- 関
- commonplace、trivial、unobtrusive
- completely ordinary and unremarkable; "air travel has now become commonplace"; "commonplace everyday activities"
- not challenging; dull and lacking excitement; "an unglamorous job greasing engines" (同)humdrum, prosaic, unglamorous, unglamourous
- concerned with trivialities; "a trivial young woman"; "a trivial mind"
- not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable; "a quiet, unobtrusive life of self-denial" (同)unnoticeable
- 『普通の』,ありふれた,平凡な / ありふれた事(物) / 平凡な文句,ありふれた言い方
- 『ささいな』,取るに足らない,つまらない / 平凡な,普通の,ありふれた
- 控え目な,目立たない
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English Journal
- Angioplasty and stent placement for complete occlusion of the vertebral artery secondary to giant cell arteritis.
- Dementovych N, Mishra R, Shah QA.SourceDepartment of Medicine, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Journal of neurointerventional surgery.J Neurointerv Surg.2012 Mar 1;4(2):110-3. Epub 2011 May 11.
- Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is the most common form of systemic vasculitis in adults. Patients usually present with headache and visual symptoms, and have an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It has been reported that 3-4% of patients with GCA develop ischemic events secondary to vertebral art
- PMID 21990465
- Case presentation: abdominal compartment syndrome complicating posterior spinal fusion.
- Cravero JP, Muffly M.SourceDepartment of Anesthesiology, Dartmouth Medical School/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA.
- Paediatric anaesthesia.Paediatr Anaesth.2012 Mar;22(3):278-80. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9592.2011.03760.x. Epub 2011 Dec 23.
- Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is a life-threatening entity that requires rapid recognition and treatment. This case report represents the first case report of ACS associated with the correction of a marked scoliosis. Of the many possible causes for respiratory compromise and cardiovascular co
- PMID 22211728
Japanese Journal
- A Case of Hemangiosarcoma of the Liver which led to a Diagnosis with Hemoptysis
- Suda Toshikuni,Katayama Yasumi,Sekiyama Tatsuhiko,Yamagishi Hidetsugu,Nakamoto Akihiro,Kitahama Akihiro,Kusano Yumi,Terauchi Itsuo,Toyoda Koji,Tamano Masaya
- Dokkyo journal of medical sciences 42(1), 43-49, 2015-03-25
- … Initial physical examination was unremarkable except for palpable liver in the right hypochondrium. …
- NAID 110009909847
- 動眼神経麻痺にて発症した症候性血栓化脳動脈瘤に対し,複数の頭蓋内ステントを併用し瘤内塞栓術を行った一例
- 渡邊 陽祐,武智 昭彦,梶原 佳則,瀬山 剛
- 脳神経血管内治療 9(3), 150-155, 2015
- 【目的】Flow diverter 効果を目的に2 本の頭蓋内ステントを併用し瘤内塞栓を行った症例を報告する.【症例】51 歳女性.眼瞼下垂を生じ,右内頚動脈C4 部より内方に突出する長径16 mm の血栓化脳動脈瘤を認めた.Jailing technique を用い,まず2 本のEnterprise VRD をneck 部分に重ねて留置すると,DSA にて動脈瘤の描出が遅延し,flow dive …
- NAID 130005091269
- 弓部大動脈および胸腹部大動脈に連続して発生した Bacteroides fragilis による感染性動脈瘤の1手術例
- 山下 洋一,中川 さや子,阪本 浩助,堀井 泰浩
- 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 44(4), 188-192, 2015
- 症例は67歳,男性.当院泌尿器科でロボット支援下前立腺全摘出術を受け退院したが,術後16日目に39度台の発熱で再入院となった.原因検索のCTで弓部に動脈瘤を認め当科紹介となった.最大径は40 mmであったが入院時の血液培養でBacteroides fragilisが検出されていた.抗生剤をcefotiamからtazobactam piperacillinに変更したが発熱は治まらず,CT再検で瘤の急 …
- NAID 130005090728
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- 関
- commonplace、seed、self-evident、species、unremarkable
- 英
- unremarkable、commonplace、trivial
- 関
- 種、自明、目立たない
- 関
- trivial、unremarkable
- 英
- unremarkable、unobtrusive
- 関
- 平凡
- 関
- unremarkable