- 関
- accurate、accurately、correct、correctly、detail、detailed、exact、exactly、extensive、faithfully、in detail、nicely、precisely
- sharply exact or accurate or delimited; "a precise mind"; "specified a precise amount"; "arrived at the precise moment"
- socially right or correct; "it isnt right to leave the party without saying goodbye"; "correct behavior" (同)right
- make right or correct; "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation" (同)rectify, right
- treat a defect; "The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia"
- free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision" (同)right
- in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure; "whats the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters" (同)right
- provide details for
- a small part that can be considered separately from the whole; "it was perfect in all details" (同)particular, item
- an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole; "several of the details are similar"; "a point of information" (同)item, point
- a crew of workers selected for a particular task; "a detail was sent to remove the fallen trees"
- extended treatment of particulars; "the essay contained too much detail"
- assign to a specific task; "The ambulances were detailed to the fire station"
- of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the extensive type"
- large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "they suffered extensive damage" (同)extended
- conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy; "an accurate reproduction"; "the accounting was accurate"; "accurate measurements"; "an accurate scale"
- (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct; "a precise image"; "a precise measurement" (同)exact, precise
- marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact; "an exact mind"; "an exact copy"; "hit the exact center of the target"
- in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely" (同)incisively, exactly
- indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt" (同)exactly, just
- just as it should be; "`Precisely, my lord, he said" (同)exactly, on_the_nose, on the dot, on the button
- clarity as a consequence of precision (同)clearcutness
- the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance; "he handled it with the preciseness of an automaton"; "note the meticulous precision of his measurements" (同)precision
- in an imprecise manner; "he expressed himself imprecisely" (同)inexactly
- the quality of lacking precision (同)imprecision
- make a summary (of)
- 『正確な』,的確な,明確な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》まさにその,当の / (必要量などに)ちょうどの / (人,考え・規則などか)厳格な,きちょうめんな
- 『事実に合った』,『正しい』,正確な / 『標準(因習)に合った』,妥当な,適切な(proper) / 〈誤りなど〉'を'『訂正する』,…‘の'誤りを正す / …‘の'誤りに印をつける / (…で)〈人〉'を'罰する,しかる《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / …'を'基準に合わせる,調整する,修正する
- 〈U〉〈C〉(全体の中の個々の)『細部』,『細目』,項目;《複数形で》『詳細』 / 〈U〉〈C〉(全体から見て)ささいなこと / 〈U〉(絵画・彫刻・建築などの)細部;細部装飾 / 〈C〉特別(臨時)派遣兵(部隊);特別任務 / (…に)…‘を'詳しく述べる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (特別な任務に)〈兵・部隊〉‘を'任命する,臨時(特別)に派遣する(appoint)
- (場所などが)広い,広大な / (領域・効果などが)広範囲にわたる;手広い / (量・額・程度・数などが)大きい,膨大な
- 『正確な』,的確な,精密な
- 《名紙の前にのみ用いて》(数量など)『正確な』,きっかりの;(物事が)そのままの,そっくりの / (人が)『厳密な』;(機械など)精密な / 〈事柄が〉…‘を'要求する / (人に)〈支払・服従など〉‘を'強要する,強いる《+『名』+『from』+『名』〈人〉》
- 『正確に』,明確に,はっきり / きちょうめんに / かっきりと,ちょうど / 《人に同意して》全くそのとおり
- 〈C〉要約したもの,摘要 / 〈U〉要約法,要約すること / …‘を'要約する
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"Precisely" redirects here. For the Harold Pinter sketch, see Precisely (sketch).
- Concepts
- Accuracy and precision, measurement deviation from true value and its scatter
- Significant figures, the number of digits that carry real information about a measurement
- Precision and recall, in information retrieval: the percentage of documents returned that are relevant
- Precision (computer science), a measure of the detail in which a quantity is expressed
- Arbitrary-precision arithmetic, methods for computing with big numbers
- Precision (statistics), a model parameter or a quantification of precision
- Precision planning, a statistical tool used in estimation statistics
- Companies
- Precision Air, an airline based in Tanzania
- Precision Castparts Corp., a Portland, Oregon, United States based casting company
- Precision Drilling, the largest drilling rig contractor in Canada
- Precision Monolithics, an American company that produced linear semiconductors
- Precision Talent, a voice over talent management company
- Precise Software, a Transaction Performance Management Company
- Other
- Precision Club, a bidding system in a the game of contract bridge
- Precision (march), the official marching music of the Royal Military College of Canada
- Precision 15, a self-bailing dinghy
- Precision agriculture, an agricultural concept
- Precision engineering, an architectural concept
- Precision bombing, used for military purposes
- Fender Precision Bass by Fender Musical Instruments Corporation
- Computing
- Dell Precision, a line of Dell workstations
- Precision Architecture, former name for PA-RISC, a reduced instruction set architecture developed by Hewlett-Packard
See also
- Precisionism, an artistic movement also known as Cubist Realism
- Precisionist (1981-2006), an American Hall of Fame Thoroughbred racehorse
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English Journal
- CsrA impacts survival of Yersinia enterocolitica by affecting a myriad of physiological activities.
- LeGrand K1, Petersen S, Zheng Y, Liu KK, Ozturk G, Chen JY, Young GM.
- BMC microbiology.BMC Microbiol.2015 Dec;15(1):343. doi: 10.1186/s12866-015-0343-6. Epub 2015 Feb 14.
- BACKGROUND: A previous study identified a Yersinia enterocolitica transposon mutant, GY448, that was unable to export the flagellar type three secretion system (T3SS)-dependent phospholipase, YplA. This strain was also deficient for motility and unable to form colonies on Lauria-Bertani agar medium.
- PMID 25776999
- Female family caregivers face a higher risk of hypertension and lowered estimated glomerular filtration rates: a cross-sectional, comparative study.
- Torimoto-Sasai Y1, Igarashi A, Wada T, Ogata Y, Yamamoto-Mitani N.
- BMC public health.BMC Public Health.2015 Dec;15:1519. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1519-6. Epub 2015 Feb 22.
- BACKGROUND: Despite societal efforts to alleviate the challenges, caregiving seems to constitute a substantial burden and source of stress for many families of older adults in Japan. However, precise information on the physical health of caregivers, based on objective data, is not available. The pur
- PMID 25778218
- Surgical evolution in the treatment of mandibular condyle fractures.
- Belli E1, Liberatore G, Elidon M, Dell'Aversana Orabona G, Piombino P, Maglitto F, Catalfamo L, De Riu G.
- BMC surgery.BMC Surg.2015 Dec;15(1):1. doi: 10.1186/s12893-015-0001-9. Epub 2015 Mar 8.
- BACKGROUND: In Literature fractures of the mandible that involve the condyle ranges from 20% to 35% and various possible surgical options are described according to the varying pathological situations. Up to the present, numerous techniques have been used for the surgical treatment of condylar fract
- PMID 25778716
- Enantioselective degradation of indoxacarb from different commercial formulations applied to tea.
- Zhang Y1, Hu D, Meng X, Shi Q, Li P, Jin L, Zhang K, Song B.
- Chirality.Chirality.2015 Dec;27(3):262-7. doi: 10.1002/chir.22422. Epub 2015 Jan 24.
- The stereoselective degradation of indoxacarb enriched with (+)-S-indoxacarb (S/R:70/30) was investigated in three typical green teas. A convenient and precise chiral method was developed and validated for measuring indoxacarb enantiomers in green tea. The developed method was based on high-performa
- PMID 25644775
Japanese Journal
- Simple transform methods of a force curve obtained by surface force apparatus to the density distribution of a liquid near a surface
- Amano Ken-ichi,Takahashi Ohgi
- Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 425, 79-89, 2015-05
- … It is found that the transform method with Kirkwood superposition approximation (transform method 1) generally reproduces the more precise solvation structure than that with linear superposition approximation (transform method 2). …
- NAID 120005555503
- キーワードのあいまい一致を導入したキーワードプログラミングシステム
- 坂本 悠輔,佐藤 晴彦,小山 聡,栗原 正仁
- 情報処理学会論文誌 56(3), 821-834, 2015-03-15
- キーワードプログラミングとは,ユーザ(プログラマ)が与える少数のキーワードに基づき,現在の文脈においてユーザが意図するコード片の候補を自動生成することにより,プログラミング言語の文法規則やAPIを正確に覚えていないユーザでも正しいコードを効率良く書けるよう支援するツールである.その提唱者であるLittleとMillerの研究では,出力コード片を構成する関数や変数の名前に出現する単語と完全に一致する …
- NAID 110009884074
- タンパク質ドッキングと配列情報特徴解析の融合によるタンパク質間相互作用予測の高精度化
- 小幡 康文,石田 貴士,秋山 泰
- 情報処理学会研究報告. BIO, バイオ情報学 2015-BIO-41(14), 1-6, 2015-03-13
- タンパク質間相互作用は生命活動を理解する上で重要な現象であり,現在では計算機を用いて相互作用を予測する手法の研究が行われている.これまでに開発されてきた相互作用予測手法は,タンパク質ドッキングによる予測と既知相互作用情報を用いる予測に大きく分類される.タンパク質ドッキングによる予測手法は,未発見の様式を持つ相互作用を発見できる可能性を持つが,偽陽性が多いという欠点があり,既知の相互作用情報を用いた …
- NAID 110009884019
- Morphological study of the accommodative apparatus in the monkey eye.
- Hiraoka Mari,Inoue Kenichi,Senoo Haruki,Takada Masahiko
- Anatomical record 298(3), 630-636, 2015-03
- … Tight linkage of the zonule with the capsule transmits precise contractility. …
- NAID 120005555523
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- preciseとは。意味や和訳。[形]1 ((限定))〈寸法などが〉正確な,寸分たがわない(⇔approximate);〈計器・測定・記録などが〉精確[精密]なa precise gauge精密計器.2 ((限定))((通例the ~))まさにその,ぴったりのat the precise ...
- プリサイス株式会社 〒530-0047 大阪府大阪市北区西天満2丁目6-8 06-6311-2522 ホーム 会社情報 事業内容 技術分野 採用情報 Welcome to Precise Inc. 更新履歴 2013/11/07 HPリニューアル 2006/11/01 会社概要・採用情報の更新 ...
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- 広範囲な、広範な(⇔intensive)、大規模な。詳細な。長い。完璧な、徹底的な。(医)拡張性の
- 大量の。大規模な。多数の
- 関
- broad、detail、detailed、extensively、grand、in detail、large scale、large-scale、on a large scale、precise、ubiquitous、ubiquitously、wide、widely、widespread
- 訂正する、補正する、矯正する、直す、正しい、妥当な、正確な
- 関
- accurate、accurately、adequate、appropriate、correction、corrective、correctly、exact、exactly、fair、faithfully、nicely、pertinent、precise、precisely、proper、reasonable、right、valid
- 英
- accurate、precise、correct、exact、accurately、correctly、precisely、exactly、faithfully、nicely
- 関
- 矯正、好都合、詳細、妥当、忠実、訂正、直す、補正、正しい、正しく、誠実、まさに、的確
- 正しく、正確に。適切に。礼儀にかなって。(文修飾)正確には、正確に言えば
- 関
- accurate, accurately, correct, duly, exact, exactly, faithfully, nicely, precise, precisely, properly
- 関
- accurate、accurately、bona fide、correct、correctly、exact、exactly、faithful、nicely、precise、precisely、sincere、strict、strictly
- 関
- accurate、accurately、correct、correctly、exact、exactly、faithfully、nicely、precise
- 関
- inaccuracy、inaccurate、incorrect、incorrectly