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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/06/08 22:07:53」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
The initialism PVL may refer to:
- Periventricular leukomalacia, the death of brain tissue, caused by lack of oxygen
- Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia, a condition in the oral mucosa
- Parameter Value Language, the data markup language, used by NASA
- Panton-Valentine leukocidin, a factor in bacterial virulence
- The paleontological collection of the Fundación-Instituto Miguel Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
- Program Validation Limited, a British company that developed SPARK
- The Pascack Valley Line, a commuter rail line operated by NJ Transit
- Peter Van Loan, a Canadian politician
- The Old Russian Primary Chronicle (Old Church Slavonic: повѣсти времѧньных лѣт)
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English Journal
- Screening for methicillin-resistant staphylococci in dogs admitted to a veterinary teaching hospital.
- Vanderhaeghen W, Van De Velde E, Crombé F, Polis I, Hermans K, Haesebrouck F, Butaye P.SourceVeterinary and Agrochemical Research Center, CODA-CERVA-VAR, Groeselenberg 99, B-1180 Ukkel, Belgium; Ghent University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium.
- Research in veterinary science.Res Vet Sci.2012 Aug;93(1):133-6. Epub 2011 Jul 2.
- This study investigated the nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant staphylococci (MRS) in dogs (n=177) prior to medical examination or surgery in a veterinary teaching hospital. Nasal swab samples were collected after induction of anaesthesia and incubated overnight in salt enriched trypticase-soy
- PMID 21726884
- Cross-talk between Staphylococcus aureus leukocidins-intoxicated macrophages and lung epithelial cells triggers chemokine secretion in an inflammasome-dependent manner.
- Perret M, Badiou C, Lina G, Burbaud S, Benito Y, Bes M, Cottin V, Couzon F, Juruj C, Dauwalder O, Goutagny N, Diep BA, Vandenesch F, Henry T.SourceUniversité de Lyon, France. INSERM, U851, 21 Avenue Tony Garnier, Lyon, F-69007, France. Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France. INRA, UMR754 INRA, Lyon, France. Centre Léon Bérard; Université Lyon, France. INSERM U1052, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, F-69000 Lyon, France. Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California, San Francisco, USA.
- Cellular microbiology.Cell Microbiol.2012 Jul;14(7):1019-36. doi: 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2012.01772.x. Epub 2012 Mar 5.
- Staphylococcus aureus is a major pathogen responsible for both nosocomial and community-acquired infections. Central to its virulence is its ability to secrete haemolysins, pore-forming toxins and cytolytic peptides. The large number of membrane-damaging toxins and peptides produced during S. aure
- PMID 22329718
Japanese Journal
- Usefulness of specific antibodies to immobilize pyridylaminated N-glycans for solid-phase interaction analyses
- Le Na,Kato Mari,Ogawa Haruko
- お茶の水女子大學自然科學報告 61(2), 31-45, 2011-03
- … When the wells of a plastic plate were coated with anti-PA-GlcNAc2-IgGs and PA-GlcNAc2 was added to the wells, PA-GlcNAc2 was immobilized and concentration-dependently bound with biotinylated concanavalin A or Psathyrella velutina lectin (PVL) by ELISA. …
- NAID 120002835833
- 新生児側からみたPROMにおける分娩のタイミング (特集 新生児医療の最前線--産婦人科医が知っておきたい新生児の新知識)
Related Links
- PVL. 左脳. 皮質脊髄路. 左半身へ. 右脳. 口. 顔. 上. 肢. 躯. 幹. 足. 運動支配領域. はじめに. 近年の画像診断法の進歩により,脳白質の病変,とりわけ脳室周囲白質軟化 症(periven- tricularleukomalacia以下 PVL)の存在が認識されるようになってきた.
- La CGR y el Programa del Vaso de Leche (PVL). La Contraloría General de la República tiene la misión de cautelar el uso eficiente, eficaz y económico de los recursos del Estado. El Órgano Superior del Sistema Nacional de Control tiene el ...
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- 英
- cerebral palsy, CP
- 同
- 脳性小児麻痺 cerebral infantile palsy、脳原性麻痺、脳性マヒ
- 関
- 「受胎から新生児までの間に生じた脳の非進行性病変に基づく、永続的な、しかし変化しうる運動および姿勢の異常である。その症状は満2歳までに発現する。進行性疾患や一過性運動障害、または将来正常化するであろうと思われる運動発達遅延は除外する」(厚生省脳性麻痺研究班(1968))
- てんかんや精神遅滞などの随伴症状があってもよい。
- PED.1462
- 周生期の仮死:胎生期仮死51%、出生児仮死40%、出生後仮死9%
- 4. 低出生体重児:超低出生体重児の3歳時の脳性麻痺発生率は16.3%、らしい。
- 2. 四肢性痙性脳性麻痺 痙直型四肢麻痺 spastic tetraplesia
- 原因:核黄疸(間脳障害)、周産期仮死。周産期(65-85%)
- 1. [charged] 脳性麻痺の臨床的特徴 - uptodate [1]
- 2. [charged] 脳性麻痺の疫学および病因 - uptodate [2]
- 3. [charged] 脳性麻痺の診断 - uptodate [3]
- 4. [charged] 脳性麻痺の管理および予後 - uptodate [4]
- 同
- CP
-cerebral palsy
- 英
- periventricular leukomalacia, PVL
- 関
- 脳性麻痺
- 英
- periventricular low-density , periventricular lucency, PVL
- 同
- 脳室周囲低吸収域, PVL
脳室周囲白質軟化症 PVL