- 英
- slow、late
- 関
- 後、緩徐、緩慢、後期、遅発、遅発型、晩発、遅くする、ゆっくり
- of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages; "Late Greek"
- later than usual or than expected; "the train arrived late"; "we awoke late"; "the children came late to school"; "notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline"; "I belatedly wished her a happy birthday" (同)belatedly, tardily
- at or toward an end or late period or stage of development; "the late phase of feudalism"; "a later symptom of the disease"; "later medical science could have saved the child" (同)later
- of the immediate past or just previous to the present time; "a late development"; "their late quarrel"; "his recent trip to Africa"; "in recent months"; "a recent issue of the journal" (同)recent
- at an advanced age or stage; "she married late"; "undertook the project late in her career"
- being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time; "late evening"; "late 18th century"; "a late movie"; "took a late flight"; "had a late breakfast"
- having died recently; "her late husband"
- not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time; "a slow walker"; "the slow lane of traffic"; "her steps were slow"; "he was slow in reacting to the news"; "slow but steady growth"
- cause to proceed more slowly; "The illness slowed him down" (同)slow down, slow up
- become slow or slower; "Production slowed" (同)slow down, slow up, slack, slacken
- (used of timepieces) indicating a time earlier than the correct time; "the clock is slow"
- at a slow tempo; "the band played a slow waltz"
- (定刻・通常・予定の時間より)『遅れた』,遅い / (時刻が)『遅い』,遅く始まる,遅くまで続く;夜更けの / (時期が)『遅い』,終りごろの,後期の / 『最近の』,最新の(recent) / 《the~,one's~》『前の』,先の,前任の(former) / 《the~,one's~》『故』…,つい先ごろ死んだ / (定刻などより)『遅れて』,遅く / (時刻が)『遅く』,遅くまで,(特に)夜更けに;(時期が)遅く,終りごろに / 『最近』,近ごろ(recently)
- (速度・動作などが)『遅い』,のろい / 《補語または名詞の後にのみ用いて》(時計などが)『遅れている』 / 『ゆったりした』,あわてない / (人が)理解の遅い,頭の鈍い / (生活・パーティーなどが)『活気のない』,おもしろくない / 遅く,ゆっくり(slowly) / 『遅くなる』,速度を落とす《+『down』(『up』)》 / …‘を'『遅くする』,‘の'速度を落とす《+『名』+『down』(『up』),+『down』(『up』)+『名』》
Japanese Journal
- 「ランク・オーダー・トーナメント理論」または「遅い昇進仮説」は日本の大企業に適用され得るか~1990年代後半における日本の大企業事例から~
- 放送大学研究年報 = Journal of The Open University of Japan 34, 15-26, 2017-03-24
- NAID 120006029732
- 白杖歩行における偏軌の特徴 : 先天性視覚障害者を対象として
- 特集 提案が通るかどうかの分かれ道 ロジカルシンキング入門
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- (比較級later-最上級latest)遅い、遅発の、遅発型の、晩発の、後の、後期の
- 関
- after、afterward、afterwards、anaphase、behind、delayed、following、late-stage、post、posterior、slow、subsequent
- 英
- after、following、subsequent、late、posterior、behind、afterward、afterwards、post
- 関
- 下記、後期、後方、後側、遅発、遅発型、次、晩発、引き続く、ポスト、遅い
- (比較級slower-最上級slowest)緩徐な、遅い、ゆっくりとした、緩慢な
- 関
- gradual、gradually、late、slowly、sluggish
- 英
- late、delayed
- 関
- 後、後期、後発性、遅延型、遅延性、遅発、遅発型、遅発性、遅発的、晩発性、遅い
- 英
- delayed、late
- 関
- 後、後期、後発性、遅延型、遅延性、遅発型、遅発性、遅発的、晩発、晩発性、遅い
- 英
- slow axonal transport, slow transport
- 関
- 軸索輸送
- 英
- slowness
- 関
- 緩慢さ