English Journal
- Intracortical connections are altered after long-standing deprivation of dorsal column inputs in the hand region of area 3b in squirrel monkeys.
- Liao CC1, Reed JL1, Kaas JH1, Qi HX1.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2016 May 1;524(7):1494-526. doi: 10.1002/cne.23921. Epub 2015 Dec 8.
- A complete unilateral lesion of the dorsal column somatosensory pathway in the upper cervical spinal cord deactivates neurons in the hand region in contralateral somatosensory cortex (areas 3b and 1). Over weeks to months of recovery, parts of the hand region become reactivated by touch on the hand
- PMID 26519356
- Differential Histopathological and Behavioral Outcomes Eight Weeks after Rat Spinal Cord Injury by Contusion, Dislocation, and Distraction Mechanisms.
- Chen K1,2,3, Liu J1, Assinck P1,4, Bhatnagar T1,5, Streijger F1, Zhu Q1,2, Dvorak MF1,2, Kwon BK1,2, Tetzlaff W1,6, Oxland TR1,5,2.
- Journal of neurotrauma.J Neurotrauma.2016 Apr 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- The objective of this study was to compare the long-term histological and behavioral outcomes after spinal cord injury (SCI) induced by one of three distinct biomechanical mechanisms: dislocation, contusion, and distraction. Thirty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized to incur a traumatic cervic
- PMID 26671448
Japanese Journal
- 頚髄損傷 (特集 外傷性脊髄損傷診療update)
- 箔状圧電センサを利用した頸髄損傷患者のためのPC操作インタフェース
Related Links
- Cervical (neck) injuries usually result in full or partial tetraplegia (Quadriplegia). However, depending on the specific location and severity of trauma, limited function may be retained. Injuries at the C-1/C-2 levels will ...
- 英
- cervical cord injury
- 同
- 頸髄損傷、頚髄
- 頚部の、頸部の、頚椎の、頸椎の、頚髄の、頸髄の、頚の、頸の、子宮頚部の、子宮頸部の
- 一般には首を表すが病名では子宮頚部を表すことが多いので注意
- 関
- cervical cord、cervical region、cervical spinal cord、cervical spine、cervical vertebra、cervical vertebrae、cervix、cervix of uterus、cervix uteri、neck、uterine cervix、uterocervical、vertebrae cervicales
- 関
- damage、injure、insult、lesion、spoilage、trauma、traumatic、traumatic injury、wound
- 関
- chorda、chordae、chordal、code、tendon、trabecula、trabeculae
- 関
- (n.)precordia 前胸部、(adj.)precordial 前胸部の
- 関
- cervical、cervical spinal cord