- 英
- delayed ischemic syndrome
- 関
- 遅発性虚血性神経脱落症状
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- 1. 一酸化炭素中毒carbon monoxide poisoning [show details]
… found evidence of myocardial ischemia (characteristic electrocardiographic changes or elevated serum cardiac biomarkers) in one-third of all cases . The syndrome of delayed neurologic sequelae (DNS) …
- 2. 上肢虚血の概要overview of upper extremity ischemia [show details]
… preemptive extra-anatomic revascularization, the risk of developing arm ischemia is overall low at about 6 percent . Delayed arm ischemia can develop and usually presents with exertional arm pain. More serious …
- 3. 急性下肢虚血の臨床的特徴と診断clinical features and diagnosis of acute lower extremity ischemia [show details]
… Pale or mottled with delayed capillary filling. Blistering of the skin is an ominous sign of advanced ischemia. Both extremities should also be examined for signs of chronic ischemia such as atrophy of the …
- 4. 四肢の急性コンパートメント症候群の病態生理、分類、原因pathophysiology classification and causes of acute extremity compartment syndrome [show details]
… of the hands if initial treatment is delayed, so early exploration, fasciotomy, and debridement are required . Neonatal compartment syndrome is caused by ischemia (typically of the forearm) before, during …
- 5. 急性冠症候群(心筋梗塞、不安定狭心症)が疑われる患者の救急外来での初期評価およびマネージメントinitial evaluation and management of suspected acute coronary syndrome myocardial infarction unstable angina in the emergency department [show details]
… with possible acute coronary-related ischemia is ideally 10 minutes from presentation. Large observational studies report that ECG acquisition is frequently delayed and that females are significantly less …
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- 英
- delayed ischemic neurological deficit, delayed ischemic neural deficit
- 同
- 遅発性虚血症候群 delayed ischemic syndrome
- 英
- syndrome, symptom-complex
- 同
- 症状群
- 関
- [[]]
- 成因や病理学的所見からではなく、複数の症候の組み合わせによって診断される診断名あるいは疾患。
- 分娩後の視床下部障害によるプロラクチン分泌抑制因子の分泌抑制のため、高プロラクチン血症を呈する。
- 分娩に関係なくプロラクチン分泌抑制因子の分泌抑制をきたし、高プロラクチン血症を呈する。
- 嗅覚の低下・脱出、低ゴナドトロピン性性腺機能低下症
- 肥満、網膜色素変性症、知能低下、低ゴナドトロピン性性器発育不全、多指症、低身長
- 思春期早発症、多発性線維性骨異形成症、皮膚色素沈着
- 女性型の肥満、性器の発育障害の2主徴を示し、視床下部に器質的障害をもつ疾患群。
- 英
- delayed、late-onset、tardive、tardy
- 関
- 後発性、遅延型、遅延性、遅発、遅発型、遅発的、晩期発症、晩期発症型、晩発、晩発性
- 英
- delayed、late
- 関
- 後、後期、後発性、遅延型、遅延性、遅発型、遅発性、遅発的、晩発、晩発性、遅い
- 英
- group
- 関
- グループ、集団、分類、群れ、基、グループ化
- 英
- ischemia, hypoemia
- ラ
- ischaemia
- 同
- イスケミア、阻血