- 関
- precordial
- in front of the heart; involving the precordium
- (驚いて)わあっ,えっ
English Journal
- Intra-arterial treatment for massive subcutaneous hemorrhage in hemodialysis patients.
- Banshodani M1, Kawanishi H, Moriishi M, Shintaku S, Sato T, Tsuchiya S.
- Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis : official peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy.Ther Apher Dial.2014 Jun;18(3):284-90. doi: 10.1111/1744-9987.12106. Epub 2013 Sep 30.
- The incidence of acute massive hemorrhage in hemodialysis (HD) patients is thought to be higher than in healthy individuals, and a large, expanding subcutaneous hematoma can result in necrosis of the overlying skin. We evaluated the efficacy of intra-arterial treatment for acute massive subcutaneous
- PMID 24118763
- [Pneumothorax and abdominal free air occurred after percutaneous tracheostomy (PCT)].
- Shimoji K1, Kuniyoshi Y, Miyaguni T, Toyama M, Miyazato S, Heshiki T, Uechi K, Oyama C, Maeshiro N, Maeshiro T.
- Kyobu geka. The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery.Kyobu Geka.2009 Sep;62(10):896-9.
- We report a case of pneumothorax and abdominal free air after percutaneous tracheostomy (PCT). A 80-year-old female was intubation for upper respiratory stenosis. We thought tracheal stenosis recurrence after extubation. PCT was performed. Respiratory insufficiency and subcutaneous emphysema appeare
- PMID 19764497
- [A case of cervical necrotizing soft tissue infection].
- Udaka T1, Fujiyoshi T, Yoshida M, Makishima K, Habu H.
- Nihon Jibiinkoka Gakkai kaiho.Nihon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho.2003 Sep;106(9):884-7.
- We treated a 62-year-old woman with a cervical necrotizing soft tissue infection of the Streptococcus milleri group. Numerous spot gas images were recognized from the right pharynx to the neck in CT at initial diagnosis, but we chose conservative treatment because abscess findings were not clear. Th
- PMID 14577326
Japanese Journal
- 808 多チャンネル前胸部表面振動計測と可視化による聴診支援(OS24.一般セッション(3) 医療分野の計算力学/コンピュータシミュレーション,オーガナイズドセッション)
- 宇高 毅,藤吉 達也,吉田 雅文,牧嶋 和見,土生 秀明
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科學會會報 106(9), 884-887, 2003-09-20
- … the fascia were necrotic and an abscess extended from the precordia to the left upper arm and the right axillary region. …
- NAID 10011694831
- 胸腔鏡下手術にて切除した胸壁原発Castleman's diseaseの1例
- 鈴木 善法,成田 吉明,宮崎 恭介,倉島 庸,中村 透,中村 文隆,増田 知重,樫村 暢一,松波 己,森川 利昭,加藤 紘之
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 13(1), 72-76, 1999-01-15
- 胸壁原発のCastleman's diseaseに対して胸腔鏡下手術を行った.症例は42歳, 女性.血痰を主訴に受診.胸部X線, 気管支鏡検査では異常所見を認めず, 胸部CTにて右前胸部に腫瘤を認め, dynamic CTでは早期に濃染された.超音波ガイド下に穿刺吸引細胞診を施行したが確定診断は得られず, 胸壁に接する良性腫瘍として手術適応とした.手術は胸腔鏡下手術を選択し, 完全な切除を行い得た …
- NAID 110001273144
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- forum Join the Word of the Day Mailing List For webmasters TheFreeDictionary Google Bing? Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text ... pre·cor·di·a (pr-kôr d-) pl.n. The precordium. precordium [pre-kor´de-um] (pl. precor´dia) (L.) the ...
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- 関
- (n.)precordia 前胸部、(adj.)precordial 前胸部の
- 英
- precordia
- ラ
- precordium
- 関
- (adj.)precordial