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- 1. 投擲による上肢の傷害:治療、フォローアップ治療および予防throwing injuries of the upper extremity treatment follow up care and prevention [show details]
… thoroughly prior to every training session and should maintain cardiovascular fitness throughout any throwing-related training program.… Management of dead arm syndrome primarily involves treatment of the underlying pathology.… youth softball typically has no pitch count limits, and softball pitchers frequently throw in consecutive games during tournaments. An observational study of 14 youth softball…
- 2. アスリートにおけるオーバートレーニング症候群overtraining syndrome in athletes [show details]
… recovery (including sleep) into a training program is essential to ensure a balance between training and recovery and to minimize the potential negative effects of training. Overtraining syndrome (OTS) is …
- 3. トゥレット症候群:マネージメントtourette syndrome management [show details]
… reversal training (HRT) may be effective for improving tics and controlling symptoms in TS . Components – HRT consists of two main components. These are : Tic-awareness training,… VMAT2 inhibitors – The typical starting dose of tetrabenazine for a child with TS is 6.25…
- 4. 滑膜ひだ症候群(タナ障害)plica syndrome [show details]
… Patients with less severe symptoms may modify their training by reducing the overall distance and avoiding running up hills or steps.…clinical criteria for making this diagnosis. However, it is described in a variety of age groups from children to adults . Many experts suggest that plica syndrome is an under-diagnosed cause of anterior knee …
- 5. 口腔アレルギー症候群(花粉‐食物アレルギー症候群)の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of oral allergy syndrome pollen food allergy syndrome [show details]
… variations in clinical presentation are unknown. It is our clinical experience that when PFS develops in a child, the number of foods that cause symptoms tends to increase over time. Some adults with pollinosis … should be performed by allergy specialists with training in the management of serious allergic reactions.…
Japanese Journal
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- 英
- dead fetus syndrome
- 同
- 死児稽留症候群 retained dead fetus syndrome
[show details]
- 英
- syndrome, symptom-complex
- 同
- 症状群
- 関
- [[]]
- 成因や病理学的所見からではなく、複数の症候の組み合わせによって診断される診断名あるいは疾患。
- 分娩後の視床下部障害によるプロラクチン分泌抑制因子の分泌抑制のため、高プロラクチン血症を呈する。
- 分娩に関係なくプロラクチン分泌抑制因子の分泌抑制をきたし、高プロラクチン血症を呈する。
- 嗅覚の低下・脱出、低ゴナドトロピン性性腺機能低下症
- 肥満、網膜色素変性症、知能低下、低ゴナドトロピン性性器発育不全、多指症、低身長
- 思春期早発症、多発性線維性骨異形成症、皮膚色素沈着
- 女性型の肥満、性器の発育障害の2主徴を示し、視床下部に器質的障害をもつ疾患群。
- 関
- 死産、死産の届出に関する規程
- 英
- continuous、continued、plateau
- 関
- 継続、継続的、持続性、持続的、プラトー、連続、連続性、連続的、台地、持続型
- 英
- group
- 関
- グループ、集団、分類、群れ、基、グループ化
- 英
- symptom and sign
- 関
- 症状, 徴候 兆候