- ラテン語 strenuus(精力旺盛な)→strenu-(力、強さ=strength)+-ous(~に富む))
- 精力的な。奮闘的な、熱心な。努力を要する、困難な、激しい
- 関
- intense、rampant、severe
- characterized by or performed with much energy or force; "strenuous exercise"
- very bad in degree or extent; "a severe worldwide depression"; "the house suffered severe damage"
- unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; "a parent severe to the pitch of hostility"- H.G.Wells; "a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien"; "a strict disciplinarian"; "a Spartan upbringing" (同)spartan
- intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality; "severe pain"; "a severe case of flu"; "a terrible cough"; "under wicked fire from the enemys guns"; "a wicked cough" (同)terrible, wicked
- possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree; "intense heat"; "intense anxiety"; "intense desire"; "intense emotion"; "the skunks intense acrid odor"; "intense pain"; "enemy fire was intense"
- (of color) having the highest saturation; "vivid green"; "intense blue" (同)vivid
- unrestrained and violent; "rampant aggression"
- rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile; "a lion rampant" (同)rearing
- (of a plant) having a lush and unchecked growth; "a rampant growth of weeds"
- in a strenuous manner; strongly or vigorously; "he objected strenuously to the stand his party was taking"
- (仕事などが)非常な努力を要する,奮闘努力する / (人物が)精力的な,活発な(active);(行動が)熱心な,激しい
- (人・法律などが)『厳しい』,厳格な / (態度・表情が)厳粛な,いかめしい / (病気などが)『重い』,危険な / (様式・趣味などが)簡素な,じみな,飾りのない / (人の体に)厳しくこたえる,激しい / (試験などが)難しい,厳しい
- (感情・性質などが)『激しい』,強烈な,熱心な
- (雑草などが)はびこった / (病気などが)流行した / 《名詞の後に置いて》(紋章のライオンなどが)後ろ脚で立ち上がって前脚を振り上げた
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English Journal
- Age and work environment characteristics in relation to sleep: Additive, interactive and curvilinear effects.
- Parkes KR1.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2016 May;54:41-50. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.11.009. Epub 2015 Dec 15.
- Although additive combinations of age and work environment characteristics have been found to predict sleep impairment, possible age x work environment interactions have been largely disregarded. The present study examined linear and curvilinear interactions of age with work environment measures in
- PMID 26851463
- High-resolution Sonographic Measurements of Lower Extremity Bursae in Chinese Healthy Young Men.
- Gao YY, Wu CQ, Liu WX, Zhang L, Li CL1.
- Chinese medical journal.Chin Med J (Engl).2016 5th Feb;129(3):309-312. doi: 10.4103/0366-6999.174487.
- BACKGROUND: Lower extremity bursae are very vulnerable to injury during strenuous physical exercises. Understanding the imaging characteristics of normal bursae is essential for early diagnosis of morphological abnormalities. Therefore, we evaluated the normal range of lower extremity bursae in heal
- PMID 26831233
- Good work ability despite multisite musculoskeletal pain? A study among occupationally active Finns.
- Pensola T1, Haukka E2, Kaila-Kangas L2, Neupane S3, Leino-Arjas P4.
- Scandinavian journal of public health.Scand J Public Health.2016 May;44(3):300-10. doi: 10.1177/1403494815617087. Epub 2015 Nov 27.
- AIM: Although multisite pain (MSP) often threatens work ability (WA), some of those with MSP retain good WA. Our aim was to identify factors associated with good WA among subjects with MSP.METHODS: A nationally representative sample (the Health 2000-Study, response rate 87%) comprising 3884 occupati
- PMID 26614633
- Exercise modulates synaptic acetylcholinesterase at neuromuscular junctions.
- Blotnick E1, Anglister L2.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2016 Apr 5;319:221-32. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.01.044. Epub 2016 Jan 25.
- Acetylcholinesterase plays a major role in neuromuscular transmission and is regulated by neuromuscular activity. Since fast-twitch motor units are recruited with increased motor demand, we examined acetylcholinesterase regulation in rat leg muscles following treadmill training. Total acetylcholines
- PMID 26820598
Japanese Journal
- 松田 憲,一川 誠,橘 佳奈
- 日本感性工学会論文誌 14(1), 215-222, 2015
- … The results showed that the duration of the music (60 seconds) was underestimated after light exercise and overestimated after strenuous exercise. …
- NAID 130004957900
- 過体重の若年男性は,高強度運動後に 8-isoprostane が上昇する
- 深田 喜八郎,櫛 英彦,高階 曜衣,小沼 直子,吉田 明,天野 喜一朗
- 体育学研究 advpub(0), 2015
- … The aim of this study was to evaluate whether body mass index (BMI), a simple index of the degree of obesity, affects oxidative stress during strenuous exercise. … Conclusions: The present study revealed that the level of 8-isoprostane increases after acute strenuous exercise in young men who are overweight. …
- NAID 130004801319
- A pedigree analysis of two homozygous mutant Gitelman syndrome cases
- , , ,
- Endocrine Journal 62(1), 29-36, 2015
- … The heterozygous mutation carriers of the two pedigrees often have stimulus-controlled hypokalemia after strenuous exercise. …
- NAID 130004770469
- 李 鎭昊,杉山 和一,石松 隆和
- 林業經濟 67(4), 1-15, 2014-07-20
- 本論文は、1914年から1925年までの間に朝鮮において施行された林野調査事業とその施行上の問題点を探り、それを分析したものである。分析に際し、主に韓国行政安全部国家記録院に所蔵されている各道の『林野調査終末報告書』を参考にした。分析した結果、以下のことが明らかになった。(1)臨時土地調査局を廃止し、既存の官署を活用して林野調査を行ったことは、明らかな失敗であり、その結果、試験事業が混乱したため事 …
- NAID 110009844909
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- She saw women carrying firewood, and how long it took, how strenuous, and the effect it was having on their health. ... After strenuous labor and many pulls and tugs 234 on the part of the oxen, the car was backed to the road again.
- stren·u·ous (strĕn′yo o-əs) adj. 1. Requiring great effort, energy, or exertion: a strenuous task. 2. Vigorously active; energetic or zealous: strenuous efforts. [From Latin strēnuus.] stren′u·ous·ly adv. stren′u·ous·ness n. strenuous (ˈstrɛnjʊəs
- vigorous, energetic, strenuous, lusty, nervous mean having or showing great vitality and force. vigorous further implies showing no signs of depletion or diminishing of freshness or robustness <as vigorous as a youth half his age>. ...
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- 厳しい、厳格な。厳密な(⇔mild)。容赦しない、血も涙もない、痛烈な
- ひどい、猛烈な。骨の折れる。過酷な
- 関
- critically ill、grave、heavily、intense、life-threatening、rampant、serious、seriously、severe disease、severely、strenuous、severeness
- (光、温度)激烈な、激しい、著しい、(染まり方が)強い
- (感情・行動などが)激しい、熱烈なし、真剣な。(人が)(~に)熱心な(in)
- 感情的な、熱情的な。感情的になりやすい
- 関
- conspicuous、dramatic、intensely、manifest、marked、notable、rampant、remarkable、robust、severe、significant、strenuous、striking、strong、violent、violently
- 英
- intense、strenuous、severe、rampant
- 関
- 強い、著しい、激烈、重篤、苛酷、重症、精力的、重度、力の必要な
- 関
- intense、severe、strenuous
- 英
- strenuous
- 関
- 激しい、力の必要な