- 関
- conspicuity、conspicuous、conspicuously、distinguish、dramatic、intense、manifest、marked、markedly、notable、noteworthy、noticeable、outstanding、prominent、prominently、salient、significant、stand out、striking
- unusual or striking; "a remarkable sight"; "such poise is singular in one so young" (同)singular
- reveal its presence or make an appearance; "the ghost manifests each year on the same day"
- a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
- record in a ships manifest; "each passenger must be manifested"
- mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple" (同)separate, differentiate, secern, secernate, severalize, severalise, tell, tell apart
- be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense; "His modesty distinguishes him from his peers" (同)mark, differentiate
- distinguished from others in excellence; "did outstanding work in human relations"; "an outstanding war record"
- owed as a debt; "outstanding bills"; "the amount still owed"; "undischarged debts" (同)owing, undischarged
- having a quality that thrusts itself into attention; "an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom"; "a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book"; "salient traits"; "a spectacular rise in prices"; "a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center"; "a striking resemblance between parent and child" (同)prominent, salient, spectacular, striking
- used of a singer or singing voice that is marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style; "a dramatic tenor"; "a dramatic soprano"
- sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect; "a dramatic sunset"; "a dramatic pause"; "a spectacular display of northern lights"; "it was a spectacular play"; "his striking good looks always created a sensation" (同)spectacular, striking
- pertaining to or characteristic of drama; "dramatic arts"
- suitable to or characteristic of drama; "a dramatic entrance in a swirling cape"; "a dramatic rescue at sea"
- singled out for notice or especially for a dire fate; "a marked man"
- strongly marked; easily noticeable; "walked with a marked limp"; "a pronounced flavor of cinnamon" (同)pronounced
- having or as if having an identifying mark or a mark as specified; often used in combination; "played with marked cards"; "a scar-marked face"; "well-marked roads"
- 『注目すべき』,『目につく』 / 並々ならぬ,非凡な(uncommon)
- 『明白な』,はっきりした(clear) / …‘を'『はっきり表す』(『示す』),表明する・(税関に提出するための船・飛行機の)積み荷目録;乗客名簿・宣言・声明書・檄文・特に,共産党宣言・政策綱領(イギリスの選挙で政党から公表されるもので,具体性を欠く選挙スローガンや公約と異なり,政策の数値目標,実施期限,財源などを明示する)
- …‘を'『区別する』,見分ける,識別する,(…と)…‘を'区別する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 〈物事が〉…‘の'『特徴である』 / 《通例canと共に》…‘を'『はっきり見る』(『聞く』) / 〈自分〉‘を'『目立たせる』,有名にする / (二つのものを)区別する,見分ける《+『between』+『名』》
- 『目立つ』,顕著な,傑出して / 残っている,未決の,未払いの
- 『劇の』,演劇の,劇に関する / 『劇的な』,感動的な,印象的な / 芝居がかりの
- 印(記号)のついた / (物・行為などが)著しい,目立つ,明らかな / (嫌疑などの対象として)目星をつけられている
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This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (June 2013) |
Remarkable (incorporated as Remarkable Pencils Ltd) is a UK company that makes stationery products out of recycled products.
Its most famous was the recycled pencil, each made from one recycled vending machine cup. The cups are collected from the Save a Cup Recycling Company. The invention became a Millennium product, which was sold as shown at the Millennium Dome. Other products have been made, including plastic rulers (also made from vending machine cups), recycled rubber tyres; to make mouse mats and pencil cases.
The company was granted £20,000 by London Remade, and bought brand new binding machines to bind the recycled notepads. This has helped Remarkable to be able to create a greater range of products, which will help it get contracts from stores like W H Smith.
Waste and waste management
Major types |
- Agricultural wastewater
- Brown waste
- Chemical waste
- Construction waste
- Demolition waste
- Electronic waste
- Food waste
- Green waste
- Hazardous waste
- Heat waste
- Industrial waste
- Litter
- Marine debris
- Medical waste
- Mining waste
- Municipal solid waste
- Post-consumer waste
- Radioactive waste
- Sewage
- Toxic waste
- Wastewater
Processes |
- Anaerobic digestion
- Composting
- Illegal dumping
- Incineration
- Landfill
- Landfill mining
- Mechanical biological treatment
- Mechanical sorting
- Recycling
- Resource recovery
- Waste collection
- Waste picking
- Waste sorting
- Waste treatment
- Waste-to-energy
Countries |
- Armenia
- Bangladesh
- Brazil
- Hong Kong
- India
- New Zealand
- Russia
- Switzerland
- UK
Agreements |
- Bamako Convention
- Basel Convention
- EU directives
- batteries
- landfills
- RoHS
- framework
- incineration
- waste water
- London Convention
- Oslo Convention
- OSPAR Convention
Other topics |
- Cleaner production
- Downcycling
- Eco-industrial park
- Extended producer responsibility
- High-level radioactive waste management
- History of waste management
- Sewage regulation and administration
- Upcycling
- Waste hierarchy
- Waste legislation
- Waste minimisation
- Zero waste
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English Journal
- Microbial lectins and their prospective mitogenic potential.
- Singh RS1, Walia AK.
- Critical reviews in microbiology.Crit Rev Microbiol.2014 Nov;40(4):329-47. doi: 10.3109/1040841X.2012.733680. Epub 2012 Dec 6.
- The binding of mitogenic lectins to the glycoconjugates on cell surface receptor triggers multitude of reactions involving different signal transduction pathways which ultimately results in cell proliferation. Since 1960 after the chance discovery of mitogenic property of lectins by Nowell, it has a
- PMID 23215777
- Metal solubility enhancing peptides derived from barley protein.
- Eckert E1, Bamdad F1, Chen L2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Sep 15;159:498-506. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.03.061. Epub 2014 Mar 20.
- Mineral supplements are required to be soluble as their bioavailability is highly correlated to their solubility in body fluids. In this study, metal binding capacity of barley protein hydrolysates and their purified fractions was investigated and expressed as increase in solubility of metal ions. M
- PMID 24767088
- Simulation of transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a patient-specific finite element approach.
- Auricchio F1, Conti M, Morganti S, Reali A.
- Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering.Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin.2014 Sep;17(12):1347-57. doi: 10.1080/10255842.2012.746676. Epub 2013 Feb 13.
- Until recently, heart valve failure has been treated adopting open-heart surgical techniques and cardiopulmonary bypass. However, over the last decade, minimally invasive procedures have been developed to avoid high risks associated with conventional open-chest valve replacement techniques. Such a r
- PMID 23402555
- Plasmonic ELISA for the ultrasensitive detection of Treponema pallidum.
- Nie XM1, Huang R1, Dong CX1, Tang LJ2, Gui R3, Jiang JH4.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2014 Aug 15;58:314-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2014.03.007. Epub 2014 Mar 12.
- In this report, we have developed a plasmonic ELISA strategy for the detection of syphilis. Plasmonic ELISA is an enzyme-linked immunoassay combined with enzyme-mediated surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Immune response of the Treponema pallidum (T. pallidum) antibodies
- PMID 24662060
Japanese Journal
- Interannual and seasonal variations in energy and carbon exchanges over the larch forests on the permafrost in northeastern Mongolia
- Miyazaki Shin,Ishikawa Mamoru,Baatarbileg Nachin,Damdinsuren Sodov,Ariuntuya Nymsambuu,Jambaljav Yamkhin
- Polar science 8(2), 166-182, 2014-06
- … There was a remarkable response of LE and NEE to both vapor pressure deficit and surface soil water content. …
- NAID 110009794533
- <博士学位論文要旨> 団塊世代の音楽受容にみる階層性 ―音楽体験の変遷を中心とした分析から―
- 長谷川 倫子
- 技術マネジメント研究 (13), 57-60, 2014-03-31
- … Above all, the relations were more remarkable than other generations. …
- NAID 120005429813
- 小・中学校の「総合的な学習の時間」における環境教育実践の状況と変化 : 平成10年度版学習指導要領時代の全国調査の比較・分析を通して
- 市川 智史
- 滋賀大学教育学部紀要, 教育科学 (63), 7-16, 2014-03-31
- … In generally, remarkable changes of EE practices in PIS are not seen in 2000-2008. …
- NAID 120005424128
Related Links
- Remarkable - Turning UK Eco Waste into UK made Eco Products.
- re·mark·a·ble (r -mär k -b l). adj. 1. Worthy of notice. 2. Attracting notice as being unusual or extraordinary. See Synonyms at noticeable. re·mark a·ble·ness n. re· mark a·bly adv. remarkable [rɪˈmɑːkəbəl]. adj. 1. worthy of note or attention a ...
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- 明白な、はんぜんとした、一目瞭然の。公知の。(精神分析)意識に現れた、顕在的な
- 明らかにする、明示する。証明する。(行為などによって)(感情などを)表す
- osteomyelitis classically manifests as an acute systemic illness with malaise, fever, leukocytosis, and throbbing pain over the affected region.
- In PAN, renal involvement most commonly manifests as hypertension, renal insufficiency, or hemorrhage due to microaneurysms. (HIM.2125)(結節性多発動脈炎では、一般的に腎病変は高潔悦、腎不全あるいは微小血管瘤による出血として現れる)
- 関
- clarify, conspicuous, disclose, dominant, dramatic, elucidate, express, intense, manifestation, marked, markedly, notable, outstanding, overt, profound, remarkable, reveal, significant, striking, uncover, unmask
- 関
- (adv.)sailently 顕著に。突出して
- 関
- conspicuity、conspicuous、conspicuously、distinguish、extrude、extrusion、marked、markedly、noteworthy、obtrusive、outstanding、overhang、project、prominent、prominently、protrude、protrusion、remarkable、stand out、striking
- (光、温度)激烈な、激しい、著しい、(染まり方が)強い
- (感情・行動などが)激しい、熱烈なし、真剣な。(人が)(~に)熱心な(in)
- 感情的な、熱情的な。感情的になりやすい
- 関
- conspicuous、dramatic、intensely、manifest、marked、notable、rampant、remarkable、robust、severe、significant、strenuous、striking、strong、violent、violently
- 著しい、目立つ、人目を引く。印象的な、すばらしい
- 打つ。時報を打つ(時計)
- ストライキ中の
- 関
- conspicuity、conspicuous、distinguish、dramatic、intense、manifest、marked、notable、outstanding、remarkable、salient、significant、stand out
- strike、strikingly、strikingness
- 区別する、鑑別する、識別する、(再帰的に用いて)目立つ
- 関
- conspicuity、conspicuous、differentiate、discern、discernment、discriminate、discrimination、distinction、identification、outstanding、remarkable、salient、sort、stand out、striking
- 関
- commonplace、trivial、unobtrusive