- 関
- conspicuous、dramatic、intense、manifest、marked、noteworthy、noticeable、remarkable、significant、striking
- reveal its presence or make an appearance; "the ghost manifests each year on the same day"
- a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
- record in a ships manifest; "each passenger must be manifested"
- used of a singer or singing voice that is marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style; "a dramatic tenor"; "a dramatic soprano"
- sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect; "a dramatic sunset"; "a dramatic pause"; "a spectacular display of northern lights"; "it was a spectacular play"; "his striking good looks always created a sensation" (同)spectacular, striking
- pertaining to or characteristic of drama; "dramatic arts"
- suitable to or characteristic of drama; "a dramatic entrance in a swirling cape"; "a dramatic rescue at sea"
- singled out for notice or especially for a dire fate; "a marked man"
- strongly marked; easily noticeable; "walked with a marked limp"; "a pronounced flavor of cinnamon" (同)pronounced
- having or as if having an identifying mark or a mark as specified; often used in combination; "played with marked cards"; "a scar-marked face"; "well-marked roads"
- too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation; "the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level"; "no significant difference was found"
- important in effect or meaning; "a significant change in tax laws"; "a significant change in the Constitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant" (同)important
- fairly large; "won by a substantial margin" (同)substantial
- possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree; "intense heat"; "intense anxiety"; "intense desire"; "intense emotion"; "the skunks intense acrid odor"; "intense pain"; "enemy fire was intense"
- (of color) having the highest saturation; "vivid green"; "intense blue" (同)vivid
- 『注目に値する』,目立った / 〈C〉著名人,名士
- 『明白な』,はっきりした(clear) / …‘を'『はっきり表す』(『示す』),表明する・(税関に提出するための船・飛行機の)積み荷目録;乗客名簿・宣言・声明書・檄文・特に,共産党宣言・政策綱領(イギリスの選挙で政党から公表されるもので,具体性を欠く選挙スローガンや公約と異なり,政策の数値目標,実施期限,財源などを明示する)
- 『劇の』,演劇の,劇に関する / 『劇的な』,感動的な,印象的な / 芝居がかりの
- 印(記号)のついた / (物・行為などが)著しい,目立つ,明らかな / (嫌疑などの対象として)目星をつけられている
- 『重要な』,重大な / 『意味のある』 / 意味ありげな,暗示的な
- (感情・性質などが)『激しい』,強烈な,熱心な
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For the Wikipedia guideline, see Wikipedia:Notability
Notable can refer to:
- the property of a thing having notability
- A Notable is a member of the Assembly of Notables, an assembly called by the king of high-ranking notables.
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English Journal
- The impact of microcarrier culture optimization on the glycosylation profile of a monoclonal antibody.
- Costa AR, Withers J, Rodrigues ME, McLoughlin N, Henriques M, Oliveira R, Rudd PM, Azeredo J.SourceIBB-Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):25. Epub 2013 Jan 28.
- Microcarriers are widely used for the large-scale culture of attachment-dependent cells with increased cell densities and, ultimately, higher product yield. In these processes, the specific culture conditions can affect the quality of the product, which is closely related to its glycosylation patter
- PMID 23487430
- Syndrome of extreme insulin resistance (Rabson-Mendenhall phenotype) with atrial septal defect: A case report.
- Dutta D, Maisnam I, Ghosh S, Mukhopadhyay S, Chowdhury S.SourceDepartment of Endocrinology and Metabolism, IPGMER and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata 700020. deepdutta2000@yahoo.com.
- Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology.J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol.2013 Jun 29. doi: 10.4274/Jcrpe.857. [Epub ahead of print]
- Syndrome of extreme insulin resistance (SEIR) is a rare spectrum disorder with a primary defect in insulin receptor signalling, noted primarily in children, and is often difficult to diagnose due to the clinical heterogeneity. SEIR was diagnosed in an adolescent girl with facial dysmorphism, exubera
- PMID 23367497
- When does a conceptual framework become a theory? Reflections from an accidental theorist.
- Cousins JB.SourceFaculty of Education, University of Ottawa, 145 Jean Jacques Lussier, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1N 6N5. Electronic address: bcousins@uottawa.ca.
- Evaluation and program planning.Eval Program Plann.2013 Jun;38:67-70. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.03.016. Epub 2012 Mar 21.
- In this short paper I reflect on the application of a program logic modeling approach to visualizing evaluation theory as it relates to practical participatory evaluation (PPE). The work of Hansen, Alkin and associates presented in this volume is well-thought out, carefully done, rigorous, and impor
- PMID 22497774
Japanese Journal
- 佐々木 利,松元 誠,田中 悦子,塩水流 洋樹,高見 英治,Satoshi Sasaki,Makoto Matsumoto,Etsuko Tanaka,Hiroki Shiozuru,Hideharu Takami
- 南極資料 = Antarctic Record 59(2), 179-228, 2015-07-31
- … Notable observations recorded by JARE-51 include the following: 1) The monthly sunshine duration in January 2011 was only 159.9 hours, a record low for this month. …
- NAID 120005662587
- Landau Levels on a Surface of Weak Topological Insulators
- Takane Yositake
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 84(8), 2015-07-28
- NAID 160000000811
- 橋内 武
- 桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 41(1), 213-241, 2015-07-27
- … In this respect, such names as Father Marc-Marie de Rotz (1840〜1914) and Yosuke Tetsukawa (1879〜1976) are notable and worth remembering. …
- NAID 110009924112
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- 明白な、はんぜんとした、一目瞭然の。公知の。(精神分析)意識に現れた、顕在的な
- 明らかにする、明示する。証明する。(行為などによって)(感情などを)表す
- osteomyelitis classically manifests as an acute systemic illness with malaise, fever, leukocytosis, and throbbing pain over the affected region.
- In PAN, renal involvement most commonly manifests as hypertension, renal insufficiency, or hemorrhage due to microaneurysms. (HIM.2125)(結節性多発動脈炎では、一般的に腎病変は高潔悦、腎不全あるいは微小血管瘤による出血として現れる)
- 関
- clarify, conspicuous, disclose, dominant, dramatic, elucidate, express, intense, manifestation, marked, markedly, notable, outstanding, overt, profound, remarkable, reveal, significant, striking, uncover, unmask
- (光、温度)激烈な、激しい、著しい、(染まり方が)強い
- (感情・行動などが)激しい、熱烈なし、真剣な。(人が)(~に)熱心な(in)
- 感情的な、熱情的な。感情的になりやすい
- 関
- conspicuous、dramatic、intensely、manifest、marked、notable、rampant、remarkable、robust、severe、significant、strenuous、striking、strong、violent、violently
- 著しい、目立つ、人目を引く。印象的な、すばらしい
- 打つ。時報を打つ(時計)
- ストライキ中の
- 関
- conspicuity、conspicuous、distinguish、dramatic、intense、manifest、marked、notable、outstanding、remarkable、salient、significant、stand out
- strike、strikingly、strikingness
- 関
- conspicuity、conspicuous、conspicuously、distinguish、dramatic、intense、manifest、marked、markedly、notable、noteworthy、noticeable、outstanding、prominent、prominently、salient、significant、stand out、striking
- しるし
- 目立つ、著しい。著明な。目星をつけられている。
- 関
- conspicuous、conspicuously、dramatic、intense、manifest、markedly、notable、noteworthy、outstanding、profound、prominent、prominently、remarkable、salient、significant、striking