- 英
- spasmophilic diathesis
- 関
- 痙攣素因性体質
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- 1. 成人におけるてんかんのマネージメントの概要overview of the management of epilepsy in adults [show details]
… Referral to an epilepsy specialist may be necessary if there is doubt about the diagnosis and/or if the patient continues to have seizures. The overall approach to management of a patient with seizures is reviewed …
- 2. 成人に生じる初回痙攣発作の評価とマネージメントevaluation and management of the first seizure in adults [show details]
… and convulsions, and may be accompanied by hypocalcemia. Uremia – Renal failure and uremia are often associated with seizures, particularly myoclonic seizures . Generalized tonic-clonic seizures occur …
- 3. 国際抗てんかん連盟(ILAE)によるてんかん発作およびてんかんの分類ilae classification of seizures and epilepsy [show details]
… Epilepsy is defined as a disorder of the brain characterized by an enduring predisposition to epileptic seizures . It is a heterogeneous condition characterized by multiple possible seizure types and …
- 4. 若年性ミオクローヌスてんかんjuvenile myoclonic epilepsy [show details]
… adolescents and is characterized by the triad of myoclonic jerks, generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS), and absence seizures. Seizures characteristically occur upon awakening or in association with sleep deprivation …
- 5. 新生児てんかん症候群の概要overview of neonatal epilepsy syndromes [show details]
… have been used to designate self-limited (benign) neonatal epilepsy, including "benign neonatal convulsions," "benign idiopathic neonatal seizures," and "fifth-day fits" (because of their peak day of onset) …
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- 等はのべ,癲 癇がアレルギー性素質と密接な 関係があることを主張している. 以上の事実より陣内教授42)並にその門下は 真正癲癇には痙攣素質乃至は痙攣準備状態な るものが存在して,健 康者には全く何でもな い些細の生活条件の変動が
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- 英
- spasmophilia
- 同
- 痙攣性素質 spasmophilic diathesis
- 英
- (脳脊髄性)convulsion、seizure、(痛性)cramp、(痙縮)spasm、convulsive
- 同
- 痙攣発作
- 関
- 筋痙攣、痙縮、痙直、痙攣、痙攣性、スパスム、スパズム、てんかん、癲癇、てんかん発作、腹痛、発作、攣縮、けいれん性、れん縮、こむら返り、腓返り、筋けいれん
- YN.J-39
- 1. 小児科診療・2009年・6号 (103)1083 けいれん
- 英
- convulsive、spastic、spasmodic
- 関
- 痙縮性、痙性、痙直、痙攣、けいれん性、けいれん
- 英
- diathesis, disposition, nature
- 関
- 素因、体質、処分、性質、配置、廃棄
- 英
- quality
- 関
- 品質